Lea Kissner
Research Interests. My primary research interest is in problems of cryptography and privacy. I am particularly interested in efficient solutions to practical problems, and in novel proof techniques.
Resume/C.V. [txt]
Thesis. My thesis is on the topic of privacy-preserving distributed information sharing. I am honored to have the following people on my committee: Manuel Blum, Dan Boneh, Benny Pinkas, Mike Reiter, and Dawn Song.
[Proposal Document] [Proposal Slides]
[Thesis document]
Selected Publications.
- Lea Kissner, Dawn Song, "Privacy-Preserving Set Operations",
CRYPTO 2005. [Updated version] [Bibtex Citation]
- Lea Kissner, Alina Oprea, Michael Reiter, Dawn Song, and Ke Yang, "Private Keyword-Based Push and Pull with Applications to Anonymous Communication", ACNS 2004. [Bibtex Citation]
- Lea Kissner and Dawn Song, "Verifying Server Computation", ACNS 2004.
- Sunil K. Agrawal, Lea Kissner and Mark Yim, "Joint Solutions of Many Degrees-of-freedom Systems Using Dextrous Workspaces", IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2001.
- Ben Chui, Lea Kissner, "Nanorobots for Mars EVA Repair", SAE Intl. Conf. on Environmental Systems, July 2000.
Selected Talks.
- Privacy-Preserving Set
Operations, CRYPTO 2005 (note that the element reduction operation has
been superceded by the version in the full paper)
- Privacy-Preserving Set Operations, CMU Speaking Skills talk
(general audience) [PDF] [QT movie] (note that the element
reduction operation has been superceded by the version in the full paper)