Probabilistic Graphical Models

10-708, Fall 2007

Eric Xing
of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University


Schedule and class handouts







Class Assistant:

Course Description


Many of the problems in artificial intelligence, statistics, computer systems, computer vision, natural language processing, and computational biology, among many other fields, can be viewed as the search for a coherent global conclusion from local information.  The probabilistic graphical models framework provides an unified view for this wide range of problems, enabling efficient inference, decision-making and learning in problems with a very large number of attributes and huge datasets. This graduate-level course will provide you with a strong foundation for both applying graphical models to complex problems and for addressing core research topics in graphical models.


The class will cover three aspects: The core representation, including Bayesian and Markov networks, and dynamic Bayesian networks; probabilistic inference algorithms, both exact and approximate; and, learning methods for both the parameters and the structure of graphical models. Students entering the class should have a pre-existing working knowledge of probability, statistics, and algorithms, though the class has been designed to allow students with a strong numerate background to catch up and fully participate.

It is expected that after taking this class, the students should have obtain sufficient working knowledge of multi-variate probablistic modeling and inference for practical applications,  should be able to fomulate and solve a wide range of problems in their own domain using GM, and can advance into more specialized technical literature by themselves.


Students are required to have successfully completed 10701/15781, or an equivalent class.


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