Carolyn Penstein Professor of Language Technologies and Human-Computer Interaction Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute and HCI Institute Gates-Hillman Center 5515 5000 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 +1 (412) 268-7130 (W) +1 (412) 268-6298 (F) Google Scholar Profile: Publications Past President and Inaugural Fellow of The International Society of the Learning Sciences IEEE Senior Member AAAS Lesherner Leadership Fellow for Public Engagement with Science: AI Cohort |
Welcome to my webpage!I have the privilege of directing the Teledia lab, a large, interdisciplinary lab involving PhD, Masters, and undergraduate students, staff, and affiliates researching interactive and explainable Sociotechnical Artificial Intelligence from a highly interdisciplinary perspective. From a machine learning perspective, we push the frontier of learnability and generalizabiliry through deeply data focused explorations of inductive biases. In particular, we develop and explore novel representations and architectural elements using a problem-driven approach motivated by error analysis and exploratory data analysis, with a current emphasis on abstraction and decomposition, which are arguably two of the greatest challenges for LLMs.. We investigate these issues across multiple problem areas including multimodal conversational process analysis, multimodal document understanding, clinical text processing, knowledge based question answering, and language models of code. Our work is particularly known for the way it bridges between deep, theoretical insights from theories of language and interaction on the one side (e.g., social psychology and cognitive psychology, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis) and computational modeling technology on the other (e.g., deep learning, LLMs, neurosymbolic reasoning). The key enabler of effective machine learning is the measurement of capabilities, operationalized in computational objectives, and embodied in benchmarks. We have collaborated on the development of benchmarks and challenge data sets in coreference for dialogue, textual entailment, and event ordering, and are working on new benchmarks for code translation and code review. Recent/Upcoming Invited Talks:
My 3+ decades long passion is to use technology to positively impact human learning. Building my group’s computational advances, with numerous papers published at top conferences in Language Technologies, our research has birthed and substantially contributed to the growth of two thriving interrelated areas of research in the Learning Sciences: namely, Automated Analysis of Collaborative Learning Processes and Dynamic Support for Collaborative Learning, with demonstrations of efficacy in numerous classroom studies where these interventions have frequently been associated with increases in learning on average of a letter grade or more. Recent work employs LLM agents to support learning in collaborative software teams. Other recent work focuses on AI Literacy, including work to address perception and effectiveness of LLM guardrails as well as developing curricula and learning technologies to engage K12 students in learning about artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our highly interdisciplinary work, published in over 320 peer reviewed publications (H-index 65), is represented in the top venues in 5 fields: namely, Language Technologies, Learning Sciences, Cognitive Science, Educational Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction, with awards in 4 of these fields. In Summer of 2023, I directed Carnegie Mellon University’s Generative AI Innovation Incubator, with numerous online events available for viewing on its zoom playlist, which has been accessed nearly 9K times. I am Fellow of the AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute for Public Engagement with Science, past president and inaugural fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences, Senior Member of IEEE, former co-editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, and Founding chair of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in a Digital Era. Selected Publications