Time: Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm
Place: Wean Hall 5409
1-2pm |
12:15-1:15pm Th Wean 4623 |
3:30-5pm Th Wean 4615A |
10/05/99 - Xiaolan Zeng Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University.
3D Image Segmentation Using a Generic Shape Constraint with Applications to Cortical Shape Analysis
A novel approach has been developed in this thesis for the problem of segmenting volumetric layers, a type of structure often encountered in medical image analysis. This approach is aimed towards the use of structural information to enhance the performance of the segmentation process. While some organs have a more consistent global shape and can be characterized using a specific shape model, other anatomical structures possess much more complex shape with possibly high variability which needs a more generic shape constraint. The three-dimensional(3D) nature of anatomical structures makes necessary the use of volumetric approaches that exploit complete spatial information and therefore are far superior to the non-optimal and often biased 2D methods. Our method takes a volumetric approach, and incorporates a generic shape constraint -- in particular, a thickness constraint. The resulting coupled surfaces algorithm with a level set implementation not only offers segmentation with the advantage of minimal user interaction, robustness to initialization and computational efficiency, but also facilitates the extraction and measurement of many geometric features of the structures of interest.
The algorithm was applied to 3D Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain images for skull-stripping, cortex segmentation and various feature measurements including cortical surface shape and cortical thickness. Validation of the model was done through both synthetic images with "ground truth" and a wide range of real MR images with expert tracing results. As a natural follow up of the segmentation work, a new approach was developed for the extraction of sulcal ribbon surfaces which are distinctive sulcal landmarks of the brain. This effective and efficient 3D method of sulcal ribbon extraction has potentials in a variety of applications such as the automatic parcellation of cortical regions and the geometric-constrained brain atlas building. The tools of cortical and sulcal shape analysis developed in this work are of great importance to studies of neuroanatomy through medical imaging, and are bringing about new understanding of brain anatomy and function.
Xiaolan Zeng
received B.S.E.E. from University of Science and Technology
of China in 1995. She has been working toward her Ph.D. degree in the
Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University since 1994, and
has just defended her thesis. Her research interest includes medical image
processing and computer-assisted intervention.
10/12/99 - Andrew Moore CMU Robotics Institute, CALD, and Schenley Park Research, Inc.
Inner-Loop Statistics in Automated Scientific Discovery
Intensive statistical analysis of massive data sources ("data mining") has been embraced as one of the final areas with a need for massive computation beyond that available on a $2000 computer or $200 videogame. We begin this talk with two examples of software, instead of hardware, giving 1000-fold speedups over traditional implementations of statistical algorithms for prediction, density estimation, and clustering.
We then pause to examine directions in which these software solutions when faced with Physics, Biology and commercial scientific data seemed blocked by a curse of dimensionality and limitations on machine main memories. This is followed by four examples of new pieces of research that circumvent these barriers: Komarek's lazy cached sufficient statistics, Pelleg's exact accelerated k-means, multiresolution ball-trees for very high dimensional real-valued data, and Gordon's filament identifier.
We then reveal the reason for our new-found respect for super-computation: when an algorithm you previously ran overnight executes in seconds, you find yourself wanting to run it ten thousand times. We show the impact of being able to run intensive statistics as an inner loop has had on our analysis of cosmology data (preliminary data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and biotoxin identification, where desirable but hopelessly extravagant operations such as model selection, bootstrapping, backfitting, randomization and graphical model design now become somewhat non-hopeless.
* Joint work with Andy Connolly, Geoff Gordon, Paul Komarek, Bob Nichol, Dan Pelleg and Larry Wasserman
Moore received a Phd in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge
in 1991 (thesis topic: Robot Learning). He worked as a post-doc with Chris
Atkeson at MIT AI lab for three years before joining CMU as an assistant
professor in Robotics/CS in 1993. His research interests include: Autonomous
learning systems for manufacturing, efficient algorithms for machine learning
and reinforcement learning, finite production scheduling, and machine learning
applied to optimization.
10/19/99 - Pat Langley Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise, 2164 Staunton Court, Palo Alto, CA 94306.
The Computer-Aided Discovery of Scientific Knowledge
Contrary to common opinion, AI research on computational discovery has already led to the discovery of new knowledge in a variety of scientific domains, and in this talk I review progress on this front. I begin by characterizing five historical stages of the scientific discovery process, which I then use as an organizational framework to describe applications. I also identify five distinct steps during which developers or users can influence the behavior of a computational discovery system. Rather than criticizing such intervention, as done in the past, I recommend it as the preferred approach to using discovery software. As evidence for the advantages of such human-computer cooperation, I report some examples of novel, computer-aided discoveries that have appeared in the scientific literature, along with the role that humans played in each case. I close with a proposal that future systems provide more explicit support for human intervention in the discovery process.
