Director, Project LISTEN (; Email: ; Telephone: 412-268-1330
Mail: 4103 Newell-Simon Hall, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
1992 – Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science: Research Professor (since 1999) of Robotics, Language Technologies, Human-Computer Interaction, and Machine Learning
1992 – Founder and Director of Project LISTEN ( to develop, evaluate, and refine an automated Reading Tutor that listens to children read aloud, and helps them learn to read
1985-92 Rutgers University: Assistant Professor of Computer Science; 1990 Full Member of Graduate Faculty
1989 IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory: Visiting Scientist (summer)
1981-85 University of Southern CA Information Sciences Institute: Research Computer Scientist
1980-81 Stanford University Heuristic Programming Project: Research Associate
1977-81 Rand Corporation Information Sciences Department: Consultant
1974-81 Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow
Dissertation: Mechanical Transformation of Task Heuristics into Operational Procedures
Committee: Frederick Hayes-Roth, Allan Newell, Jaime Carbonell, Robert Balzer (USC-ISI)
1970-74 A.B. cum laude, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University (National Merit Scholar)
English (native), French (years), Hebrew (years), German (year), Spanish (semester), others (smattering)
2010-15 President and Secretary/Treasurer of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society: wrote the Educational Data Mining Song and AIED Song, now sung at conferences by popular demand
2013 Best Paper Finalist, 16th International Conference on AI in Education, Comparing Student Models in Different Formalisms by Predicting their Impact on Help Success. S. Lallé, J. Mostow, V. Luengo, N. Guin.
2012 Best Student Paper Award, 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining: Comparison of Methods to Trace Multiple Subskills: Is LR-DBN Best? Y. Xu and J. Mostow.
2012 Best Paper Award, 25th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-25): Mining Data from Project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor to Analyze Development of Children’s Oral Reading Prosody. S. Sitaram and J. Mostow.
2011 Best Paper Nominee, 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education: Toward Exploiting EEG Input in a Reading Tutor. J. Mostow, K.-m. Chang, and J. Nelson.
2011 Best Poster Nominee, 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining: Logistic Regression in a Dynamic Bayes Net Models Multiple Subskills Better! Y. Xu and J. Mostow.
2008 Best Paper Award, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Does help help? Introducing the Bayesian Evaluation and Assessment methodology. J. Beck, K. Chang, J. Mostow, A. Corbett.
2008 Best Paper Nominee, 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems: How who should practice: Using learning decomposition to evaluate the efficacy of different types of practice for different types of students. J. Beck and J. Mostow.
2005 Poster on Project LISTEN chosen by NSF for Information Technology Research Committee of Visitors
2004 Listed by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as “having a significant impact on education”
2003 Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence (
2002 Elected to Voting Membership in the Society for Scientific Studies of Learning
2000 Project LISTEN included in National Science Foundation’s Nifty Fifty (
1998 “Project LISTEN: A Reading Tutor That Listens” chosen to represent Computing Research Association (CRA) at May 20 Coalition for National Science Funding Exhibit (CNSF) for Congress
1994 Outstanding Paper Award, 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, A Prototype Reading Coach that Listens. J. Mostow, S. F. Roth, A. G. Hauptmann, and M. Kane.
