- National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent
The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 as a merger of three
highly respected individual conferences. The aim of the joint conference
is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally renowned forum
for research in the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multiagent
- International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics
and Automation
2006 deadline: around Feb, 2006
- the European Conference on Machine Learning
- Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conferences traditionally
consist of of case studies of deployed applications with measurable
benefits whose value depends on the use of AI technology. In addition,
many IAAI conferences augment these case studies with papers and invited
talks that address emerging areas of AI technology or applications.
IAAI is organized as an independent program within the AAAI National
Conference, with schedules coordinated to allow attendees to move
freely between IAAI and National Conference sessions. IAAI and the
National Conference often jointly sponsor invited talks that fit the
theme of both programs
- International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
(ICAPS) is the annual planning conference that resulted from merging
two bi-annual conferences, namely the International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AIPS) and the European
Conference on Planning (ECP). ICAPS is the premier forum for researchers
and practitioners in planning and scheduling - two technologies critical
to manufacturing, space systems, software engineering, robotics, education,
and entertainment.
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Neural Information Processing System
- International Conference on Robotics and Automation
2006 deadline: 16th Sep, 2005.
IJCAI - International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
IJCAI is the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
the main international gathering of researchers in AI. Held biennially
in odd-numbered years since 1969, IJCAI is sponsored jointly by IJCAI
and the national AI societie(s) of the host nation(s).
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
2006 deadline: around Feb, 2006
IROS 2005 Submission deadline: - Feb 1 2005, Alberta, Canada
IROS 2006, Oct.9-13, Beijing, China
2005 Symposium
Submission deadline: Feb 1, 2005
First International Conference on Robotics: Science and Systems
Robotics: Science and Systems is a new conference that will bring
together researchers working on algorithmic or mathematical foundations
of robotics, robotics applications, and analysis of robotic systems.
Papers are solicited in all areas of robotics. The final program will
be the result of a highly selective review process designed to include
the best work of its kind in every category. The conference will be
single track to allow attendees an opportunity to see the best research
in all areas of robotics.
CIVR 2005
Submission deadline: 11th February 2005, Singapore
ICCV 2005
Submission deadline: 14th March 2005, Beijing, China
ECCV 2006
Submission deadline: 9th Sep, 2005, Graz, Austria