Pat Langley
Dr. Pat Langley's research focuses on machine learning and knowledge
discovery. He has published over 100 papers on this topic and related
aspects of AI, he has edited or authored five books in the area,
including the textbook, Elements of Machine Learning, and he was the
founding editor of the journal Machine Learning. Dr. Langley's work
has contributed to methods for rule induction, probabilistic learning,
and case-based reasoning, and he has applied these techniques to a
variety of problem areas. His current research emphasizes adaptive
user interfaces, which invoke machine learning to construct user models
based on interaction with their users. Dr. Langley received his PhD
from Carnegie Mellon University in 1979, and he has worked in academia,
in government, and in industry. He currently serves as Director of
the Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise, as Head of
the Adaptive Systems Group at the Daimler-Benz Research & Technology
Center, and as a Consulting Professor at Stanford University.
10/21/99 - Toby Walsh Division of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh.
Problems on the Knife-edge
In recent years, there has been an explosion of research in so-called "phase transition" behaviour in search, especially in the area of propositional satisfiability (or SAT). Problems that are under-constrained tend to be relatively easy to solve as you can easily stumble across a solution. On the other hand, problems that are over-constrained are also often easy to solve as the bottlenecks tend to be very obvious. The hardest problems tend to be in between when problems are on the "knife-edge". I will survey work in this area, and show how insights gained from such analysis can be used to inform the design of algorithms.
Toby Walsh
has a PhD and MSc from the Dept of AI (Edinburgh),
and an MA in theoretical physics and mathematics from St John's
College (Cambridge). He is currently an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow
at the Dept of CS (York). He has previosuly held postdoctoral positions
at the Universities of Edinburgh and Strathclyde, as well as the
research labs of INRIA (Nancy) and IRST (Trento). His research interests
span a range of topics in automated reasoning, but most concern search
and representation. He is editing a special issue of the Journal of Automated
Reasoning entitled "SAT2000: satisfiability at the start of the year 2000".
11/09/99 - John Lafferty School of Computer Science, CMU
Three Rivers: Graphs, Coins, and Codes
The past five years have seen spectacular progress on the problem that Claude Shannon formulated fifty years ago: devise codes that can communicate efficiently over a noisy channel. Shannon used random coding arguments to show the existence of codes that will do the job; yet good codes and practical decoding algorithms have proven very difficult to find. The recent progress has come from thinking of codes as graphs, building random graphs with special structure, and using iterative decoding algorithms that are closely related to the technique of "belief propagation" in the AI literature.
One important graphical representation of an error-correcting code is the minimal trellis. This representation enables maximum likelihood decoding, using statistical inference algorithms originally developed for hidden Markov models, but with exponential lower bounds on complexity. More efficient algorithms require graphs with cycles. Great empirical and some theoretical success has been attained recently using random, sparse bipartite graphs. We can also dispense with the coins and get excellent performance from certain classes of codes defined on algebraically constructed graphs.
In this talk we will give an introduction to this recent work, and discuss those aspects that are promising for new applications. As an example, we'll show how iterative decoding techniques can be used to solve instances of a class of hard satisfiability problems. Ultimately, our aim is to gain insight from coding theory that will lead to more powerful statistical learning and inference methods based on graphical probabilistic models.
John Lafferty Faculty member in the
Computer Science Department and Language Technologies Institute.
Affiliated faculty member of the Center for Automated Learning and Discovery, and
the Program in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization.
Research interests: Statistical learning algorithms, language modeling,
information theory, codes and graphical models. Applications to natural language processing,
information retrieval, digital libraries.
11/16/99 - Masaru Tomita Laboratory for Bioinformatics, Keio University, Japan. Adjunct faculty, SCS, CMU.
E-CELL: Towards Integrative Simulation of Whole Cell Metabolism
The E-CELL project was launched in 1996 at Keio University in order to model and simulate various cellular processes with the ultimate goal of simulating the cell as a whole. The first version of the E-CELL simulation system, which is a generic software package for cell modeling, was completed in 1997. The E-CELL system enables us to model not only metabolic pathways but also other higher-order cellular processes such as protein synthesis and membrane transport within the same framework. These various processes can then be integrated into a single simulation model.
