Ioannis Gkioulekas

Ioannis Gkioulekas

I am an associate professor in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. I received my PhD and MS degrees from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, and a diploma from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.

Check out my research, publications, and teaching, some writing and code resources, and my group website.


I work broadly in computer graphics and computer vision, but I focus on computational imaging: this is the joint design of optics, electronics, and computation to create imaging systems with unprecedented capabilities. Some examples include: imaging systems that can see around corners or through skin; passive 3D sensing systems with extreme resolution; ultrafast programmable lenses; imaging systems that adapt to their environments. Technical keywords that often show up in my research include: non-line-of-sight imaging, single-photon imaging, LiDAR, SONAR, interferometry, speckle, acousto-optics, physics-based rendering, differentiable rendering, Monte Carlo simulation, probabilistic modeling.



Vision-based tactile sensor design using physically based rendering
Arpit Agarwal, Achu Wilson, Timothy Man, Edward Adelson, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Wenzhen Yuan
Communications Engineering, 2025


3D reconstruction with fast dipole sums
Hanyu Chen, Bailey Miller, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2024


Differential walk on spheres
Bailey Miller, Rohan Sawhney, Keenan Crane, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2024


Walkin' Robin: Walk on stars with Robin boundary conditions
Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2024(best paper award)


Aperture-aware lens design
Arjun Teh, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Matthew O'Toole


Path sampling methods for differentiable rendering
Tanli Su, Ioannis Gkioulekas
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR), 2024


Objects as volumes: A stochastic geometry view of opaque solids
Bailey Miller, Hanyu Chen, Alice Lai, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024(best student paper award)


Trilateration using unlabeled path or loop lengths
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Steven J. Gortler, Louis Theran, Todd Zickler
Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2023


Doppler time-of-flight rendering
Juhyeon Kim, Wojciech Jarosz, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Adithya Pediredla
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2023


Optimized virtual optical waveguides enhance light throughput in scattering media
Adithya Pediredla*, Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti*, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Maysamreza Chamanzar, Ioannis Gkioulekas
Nature Communications, 2023


Efficient Monte Carlo simulation of spatiotemporal speckles and their correlations
Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
Optica, 2023


Walk on stars: A grid-free Monte Carlo method for PDEs with Neumann boundary conditions
Rohan Sawhney*, Bailey Miller*, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Keenan Crane
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2023


Boundary value caching for walk on spheres
Bailey Miller*, Rohan Sawhney*, Keenan Crane, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2023


Megahertz light steering without moving parts
Adithya Pediredla, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Maysamreza Chamanzar, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023


Passive micron-scale time-of-flight with sunlight interferometry
Alankar Kotwal, Anat Levin, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023(highlight)


Swept-angle synthetic wavelength interferometry
Alankar Kotwal, Anat Levin, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023(highlight)


Neural kaleidoscopic space sculpting
Byeongjoo Ahn, Michael De Zeeuw, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023


Neural implicit surface reconstruction using imaging sonar
Mohamad Qadri, Michael Kaess, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023


Adjoint nonlinear ray tracing
Arjun Teh, Matthew O'Toole, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2022


Fluorescent wavefront shaping using incoherent iterative phase conjugation
Dror Aizik, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
Optica, 2022


Physics-based inverse rendering using combined implicit and explicit geometries
Guangyan Cai, Kai Yan, Zhao Dong, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao
Computer Graphics Forum (EGSR), 2022


Adaptive gating for single-photon 3D imaging
Po Ryan, Adithya Pediredla, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022(oral)


Reply to: The overwhelming role of ballistic photons in ultrasonically guided light through tissue
Maysamreza Chamanzar, Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti, Adithya Pediredla, Hengji Huang, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Mohammad-Reza Alam, Michel M. Maharbiz
Nature Communications, 2022


Kaleidoscopic structured light
Byeongjoo Ahn, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2021


Defocus map estimation and deblurring From a single dual-pixel image
Shumian Xin, Neal Wadhwa, Tianfan Xue, Jonathan T. Barron, Pratul Srinivasan, Jiawen Chen, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Rahul Garg
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021(oral)


Imaging with local speckle intensity correlations: Theory and practice
Marina Alterman, Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2021


Single scattering modeling of speckle correlation
Chen Bar, Marina Alterman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2021


Overcoming the tradeoff between confinement and focal distance using virtual ultrasonic optical waveguides
Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti, Hengji Huang, Adithya Pediredla, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Maysamreza Chamanzar
Optics Express, 2020


Path tracing estimators for refractive radiative transfer
Adithya Pediredla, Yasin Karimi Chalmiani, Matteo Giuseppe Scopelliti, Maysamreza Chamanzar, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020