2014 – Guest Editor, special issue of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction on student modeling
2013 – Editorial Board, Artificial Intelligence in Education
2009 – Editorial Board, Journal of Educational Data Mining
1994-95 Editorial Board, Artificial Intelligence Journal Special Issue on Empirical Artificial Intelligence
1984-93 Action Editor / Editorial Board member, Machine Learning
1985-87 Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
1985 Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Special Issue on AI and Software Engineering
2007 – Advisory Board, TechBridgeWorld (
2007 – Elected to Executive Committee, International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED)
2009-10 Steering Committee, 2010 Question Generation Shared Tasks
2008 Advisory Board, Project STEAM, SRI
2005-07 Consultant, Soliloquy Learning
2004 Chair, review panel for Inter-agency Educational Research Initiative grant proposals, NSF
2002 Committee of Visitors, NSF Research on Learning and Education (ROLE)
2001 – Advisory Board, Mid-Atlantic Regional Technology in Education Consortium (MAR*TEC)
2001-02 Advisory Board, NSF Grant “Role of Emotion in Propelling the SMET Process” (Roz Picard, PI), MIT
1990-95 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 12.2 (Machine Learning)
2012-13 General Chair, 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Memphis, TN
2009-10 Conference Chair, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, PA
2009 Interactive Events Chair, 13th International Conference on AI in Education, Brighton, UK
2004 Workshops & Tutorials Chair, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Brazil
1999 25th Reunion Panel on “Science and Medicine near the Millennium,” Harvard University
1996-98 Program Co-chair, 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Madison, WI
2012 5th Workshop on Question Generation (QG 2012) (cancelled due to too few good submissions)
2011 AAAI Symposium: 4th Workshop on Question Generation (QG 2011), Arlington, VA
2010 Steering Committee of the 3rd Workshop on Question Generation (QG 2010), Pittsburgh, PA
2008 Fall 2008 Workshop on Learning Technology, Pittsburgh, PA
2003 Doctoral Consortium and Local Organizing Committees, User Modeling Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
2002 ITS2002 Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems
1992 AAAI92 Workshop on Design Rationale Capture and Use, San Jose, CA
1991 8th International Machine Learning Workshop, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
1990 AAAI90 Workshop on Automated Generation of Approximations and Abstractions, Boston, MA
1989 6th International Workshop on Machine Learning, Cornell University
1986 Oregon State University Workshop on Knowledge Compilation, Otter Crest, OR
1984 Rutgers University Workshop on Knowledge-Based Design Aids: Models of the Design Process
2015 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Madrid, Spain
2015 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Madrid, Spain
2014 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Barcelona, Spain
2014 Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Baltimore, MD
2014 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, London, UK
2014 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Honolulu
2014 ITS2014 Workshop on Utilizing EEG Input in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Honolulu
2013 AIED2013 Workshop on MOOCs, Memphis, TN
2013 16th International Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference, Memphis, TN
2013 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Aachen, Germany
2012 5th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Chania, Crete
2012 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Crete
2012 International Symposium on Automatic Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training, Stockholm
2012 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, OR
2012 7th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Montreal
2011 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Eindhoven, Netherlands
2011 15th International Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference, Auckland, NZ
2011 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Portland, OR
2011 6th Workshop on “Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications,” Portland, OR
2010 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Palo Alto, CA
2010 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Pittsburgh, PA
2009 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Córdoba, Spain
2009 AIED 2009 Workshop on Question Generation, Brighton, UK
2008 NSF Workshop on the Question Generation Task and Evaluation Challenge, Arlington, VA
2008 1st International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Montreal
2008 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal
2007 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2007), Los Angeles