Using the E-CELL system, we have successfully constructed a virtual cell with 127 genes sufficient for ``self-support'' (ref. Science 284, 2 Apr 1999, pp.80). The gene set was selected from the genome of Mycoplasma genitalium, the organism having the smallest known genome. The set includes genes for transcription, translation, the glycolysis pathway for energy production, membrane transport, and the phospholipid biosynthesis pathway for membrane structure.
The E-CELL system has been made available for beta testing from our website http://www.e-cell.org.
Masaru Tomita
1981 B.S in Mathematics, Keio University
1983 M.S in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
1985 Ph.D in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
1985-1994 Research Associate, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University; Associate Director, Center for Machine Translation, Carnegie Mellon University.
1988 Presidential Young Investigators Award (National Science Foundation)
1998 Recieved another Ph.D in Molecular Biology from Keio University.
Present Professor, Laboratory for Bioinformatics, Department of Environmental Information, Keio University; Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Keio University;
Research Fields: Bioinformatics, Genome Informatics, Theoretical Molecular Biology, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence
11/23/99 - Stephen Robertson Microsoft Research, St George House, 1 Guildhall Street, Cambridge CB2 3NH, UK
A Little Theory, Some Intuition and A Lot of Experiments:
Developing Probabilistic Models for Information Retrieval
The probabilistic approach to information retrieval has proved itself to be a significant and valuable way of formulating and theorizing about problems in IR. It has provided some valuable insights, concepts, and arguments, which have contributed substantially to the state of the art. In addition, it appears to provide a sound theoretical basis for IR models. However, in common with other models, it fails to answer many questions, or provides only partial answers. In many cases, indeed, it does little more than suggest answers. There are several reasons for this; one is that it simply has little to say about some of the phenomena which affect retrieval. For example, while it may be the case that some linguistic phenomena could be described in probabilistic terms, there are other aspects of language which seem much less susceptible to probabilistic modeling. Some of these questions (not all) may be answered by experimental means.
The combination of probabilistic models and experimentation can be more than the sum of its parts -- theoretical modeling and experimentation can be seen to feed on and contribute to each other in the best scientific tradition. However, it sometimes seems that our approach to experimental evaluation is antithetical to theory.
In this talk, I will discuss the experiences of some years' work in this area. These experiences are mainly associated with City University London and the team which developed the Okapi experimental retrieval system, as well as with the huge international experimental programme known as TREC. I will also discuss some recent trends in probabilistic IR and the variety of ways of looking at retrieval probabilistically.
First degree in mathematics from Cambridge; masters in information science from City University; doctorate from University College London, with BC Brookes (all a very long time ago now!).
Researcher at Aslib for five years, then held a research fellowship at University College London. Began collaborations with Karen Sparck Jones and Nick Belkin at this time. Then returned to City University. Three months on a Fulbright at UC Berkeley (collaborated with Bill Cooper and Bill Maron). Started the Centre for Interactive Systems Research at City, and built a research group with a strong focus on the design and evaluation of information retrieval systems (including Micheline Beaulieu and Stephen Walker, and the Okapi system). Also head of department of information science during part of this time.
Major break in 1998, when Microsoft asked me to join their new research lab in Cambridge. Here I am building a new team, under rather different conditions. I retain a part-time position at City.
Last year the Institute of Information Scientists awarded me the Tony Kent STRIX award for good behaviour (well, something like that).
01/18/00 - Tommi S. Jaakkola MIT AI Lab.
Maximum Entropy Approach to Classification with Incomplete Labels and Other Discrimination Problems
I will present a maximum entropy approach to discriminative classification that includes problems with uncertain, missing, or structured labels. The formalism also accomodates other seemingly unrelated problems such as anomaly detection and feature selection that are essential in many application domains. The maximum entropy approach can be cast in terms of regularization theory (in the space of distributions over parameters) and is fundamentally driven by large margin classification. I will characterize how this approach relates to, e.g., boosting and support vector machines. While the maximum entropy formalism is generally applicable, it is not always computationally feasible. Simple variational approximation methods can be employed, however, and they appear to yield most of the benefit. I will present experimental results to illustrate both the strengths and limitations of our approach.
This is in part joint work with Marina Meila (CMU) and Tony Jebara (MIT Media Lab).
Host: John Lafferty (Please contact Barbara Sandling x8-8860 for appointment with Dr. Jaakkola.)
