Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:00-12:30, Wean 4632
Topics and Techniques in (Structured) Document Retrieval
Paul Ogilvie
Slides: pdf ps

This is an overview talk of recent work in XML retrieval and web tracks in the recent TREC conference. This presentation provides an introduction to the recent INitiative for the Evaluation of XML workshop (INEX) and describes approaches used for XML retrieval. This presentation also gives an overview of recent document retrieval tasks at TREC, such as the name page finding task. It also touches on future TREC tasks.

Related Readings:
INEX Workshop Proceedings and Slides
N. Fuhr, N. Gövert, G. Kazai, M. Lalmas

Overview of the TREC-2001 Web Track
D. Hawking, N. Craswell
In Proceedings of TREC 2001

THU TREC 2002: Web Track Experiments
M. Zhang, R. Song, C. Lin, L. Ma, Z. Jiang, Y. Jin, Y. Liu, L. Zhao, S. Ma
In Proceedings of TREC 2002

Information Filtering, Novelty Detection, and Named-Page Finding
K. Collins-Thompson, P. Ogilvie, Y Zhang, J. Callan
In Proceedings of TREC 2002