2006 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2006), Jhongli, Taiwan
2006 ITS2006 Workshop on Educational Data Mining, Jhongli, Taiwan
2006 AAAI2006 AI Nectar Program Committee, Boston, MA
2005 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 AIED2005 Workshop on Student Modeling for Language Tutors, Amsterdam
2005 AIED2005 Workshop on Usage Analysis, Amsterdam
2005 AIED2005 Workshop on Educational Games as Intelligent Learning Environments, Amsterdam
2005 AAAI2005 Workshop on Educational Data Mining, Pittsburgh, PA
2005 2nd Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing, Ann Arbor
2004 7th Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference (ITS2004), Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
2004 ITS2004 Workshop on Social and Emotional Intelligence in Learning Environments, Maceio, Brazil
2003 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Sydney, Australia
2003 UM2003 Workshop on Modeling User Affect and Attitudes, Johnstown, PA
1991 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia
1991 9th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Anaheim, CA
1988 7th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Radisson-St. Paul, MN
1988 5th International Conference on Machine Learning, Ann Arbor, MI
ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
AI Magazine
Artificial Intelligence
Automated Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop
CA Microelectronics Innovation and Computer Research Opportunities (MICRO) program
CMU LTI Student Research Symposium
Dialogue and Discourse
Handbook of Educational Data Mining
Human Computer Interaction
IEEE Computer
IEEE Expert
IEEE Intelligent Systems
IEEE Transactions on Computers
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
Institute of Education Sciences, United States Department of Education
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Conferences (AIED)
International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Basic Research Foundation
Israel Science Foundation
Journal of Educational Data Mining
Journal of Natural Language Engineering
Language Learning & Technology
Machine Learning
National Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
National Science Foundation
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Research in Engineering Design
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Speech Communication
Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (referee for post-PhD “habilitation” diploma)
University of Sydney (refereed for a Thompson fellowship application)
2015 Yueran Yuan, Computer Science master’s ***: analysis of children’s reading EEG
2013 José González-Brenes, Language Technologies PhD: What and When Do Students Learn? Methods For Knowledge Tracing With Data-Driven Mapping of Items to Skills
2012 Wei Chen, Language Technologies PhD: Detecting Off-task Speech
2012 Lucas Tan, Computer Science master’s ***: Using a Low-cost EEG Sensor to Detect Mental States
2012 Yanbo Xu, Language Technologies master’s: knowledge tracing of steps with multiple subskills
2012 Sunayana Sitaram, Language Technologies master’s: mining and visualizing oral reading prosody
2012 Mdahaduzzaman Munna, Language Technologies master’s: analysis of fluency practice scheduling
2011 Yuanpeng Li, Language Technologies master’s: analysis and visualization of oral reading prosody
2011 Weisi Duan, Language Technologies master’s: educational word sense disambiguation
2011 Lucas Tan, Computer Science senior thesis: automated classification of events in intelligent tutors
2010 Minh Duong, Language Technologies master’s: automated assessment of oral reading prosody
2010 Liu Liu, Language Technologies master’s *: automated generation of example contexts for vocabulary
2009 Wei Chen, Language Technologies master’s *: automated generation of comprehension instruction
2008 Xiaonan Zhang, Language Technologies master’s **: mining educational data from a Reading Tutor that listens
2006 Kai-min Chang, Language Technologies master’s **: educational data mining
2005 Cecily Heiner, Computer-Assisted Language Learning master’s **: Automated Vocabulary Instruction
2004 June Sison, Language Technologies master’s **: educational data mining
2002 Peng Jia, Masters’ Project in Knowledge Discovery in Databases **: Mining computer tutor-student interaction data to assess students’ reading and predict future behavior
2001 Gregory Aist, Language Technologies PhD: Helping Children Learn Vocabulary during Computer-Assisted Oral Reading. Distinguished Finalist for International Reading Association Outstanding Dissertation.
1997 Gregory Aist, Computational Linguistics master’s: A General Architecture for a Real-Time Discourse Agent and a Case Study in Oral Reading Tutoring
1996 Jeffrey Hill, Computational Linguistics master’s: Tolerating and Detecting Mispronunciations
1993 Lorien Pratt, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Transferring Previously Learned Back-Propagation Neural Networks to New Learning Tasks.