01/25/00 - Morton Ann Gernsbacher University of Wisconsin-Madison
Imaging Higher-Level Cognition: Insights from Discourse Processing
In this talk I shall report two studies that used functional brain imaging (FMRI) to explore the cognitive processes involved in comprehending connected discourse. The data from these two studies are used to illustrate two conclusions and a caveat: A picture is worth a thousand milliseconds; one can find hay in a haystack; and a lesson should be learned from drinking Scotch and water, whiskey and water, and rye and water.
Host: Jill Fain (Please contact contact Jill Lehman jef@cs.cmu.edu for appointment with Dr. Jaakkola.)
Morton Ann Gernsbacher,
Sir Frederic C. Bartlett Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1202 W. Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706-1611
(608) 262-6989 [fax (608) 262-4029]
??/??/?? - Alex Waibel Professor, Computer Science; Director, Interactive Systems Laboratories; C arnegie Mellon University
Alex Waibel
Research Interests:
02/15/00 - Yiming Yang Carnegie Mellon University
Combining Classifiers for Better Prediction in Event Detection and Tracking
Topic detection and tracking (TDT) from chronologically ordered document streams presents new challenges for statistical text classification. Parameter tuning through cross-validation becomes very difficult when the validation set contains no examples of new classes (events) in the evaluation set. We address this problem by selecting a set of classifiers with different performance characteristics and combining their output to make joint classification decisions. Using an early-time TDT benchmark corpus for validation and a later one for evaluation, we obtained a 38-65% error reduction in event tracking by combining k-Nearest Neighbor, Rocchio and Language Modeling classification schemes instead of applying each single method alone. We also observed improved performance in event detection by combining document clustering systems based on different similarity metrics.
Yang is an Associate Professor at Language Technologies Institute and Computer
Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
. She received her
B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in Computer Science (Kyoto University, Japan). Her research has
centered on statistical learning approaches to text categorization,
retrieval, clustering, summarization, multimedia and translingual
information access, and intelligent search in digital libraries and
Internet environment. Dr. Yang received the Academy Prize of
Information Processing Society of Japan in 1985, the Best Theoretical
Paper Award at the Annual Symposium on Computer Application in Medical
Care in 1993 and 1994, and the Distinguished Paper Award at the
International Joint Conference of Artificial Intelligence in 1997.
03/07/00 - Robert F. Murphy Carnegie Mellon University
Computational Challenges in Cell and Molecular Biology
There has been explosive growth in biological knowledge over the past twenty years, as challengesof increasing complexity have been met. Currently, significant effort is directed towards mapping and sequencing the genomes of animals and humans. In parallel, individual biologists continue to study individual genes, proteins, and metabolic pathways. One of the major challenges of the next decade will be to make use of information from genome sequencing to study the macromolecules and biochemical reactions in cells and tissues on a much larger scale. In the first part of my talk, I will discuss challenges being faced in analyzing the expression of genes and proteins , the determination of proteinstructures, subcellular locations, and enzymatic activities, and the large scale modeling of complex biological systems. I will discuss current research problems being addressed by faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences that have significant computational issues associated with them.
In the second part, I will discuss particular computational research that my group has carried out and our plans for the future. I am particularly interested in methods for determining and predicting the subcellular location of proteins. Proteins are often specialized to carry out their function in a particular subcompartment (or organelle) in a cell. The location or locations within a cell that a particular protein is found in thus has profound implications for understanding its function. While some preliminary efforts towards predicting protein location from primary sequence have been made, current prediction accuracy is hindered by the absence of a sound systematics of protein location. Information on a given protein's subcellular location can be determined by fluorescence microscopy, but there has been no careful analysis of the range of possible subcellular patterns that can be displayed (even in a single cell type). Our group has therefore developed new numerical features for describing and classifying protein localization patterns, and explored the feature space using a variety of classification methods. These methods will be applied to many different proteins as part of a large new NIH-funded project. The approach we have used, its extension to three-and four-dimensional images, and its implications for creation of multimedia knowledge bases (incorporating information from on-line full-text journals) will be discussed. Offshoots of this approach include the ability to objectively select one or more representative images from an experiment for publication or presentation and to automate interpretation of microscopy experiments.
Robert F. Murphy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
Undergraduate Research Advisor, Department of Biological Sciences
Director, Biological Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Program Leader, Undergraduate and Graduate Education,
Science and Technology Center for Light Microscope Imaging
Carnegie Mellon University
03/14/00 - Michael Collins AT & T
Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing
Machine-learning approaches to natural language parsing have recently shown some success in complex domains such as newswire text. Many of these methods fall into the general category of history-based models, where a parse tree is represented as a derivation (sequence of decisions) and the probability of the tree is then calculated as a product of decision probilities. While these approaches have many advantages, it can be awkward to encode some constraints within this framework.
