We demonstrate two game theory-based programs for heads-up limit
and no-limit Texas Hold'em poker. The first player,
is designed for playing limit Texas Hold'em, in which all bets are
a fixed amount. The second player,
Tartanian, is designed
for the no-limit variant of the game, in which the amount bet can
be any amount up to the number of chips the player has. Both
GS3 and
Tartanian are based on our
potential-aware automated abstraction algorithm for identifying
strategically similar situations in order to decrease the size of
the game tree.
Tartanian, in order to deal with the
virtually infinite strategy space of no-limit poker, in addition
uses a discretized betting model designed to capture the most
important strategic choices in the game. The strategies for both
players are computed using our improved version of Nesterov's
excessive gap technique specialized for poker.
In this demonstration, participants will be invited to play
against both of the players, and to experience first-hand the
sophisticated strategies employed by our players.