1992 Neeraj Bhatnagar, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): On-line Learning from Search Failures
1990 Armand Prieditis, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Discovering Effective Admissible Heuristics by Abstraction and Speedup: A Transformational Approach
2013 – Kevin Lenzo, Robotics PhD: Characteristic Prosody and Meaning in Speech Synthesis
2013-14 Colleen Davy, Psychology PhD: Speech and Listening in the Acquisition of L2 Vocabulary and Morphosyntax
2007-12 Nora Presson, Psychology PhD: Applying Processing Models of Verb Morphology to an Instructional Intervention in Classroom Spanish
2008-10 Min Chi, Intelligent Systems PhD (University of Pittsburgh): Do Micro-Level Tutorial Decisions Matter: Applying Reinforcement Learning To Induce Pedagogical Tutorial Tactics
2008 Ari Bader-Natal, Computer Science PhD (Brandeis University): The Teacher's Dilemma: A game-based approach for motivating appropriate challenge among peers
2007-09 Yvonne Kao, Psychology PhD: Contributions of Spatial Skills To Geometry Achievement: Training And Transfer
2005 Patrick Riley, Computer Science PhD: Coaching: Learning and Using Environment and Agent Models for Advice
1998 Lorin Grubb, Computer Science PhD: Tracking Vocal Performances in an Ensemble Using Multiple Performance Parameters
1997 Yuriko Murata, Computational Linguistics master’s Project on mapping hirakana to kanji.
1990 William Cohen, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Concept Learning Using Explanation Based Generalization as an Abstraction Mechanism
1990 Sridhar Mahadevan, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Learning Decomposition Methods to Improve Hierarchical Problem-solving Performance
1990 Prasad Tadepalli, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Learning Approximate Plans in Games
1989 Thomas Ellman, Computer Science PhD (Columbia University): Explanation-Based Methods for Simplifying Intractable Theories
1989 Keith Williamson, Computer Science M.Phil. (Rutgers University): Database Schema Refinement
1988 Smadar Kedar-Cabelli, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): Formulating Concepts and Analogies According to Purpose
1986 Richard M. Keller, Computer Science PhD (Rutgers University): The Role of Explicit Contextual Knowledge in Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
2014 – Yi-Ting Huang, visiting PhD student from National Taiwan University: automated question generation
2014 Miguel Peralta, summer intern from Black Hawk College, Moline, IL: educational data mining
2014 Mentor for Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Summer School, Educational Data Mining track
2013-14 Rahul Goutam, Language Technologies master’s student: automated scoring of vocabulary examples
2013-14 Bhushan Ramnani, Computational Biology master’s student: detecting mental states in keystrokes
2013 Diana Torres Olague, summer intern from New Mexico State University ***: analysis of children’s EEG
2013 Sang Jin Han, undergraduate in Computer Science and Mathematics ***: analysis of children’s EEG
2013 Yongjin Kwon, undergraduate in Computer Science ***: analysis of children’s EEG while reading
2010-13 José P. González-Brenes, Language Technologies PhD student: detecting changes in tutorial interaction
2010 – Yanbo Xu, graduate student in Language Technologies: using Dynamic Bayes nets to model fluency
2012 Sébastien Lallé, visiting PhD student from Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France: comparison of student model formalisms in predicting success of tutor help
2011-12 Lucas Tan, Computer Science master’s student: finding temporal structure in single-channel EEG
2010-12 Vivian Chen, master’s student in Language Technologies: using EEG to improve speech recognition (co-advised with Kai-min Chang)
2010-12 Hyeju Jang, master’s student in Language Technologies: automated discovery of semantic relations
2010-12 Sunayana Sitaram, master’s student in Language Technologies: automated assessment and visualization of children’s oral reading prosody
