About the Intelligence Seminar

This is the home page for the Intelligence Seminar at School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2006 / 2007, this seminar is coordinated by Prof. Carlos Guestrin and co-coordinated by Andreas Krause.

Unless otherwise noted, the meeting time is Tuesdays 3:30pm in Wean 5409.

To volunteer to give an Intelligence Seminar talk or to nominate an outside speaker, contact Prof. Carlos Guestrin. The administrative contact for travel arrangements, scheduling, etc. (except where listed below) is Monica Hopes (tel. 412-268-5527, office Wean Hall 4619).

Past talks (2006)

Date Speaker Affiliation Title Faculty host Contact Notes
Sept 26, 1pm NSH 1507 Jovan Popović CSAIL, MIT Semantic Models of Shape Jessica Hodgins Note special time!
Oct 3 Alon Altman Technion IIT, Haifa, Israel An Axiomatic Approach to Ranking Systems Tuomas Sandholm Marilyn Walgora
Oct 10 John-Dylan Haynes Max-Planck Institute CNS, Leipzig, Germany Decoding conscious and unconscious mental states from brain activity in humans Tom Mitchell Sharon Cavlovich
Oct 17 Warren D. Smith Center for Range Voting MATHEMATICS and DEMOCRACY Daniel Sleator Nicole Stenger
Oct 24 Gerry Tesauro IBM Watson Research Improving Systems Management Policies Using Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Carlos Guestrin Monica Hopes
Thu Oct 26, 2-3:30pm in NSH 1507 Frank Dellaert Georgia Tech Inference in Large-Scale Graphical Models and its application to SFM, SAM, and SLAM Srinivasa Narasimhan Janice Brochetti Note special day and time! Joint seminar with VASC
Nov 14 Pascal Van Hentenryck Brown University Online Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Tuomas Sandholm Marilyn Walgora

Mailing list

The mailing list for announcing upcoming Intelligence Seminar talks is on the SCS mailman server. Only the list administrators may post to the list. You can subscribe/unsubscribe from the mailing list. If you’re already subscribed, you do not need to re-subscribe.
