SCS Emigration Course
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
The SCS Emigration Seminars are a series of lectures and discussion
sessions that focus on "grooming" you so you'll be ready to conquer the
real world when you finish your Ph.D. Unlike the Immigration course,
which is held
during the first three weeks of the school year, the Emigration course
is spread over the entire academic year. While the topics of interest
are chosen with the more senior students in mind, students in the
entire School of Computer Science are encouraged and welcome to attend.
The next session...
The talk you really don't want to miss!
Roy Levin
Distinguished Engineer and Director
Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
Monday, 28 April 2008
12:00 (Noon)
Newell-Simon Hall 1305
Victuals provided.
I graduated from CMU three decades ago, and this is the talk I
wish I'd heard before I went job-hunting. Well, not exactly the
talk – after all, the world and the CS job market have changed quite
a lot since then. But as a graduating Ph.D., I didn't understand the
differences between academia and corporate research labs very well,
and neither did most of my departmental colleagues. I'm sure things are
better today, but Ph.D. graduates could still be better prepared.
In this informal talk, I'll discuss what corporate computing research
labs tend to look for when they interview and how a candidate can make
the most of the process.I'll also have some suggestions for graduate
students earlier in their careers to help them get ready for the eventual
job hunt.
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Upcoming Lectures:
Christopher Scaffidi, Comparing and Contrasting Software Engineering
Research in Industry and Academia, 30 April 2008
Past Lectures:
Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University/NSF
Rob Shillingsburg, Google
Reed McManigle, Carnegie Mellon University
Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University
Jeannette Wing, Carnegie Mellon University
Ted Wong, IBM Almaden Research
Jeannette Wing, Anastassia Ailamaki, Carnegie Mellon University
Scott Dietzen, BEA Systems (includes slides)
Kevin Dowling, Color Kinetics
Howard Gobioff and Erik Riedel, Google Inc and Seagate Technology
Roy Levin, Microsoft Research
Peter Shane, H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
Erik Riedel, HP Laboratories (includes slides)
Astro Teller, BodyMedia, Inc.
Jeannette Wing, School of Computer Science (includes slides)