This paper considers approaches which rerank the output of an existing probabilistic parser. The base parser produces a set of candidate parses for each input sentence, with associated probabilities that define an initial ranking of these parses. A second model then attempts to improve upon this initial ranking, using additional features of the tree as evidence. The strength of our approach is that it allows a tree to be represented as an arbitrary set of features, without concerns about how these features interact or overlap, and without the need to define a derivation which takes these features into account.
The problems with history-based models, and the desire to be able to specify features as arbitrary predicates of the entire tree, have been noted before. In particular, previous work (Abney 97; Della Pietra, Della Pietra and Lafferty 97; Johnson 99) has investigated the use of Markov Random Fields (MRFs), or log-linear models, as probabilistic models for parsing and other NLP tasks. The first method we discuss is based on a feature selection method within the MRF framework. The second approach is based on the application of boosting models for ranking problems (Freund et al 98). The boosting method gives a 13% relative decrease in error rate over an existing parser.
Michael Collins
Email: mcollins@research.att.com
Phone: +1 973 360-8349
Fax: +1 973 360-8970
Room: A253
Address: 180 PARK AVE, P.O. BOX 971, FLORHAM PARK, NJ
07932-0000 UNITED STATES
04/18/00 - Michael Kearns AT & T Labs
A Reinforcement Learning Dialogue System
Spoken dialogue systems communicate with users via automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) interfaces, and mediate the user's access to a back-end database. Designers of such systems face a number of nontrivial choices in dialogue strategy, including user vs. system initiative (the choice between soliciting relatively open-ended vs. constrained user utterances), and choices in confirmation strategy (when to confirm or re-prompt for an ambiguous utterance). System design has typically been done in an ad-hoc manner, with subsequent improvements to dialogue strategy being fielded sequentially.
In this work, we apply the formalism of Markov decision processes (MDPs) and the algorithms of reinforcement learning to the problem of automated dialogue strategy synthesis. In this approach, an MDP is built from training data gathered from an initial "exploratory" system. This MDP provides a state-based statistical model of user reactions to system actions, and is used to simultaneously evaluate many dialogue strategies and choose the apparent optimal among them. At AT&T Labs, we have applied this methodology in a dialogue system for accessing a database of information on activities in New Jersey, and have run controlled user experiments to evaluate the approach. In this talk, I will describe our results, which include statistically significant improvements in system performance, and discuss the issues we faced in making the methodology work.
This talk describes joint work with Satinder Singh, Diane Litman, and Lyn Walker of AT&T Labs.
Michael Kearns did his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley in math and
computer science, graduating in 1985. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University in 1989;
the title of his dissertation was The Computational Complexity of Machine Learning, and Prof. L.G. Valiant was his advisor. Following postdoctoral positions at the Laboratory for
Computer Science at M.I.T. and at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, in 1991 he joined the
research staff of AT&T Labs.
05/01/00 - Maja J Mataric' University of Southern California
Robot Teams and Humanoids on Their Best Behavior:
Principled Behavior-Based Control and Learning
Behavior-based control, which exploits the dynamics of collections of concurrent, interacting processes coupled to the external world, is both biologically relevant and effective for problems featuring local information, uncertainty, and non-stationarity. In this talk we describe methods we have developed for principled behavior-based control and learning in two problem domains: multi-robot team coordination and humanoid imitation.
In the multi-robot domain the key challenges involve reconciling individual and group-level goals and achieving scalable, on-line real-time learning. How to do all of this in a distributed behavior-based way in a timely and consistent fashion? We will describe our results in making distributed, behavior-based systems perform in a well-behaved fashion on problems of behavior selection at the individual and group level, communication for dynamic task allocation, and on-line model learning. We will describe the use of Pareto-optimality and satisficing to make behavior selection both principled and timely, the robust publish/subscribe messaging paradigm for distributed communication, and augmented Markov models for on-line real-time model building for adaptation. We will demonstrate the results of these methods on groups of locally-controlled but globally efficient cooperative mobile robots performing distributed collection, multiple-target-tracking and capture, and object manipulation.