2010-12 Mdahaduzzaman Munna, master’s student in Language Technologies: model fluency growth
2009-12 Wei Chen, PhD student in Language Technologies: generating self-questioning instruction, understanding children’s spoken questions, detecting off-task speech
2011-12 Yuanpeng Li, Visiting Scholar: evaluating and improving tracking of children’s oral reading
2011 Udip Pant, summer intern from Brigham Young University ***: inferring comprehension from EEG
2011 Shanay Russell, junior in Psychology at Rutgers University: effects of story difficulty on fluency gains
2011 Mentor for Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center Summer School, Educational Data Mining track
2011 Denise Edwards, Information System sophomore: mapping Reading Tutor data into PSLC’s DataShop
2010 Corinne Durette, summer intern from Temple University: taxonomy of children’s free-form responses
2010 Matt Wagner, Xueqiong Qu, Chu Liu, and Siyu Shan: oral reading language model improvements
2009-10 Morten Rasmussen, PhD student from Aalborg University, Denmark: tracking children’s oral reading
2009-10 Maxim Makatchev, Robotics PhD student: committee for research skills and writing qualifier
2009 Michael Heilman, language technologies PhD student: supervise PIER Field-Based Experience
2008 Qin Gong, Language Technologies master’s *: automated assessment of free-form spoken responses
2008 – Minh Duong, Language Technologies master’s student: assessment of oral reading expressiveness
2008 – Liu Liu, Language Technologies master’s student *: automated generation of vocabulary instruction
2008–09 Haijun Gong and Tracy Sweet, Statistics grad students: Impact of an Automated Reading Tutor in Ghana
2007–09 G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Robotics PhD student: controlled study of the Reading Tutor in Ghana
2007 Nathaniel Anozie, Elise Olson, and April Galyardt, Statistics grad students: Evaluation of an Automated Reading Tutor in Pittsburgh Public Schools
2006–07 Ling Xu and Vinithra Varadharajan [co-advised with Rahul Tongia]: automated ASL tutor for deaf kids
2006 G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Robotics PhD student: applying robotic control concepts to automated tutors
2005 Nidhi Kalra, Robotics PhD student: advisory committee on a Braille writing tutor for the blind
2005 G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Robotics PhD student: Impact of an Automated Reading Tutor in Ghana
2004 Hao Cen, Human-Computer Interaction PhD student **: tool to browse student-tutor interactions
2004 Bob Poulsen, Computer Science master’s thesis at DePaul University [unofficial co-advisor]: Tutoring Bilingual Students With an Automated Reading Tutor That Listens: Results of a Two-Month Pilot Study
2004 Peter Kant, Education Policy master’s thesis at University of Pittsburgh: The Influence of Teachers' Perceptions on Usage of an Educational Technology: A Study of Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor
2004 Shanna Tellerman, Entertainment Technologies master’s student: visual redesign of the Reading Tutor
2003–05 Cecily Heiner, Computer-Assisted Language Learning master’s student **: mine Reading Tutor data
2002-03 Satanjeev Banerjee, Language Technologies master’s student: optimize Reading Tutor language model
2002-03 Wilson Tam, Language Technologies master’s student: train confidence score
2002 Tameka Barrentine, Kate O’Leary, and Angela Wagner, HCI masters’ students: children’s motivation
2002 Peng Jia, master’s in Automated Learning and Discovery **: Mining computer tutor-student interaction data to assess students’ reading and predict future behavior.
2002 Natasha Mohanty, summer intern from Mount Holyoke College: model children’s spelling
2001 Micah Alpern, Katie Minardo, Maureen O’Toole, Amy Quinn, and Sean Ritzie, Human-Computer Interaction Lab group project: Project LISTEN: Design Recommendations and Teacher Tool Prototype
2000 James Fogarty, Laura Dabbish, and David Steck: mining a database of oral reading miscues
1997–98 Tzee-Ming Huang, Statistics PhD course project on predictive models of oral reading performance