Rendering near-field speckle statistics in scattering media
Chen Bar, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2020


A theory of Fermat paths for 3D imaging sonar reconstruction
Eric Westman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Michael Kaess
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020


Langevin Monte Carlo rendering with gradient-based adaptation
Fujun Luan, Shuang Zhao, Kavita Bala, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2020


Path-space differentiable rendering
Cheng Zhang, Bailey Miller, Kai Yan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2020


Interferometric transmission probing with coded mutual intensity
Alankar Kotwal, Anat Levin, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2020


Effect of geometric sharpness on translucent material perception
Bei Xiao, Shuang Zhao, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Wenyan Bi, Kavita Bala
Journal of Vision (JOV), 2020


A volumetric albedo framework for 3D imaging sonar reconstruction
Eric Westman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Michael Kaess
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020


Towards reflectometry from interreflections
Kfir Shem-Tov*, Sai Praveen Bangaru*, Anat Levin, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2020


Towards learning-based inverse subsurface scattering
Chengqian Che, Fujun Luan, Shuang Zhao, Kavita Bala, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2020


Convolutional approximations to the general non-line-of-sight imaging operator
Byeongjoo Ahn, Akshat Dave, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019(oral)


A differential theory of radiative transfer
Cheng Zhang, Lifan Wu, Changxi Zheng, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Shuang Zhao
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2019


Ellipsoidal path connections for time-gated rendering
Adithya Pediredla, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2019


A Monte Carlo framework for rendering speckle statistics in scattering media
Chen Bar, Marina Alterman, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2019


A theory of Fermat paths for non-line-of-sight shape reconstruction
Shumian Xin, Sotiris Nousias, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019(best paper award)


Beyond volumetric albedo—A surface optimization framework for non-line-of-sight imaging
Chia-Yin Tsai, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Ioannis Gkioulekas
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019


An evaluation of computational imaging techniques for heterogeneous inverse scattering
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin, Todd Zickler
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016(highlight)


Micron-scale light transport decomposition using interferometry
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Anat Levin, Frédo Durand, Todd Zickler
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2015


On the appearance of translucent edges
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Bruce Walter, Edward H. Adelson, Kavita Bala, Todd Zickler
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015


Looking against the light: How perception of translucency depends on lighting direction
Bei Xiao, Bruce Walter, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Todd Zickler, Edward H. Adelson, Kavita Bala
Journal of Vision (JOV), 2014


Inverse volume rendering with material dictionaries
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Shuang Zhao, Kavita Bala, Todd Zickler, Anat Levin
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia), 2013


Understanding the role of phase function in translucent appearance
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Bei Xiao, Shuang Zhao, Edward H. Adelson, Todd Zickler, Kavita Bala
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013


Effects of shape and color on the perception of translucency
Bei Xiao, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Asher Dunn, Shuang Zhao, Todd Zickler, Edward H. Adelson, Kavita Bala
Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS), 2012


Toward wide-angle microvision sensors
Sanjeev J. Koppal, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Travis Young, Hyunsung Park, Kenneth B. Crozier, Geoffrey L. Barrows, Todd Zickler
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2013


Dimensionality reduction using the sparse linear model
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Todd Zickler
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2011


Wide-angle micro sensors for vision on a tight budget
Sanjeev J. Koppal, Ioannis Gkioulekas, Todd Zickler, Geoffrey L. Barrows
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011(oral)


Spatial Bayesian surprise for image saliency and quality assessment
Ioannis Gkioulekas, Giorgos Evangelopoulos, Petros Maragos
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2010



15-463, 15-663, 15-862 Computational photography
Instructor, CMU, 2017 - present


15-468, 15-668, 15-868 Physics-based rendering
Instructor, CMU, 2021 - present


16-825 Learning for 3D vision
Instructor (with Shubham Tulsiani), CMU, 2025 - present

Interferometry SIGGRAPH 2023

Computational interferometric imaging
Organizer, SIGGRAPH 2023 course


Physics-based rendering and its applications in computational photography and imaging
Organizer, CVPR 2023 tutorial


Physics-based differentiable rendering
Organizer, CVPR 2021 tutorial


16-385 Computer vision
Instructor, CMU, 2018 - 2020


CS283 Computer vision
Teaching fellow, Harvard, 2010, 2012 - 2015


Take a read through my technical writing suggestions, which draw a lot of inspiration from Wojciech Jarosz's common mistakes in technical writing.


Visit the CMU Computational Imaging GitHub account for code for projects at CMU. You can find code for some older projects at my personal GitHub account. I use these coding and style conventions in all of my projects.