In the humanoid control domain the key challenges are the high dimensionality of the problem and the choice of representation and modularity that properly integrates the perceptual and motor systems. We describe an imitation system modeled on psychophysical and neuroscience evidence for selective movement attention, mirror neurons, and motor primitives. The system employs direct sensory-motor mappings within the behavior-based framework to address how to understand, segment, and map the observed movement onto the existing motor system. The same biologically motivated structure serves for recognition, classification, prediction, and learning. We will demonstrate the results of this model on a 20 DOF dynamic humanoid imitating human dance and sports movements from visual data.
Maja Mataric
is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department and the Neuroscience Program at the University of Southern California, the Director of the USC Robotics Research Labs and an Associate Director of IRIS (Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems). She joined USC in September 1997, after two and a half years as an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department and the Volen Center for Complex Systems at Brandeis University. She founded her Interaction Lab in 1995.
Maja Mataric received her PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from MIT in 1994, her MS in Computer Science from MIT in 1990, and her BS in Computer Science from the University of Kansas in 1987. She is a recipient of the NSF Career Award and the MIT TR100 Innovation Award, and is featured in the upcoming movie about scientists, "Me & Isaac Newton". She has worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, the Free University of Brussels AI Lab, LEGO Cambridge Research Labs, GTE Research Labs, the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, and ATR Human Information Processing Labs, interacting with a variety of human and robotic colleagues (the latter ranging from LEGO robots to full-body humanoids). Her Interaction Lab at USC performs research in the areas of control and learning in behavior-based multi-robot systems, and skill learning by imitation based on sensory-motor primitives.
05/02/00 - Song-chun Zhu Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Ohio State University.
Mathematical Modeling of Image Ensembles: Descriptive vs. Generative Models
In this talk, I shall discuss a few fundamental questions in computer vision and pattern recognition: what are mathematical definitions for stochastic visual patterns, such as a texture or a shape? why do we have to deal with probabilistic models in CVPR? What are the first principles for learning the "proper" models in a given application? To answer these questions, I will discuss the concept of image ensemble, and then compare two existing mathematical paradigms for modeling image ensembles. The first paradigm studies descriptive models: such as Markov random fields and the FRAME model learned under the principle of minimax entropy. The second paradigm studies generative models, such as PCA/ICA/TCA and other graphic models. Then I will discuss some fundamental issues for both families of models and the intrinsic links between the two paradigms. I will use texture and texton modeling as examples to illustrate the concepts.
This is joint work with C. Guo, X. Liu at OSU, Y. Wu at UCLA and D. Mumford at Brown.
Song Chun Zhu
received his BS degree from USTC in 1991. He received his
MS and PhD degrees in computer science from Harvard University in 1994
and 1996 respectively. In 1996-97, he was a research associate
in the Division of Applied Math at Brown University. In 1997-98, he was a
lecturer in the Computer Science Department in Stanford University. He
joined the faculty of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences
in The Ohio State University in 1998, where he leads the OSU Vision And
Learning (OVAL) group. His research is concentrated on the areas of
computer vision, statistical modeling, and stochastic computing.
He has published over 40 articles on object recognition, image
segmentation, texture modeling, visual learning, perceptual organization
and performance analysis. He received numerous research awards.
05/09/00 - Yoav Freund AT&T Research Labs
Decision Trees, Margins and Brownian Motion
Adaboost is a learning algorithm that, in recent years, has been gaining a name as one of the best off-the-shelf learning algorithms. In fact, Adaboost is not exactly a learning algorithm, rather, it is a method for improving or "boosting" the performance of a given learning algorithm, often called the "base learner". The most popular base learners so far have been algorithms for learning decision trees, such as CART and C4.5. In the first part of the talk I will describe a new learning algorithm which integrates a tree-learning algorithm with a boosting algorithm. This algorithm generates a new type of classifier, which we call "alternating trees" and is a significantly more powerful representation than decision trees or boosted decision trees.
One of the surprising phenomena associated with boosting is that it is much more resistant to overfitting than expected. In recent work we have demonstrated that this behavior can be explained using the notion of "margins". In fact, looking at adaboost from this perspective it becomes apparent that adaboost is performing a type of gradient descent with respect to a potential function that is exponential in the margin. It also highlights the problem that the exponential function is a poor approximation to the actual target function, which is the classification error step function. In the second part of the talk I will describe a new boosting algorithm which is based on the equation for the time evolution of Brownian motion. This algorithm approximates the classification step function with an error function (erf) rather than an exponential.
Yoav Freund
Main area of research: computational learning theory and the related areas in probability theory, information theory, statistics and pattern recognition.
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