1998 Peggy Chan and Calvin Yeung, Statistics master’s project to estimate automated transcription errors
1997 Dan Barritt, HCI master’s independent study: observe Reading Tutor use at an elementary school
1997 Kerry Perlmutter, Design master’s project: graphical design of Reading Tutor interventions.
1983 Steve Minton, Computer Science PhD student: replay of design derivations
1983 Monica Lam, Computer Science PhD student: transformational derivation of systolic designs
1988-90 Greg Fisher: research assistantship and independent study (CS602) on knowledge compilation
1988 Kevin Kelly: research assistantship and independent study (CS602) on knowledge compilation
1987 William Cohen: research assistantship on the generalization-to-N problem in LEAP
1988 Barbara DiEugenio: independent study (CS601) on explanation in interactive design systems
1987 Dawn Cohen: research assistantship on heuristic theory formation
1987 Mukesh Dalal: independent study (CS601) on learning from execution traces
1987 Subrata Roy: independent study (CS602) on extending a learning apprentice for VLSI design
1986 Mike Barley: independent study (CS601) and research assistantship on automated reuse of design plans
1986-88 Tom Fawcett: independent study (CS601) on learning with partially-developed causal theories
1985-86 Kerstin Voigt: dissertation research (CS701) on integration of goals in design
1985 Patricia Friedmann: independent study (CS601) on AI and education
1985 Deborah McGuinness: independent study (CS601) on Automatic Programming
1983 Randy Kerber (USC computer science graduate student): derivation of a simple two-robot algorithm
1. Lane, H. C., Yacef, K., Mostow, J., & Pavlik, P. (Editors). 2013. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7926. Springer, Memphis, TN, xxxii+961 pp.
2. Aleven, V., Kay, J. and Mostow, J. (Editors) 2010. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2010), Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6094. Springer, Pittsburgh, PA, xxx+437 pp.
3. Aleven, V., Kay, J. and Mostow, J. (Editors) 2010. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2010), Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6095. Springer, Pittsburgh, PA, xxix+461 pp.
4. J. Mostow (editor). Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11(11):1253-1408, November, 1985.
5. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cuneo, A., Gouvea, E., Heiner, C., & Juarez, O. (2010). Lessons from Project LISTEN's Session Browser. In C. Romero, S. Ventura, S. R. Viola, M. Pechenizkiy, & R. S. J. d. Baker (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Data Mining: Taylor & Francis Group, 389-416.
6. Mostow, J., Aist, G., Huang, C., Junker, B., Kennedy, R., Lan, H., Latimer, D., O'Connor, R., Tassone, R., Tobin, B., & Wierman, A. (2008). 4-Month evaluation of a learner-controlled Reading Tutor that listens. In V. M. Holland & F. P. Fisher (Eds.), The Path of Speech Technologies in Computer Assisted Language Learning: From Research Toward Practice (pp. 201-219). New York: Routledge.
7. Aist, G., & Mostow, J. (2008). Faster, better task choice in a reading tutor that listens. In V. M. Holland & F. P. Fisher (Eds.), The Path of Speech Technologies in Computer Assisted Language Learning: From Research Toward Practice (pp. 220-240). New York: Routledge.
8. Mostow, J. (2008). Evaluation purposes, excuses, and methods: Experience from a Reading Tutor that listens. In C. K. Kinzer & L. Verhoeven (Eds.), Interactive Literacy Education: Facilitating Literacy Environments Through Technology, pages 117-148. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Taylor & Francis Group.
9. Mostow, J., & Beck, J. (2007). When the Rubber Meets the Road: Lessons from the In-School Adventures of an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens. In B. Schneider & S.-K. McDonald (Eds.), Conceptualizing Scale-Up: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 2, pages 183-200). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
10. Mostow, J. and Aist, G. Evaluating tutors that listen. In K. Forbus and P. Feltovich (Eds.) Smart Machines in Education, 169-234. MIT/AAAI Press. 2001.
11. J. Mostow, M. Barley, and T. Weinrich. Automated reuse of design plans in BOGART. In C. Tong and D. Sriram (editors), Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design, chapter 2, pages 57-103. Academic Press, 1992. Revised version of paper in International Journal for Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, October 1989, volume 4, number 4, pages 181-196.
12. J. Mostow. A transformational approach to knowledge compilation: replayable derivations of task-specific heuristic search algorithms. In M. Lowry and R. McCartney (editors), Automating Software Design, chapter 10, pages 231-259. AAAI Press, 1991.
13. J. Mostow. Design by derivational analogy: issues in the automated replay of design plans. In J. Carbonell (editor), Machine Learning: Paradigms and Methods. MIT Press, 1990. Originally published in Artificial Intelligence 40: 1-3, September 1989, pages 119-184, Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland).
