Arvind Seshadri


Former Projects

I am a doctoral candidate in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and  am jointly advised by Pradeep Khosla and Adrian Perrig. I also work with Leendert van Doorn.

My research interest lies in the area of Computer Systems Security. My current research focuses on externally-verifiable code execution, trusted computing, and the security applications of virtualization. I am also interested in Network Security and Applied Cryptography. I am affiliated with the CyLab.

My office is at CIC 2119C.
You can best reach me via e-mail: arvinds(at)cs(dot)cmu(dot)edu

I hold an MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, and a B.E. (Hons.) in Computer Science and M.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India.


Book Chapters
  • Arvind Seshadri, Mark Luk, Adrian Perrig, Leendert van Doorn, and Pradeep Khosla.
    Pioneer:Verifying Code Integrity and Enforcing Untampered Code Execution on Legacy Systems.
    Appears in the Malware Detection.
Journal Papers
  • Jason Franklin, Mark Luk, Jonathan M. McCune, Arvind Seshadri, Adrian Perrig, and Leendert Van Doorn.
    Remote Detection of Virtual Machine Monitors with Fuzzy Benchmarking.
    [PDF], [PS], [BIB]
    Appears in the ACM SIGOPS Operating System Review Special Edition on Computer Forensics, April 2008 (Invited paper).
    A preliminary version of this paper appears as CMU Cylab Technical Report CMU-CyLab-07-001.
Refereed Articles
Technical Reports
  • Jason Franklin, Mark Luk, Arvind Seshadri, and Adrian Perrig.
    PRISM: Enabling Personal Verification of Code Integrity, Untampered Execution, and Trusted I/O or Human-Verifiable Code Execution. [PDF]
    CMU Cylab Technical Report CMU-CyLab-07-010, February 2007.
  • Jason Franklin, Mark Luk, Jonathan M. McCune, Arvind Seshadri, Adrian Perrig, and Leendert van Doorn.
    Remote Detection of Virtual Machine Monitors with Fuzzy Benchmarking. [PDF]
    CMU Cylab Technical Report CMU-CyLab-07-001, January 2007.
  • Arvind Seshadri, Marcos Ferretti, Andres Castano and Peter Will.
    A Distributed Embedded System for Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robots. [PDF]
    ISI Technical Report ISI-TR-551, Dec 2001.
Invited Talks
  • Arvind Seshadri.
    Pioneer: Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurement and Verifiable Executable Invocation. PPT
    2005 Intel Security Workshop (ISW '05). July 27 - 28, 2005.