14. F. Hayes-Roth, D. J. Mostow, and P. Klahr. Knowledge acquisition, knowledge programming, and knowledge refinement. In P. Klahr and D. Waterman (editor), Expert Systems: Techniques, Tools and Applications, pages 310-349. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
15. J. Mostow. Why are design derivations hard to replay? In T. Mitchell, J. Carbonell, and R. Michalski (editors), Machine Learning: A Guide to Current Research, pages 213-218. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hingham, MA, 1986. Revised and condensed version of paper in Proceedings of the 3rd International Machine Learning Workshop.
16. D. J. Mostow. Machine transformation of advice into a heuristic search procedure. In J. G. Carbonell, R. S. Michalski, and T. M. Mitchell (editors), Machine Learning, pages 367-403. Palo Alto, CA: Tioga, 1983.
17. F. Hayes-Roth, P. Klahr, and D. J. Mostow. Advice taking and knowledge refinement: an iterative view of skill acquisition. In J. A. Anderson (editor), Cognitive Skills and their Acquisition, pages 231-253. Erlbaum, 1981. Presented at 1980 Carnegie Symposium on Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA.
18. D. J. Mostow and F. Hayes-Roth. A production system for speech understanding. In D. A. Waterman and F. Hayes-Roth (editors), Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, pages 471-481. Academic Press, New York, 1978.
19. F. Hayes-Roth, D. J. Mostow, and M. Fox. Understanding speech in the Hearsay-II system. In L. Bolc (editor), Speech Communication with Computers, pages 9-42. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978.
20. Mostow, J., Nelson-Taylor, J., & Beck, J. E. (2013). Computer-Guided Oral Reading versus Independent Practice: Comparison of Sustained Silent Reading to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 49(2), 249-276. doi: DOI: 10.2190/EC.49.2.g
21. Chen, W., Mostow, J., & Aist, G. S. (2013). Recognizing Young Readers’ Spoken Questions. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 21(4), 255-269.
22. Chang, K.-m., Nelson, J., Pant, U., & Mostow, J. (2013). Toward Exploiting EEG Input in a Reading Tutor. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 22(1, “Best of AIED2011 Part 1”), 29-41.
23. Liu, L., Mostow, J., & Aist, G. S. (2013). Generating Example Contexts to Help Children Learn Word Meaning. Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 19(2), 187-212. doi: 10.1017/S1351324911000374
24. Duong, M., Mostow, J., & Sitaram, S. (2011). Two Methods for Assessing Oral Reading Prosody. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (Special Issue on Speech and Language Processing of Children’s Speech for Child-machine Interaction Applications), 7(4): 14:11-22.
25. González-Brenes, J. P., & Mostow, J. (2011). Classifying Dialogue in High-Dimensional Space. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing (Special Issue on Machine Learning for Adaptivity in Spoken Dialogue Systems), 7(3): 8:1-15.
26. Korsah, G. A., Mostow, J., Dias, M. B., Sweet, T. M., Belousov, S. M., Dias, M. F., & Gong, H. (2010). Improving Child Literacy in Africa: Experiments with an Automated Reading Tutor. Information Technologies and International Development 6(2), 1-19.
27. Mostow, J., and Beck, J. (2006). Some useful tactics to modify, map, and mine data from intelligent tutors. Natural Language Engineering (Special Issue on Educational Applications), 12(2), 195-208.
28. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Bey, J., Cuneo, A., Sison, J., Tobin, B., & Valeri, J. (2004). Using automated questions to assess reading comprehension, vocabulary, and effects of tutorial interventions. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 2, 97-134.
29. Beck, J. E., Jia, P., & Mostow, J. (2004). Automatically assessing oral reading fluency in a computer tutor that listens. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 2, 61-81.
30. Murray, R. C., VanLehn, K., & Mostow, J. (2004). Looking Ahead to Select Tutorial Actions: A Decision-Theoretic Approach. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 14, 235-278.
31. Mostow, J., Aist, G., Burkhead, P., Corbett, A., Cuneo, A., Eitelman, S., Huang, C., Junker, B., Sklar, M. B., & Tobin, B. (2003). Evaluation of an automated Reading Tutor that listens: Comparison to human tutoring and classroom instruction. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 29(1), 61-117.
32. Mostow, J. and Aist, G. (1999). Giving help and praise in a reading tutor with imperfect listening – because automated speech recognition means never being able to say you’re certain. CALICO Journal 16:3, 407-424. Special issue (M. Holland, Ed.), Tutors that Listen: Speech Recognition for Language Learning.
33. N. Bhatnagar and J. Mostow (1994). On-line learning from search failures. Machine Learning 15(1):69-117.
34. S. Mahadevan, T. Mitchell, J. Mostow, L. Steinberg, and P. Tadepalli (1993). An apprentice-based approach to knowledge acquisition. Artificial Intelligence 64(1):1-52.
35. J. Mostow (1990). Towards automated development of specialized algorithms for design synthesis: knowledge compilation as an approach to computer-aided design. Research in Engineering Design 1(3):167-186.
36. J. Mostow, M. Barley, and T. Weinrich (1989). Automated reuse of design plans. International Journal for Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 4(4):181-196.
37. M. Lam and J. Mostow (1985). A transformational model of VLSI systolic design. IEEE Computer 18(2):42-52.
38. J. Mostow (1984). A decision-based framework for comparing hardware compilers. Journal of Systems and Software (4):39-50. Reviewed in ACM Computing Reviews, November 1984, pages 509-510.
39. J. Mostow and B. Balzer (1984). Application of a transformational software development methodology to VLSI design. Journal of Systems and Software (4):51-61. Reviewed in ACM Computing Reviews, January 1985, page 73.
40. Martin, L., Stone, M., Metze, F., & Mostow, J. (2014, Dec. 7-10). A Methodology for Using Crowdsourced Data to Measure Uncertainty in Natural Speech. In 2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014), South Lake Tahoe, CA and NV.
41. Mostow, J., Adlof, S., Byard, J., Gates, D., Goutam, R., Kapelner, A., McKeown, M., Perfetti, C., & Yuan, Y. (2014, July 16 - 20). Nutritious contexts: automatically identifying helpful examples for learning vocabulary words. Poster at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Santa Fe, NM.
42. Xu, Y., Chang, K.-m., Yuan, Y., & Mostow, J. (2014, July 4-7). Using EEG in Knowledge Tracing. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 361-362. Institute of Education, London, UK.
43. Xu, Y. & Mostow, J. (2014, July 4). A Unified 5-Dimensional Framework for Student Models. In Proceedings of the EDM2014 Workshop on Approaching Twenty Years of Knowledge Tracing: Lessons Learned, Open Challenges, and Promising Developments, 122-129. Institute of Education, London, UK.
44. Xu, Y., Chang, K.-m., Yuan, Y., & Mostow, J. (2014, June 5-6). EEG Helps Knowledge Tracing! In Proceedings of the ITS2014 Workshop on Utilizing EEG Input in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 43-48. Honolulu.
45. Yuan, Y., Chang, K.-m., Xu, Y., & Mostow, J. (2014, June 5-6). A Public Toolkit and ITS Dataset for EEG. In Proceedings of the ITS2014 Workshop on Utilizing EEG Input in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 49-54. Honololu.
46. Yuan, Y., Chang, K.-m., Taylor, J. N., & Mostow, J. (2014, March 24-28). Toward Unobtrusive Measurement of Reading Comprehension Using Low-Cost EEG. In 4th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge 54-58. Indianapolis, IN, USA.
47. Lallé, S., Mostow, J., Luengo, V., & Guin, N. (2013, July 9-13). Comparing Student Models in Different Formalisms by Predicting their Impact on Help Success [Finalist for Best Paper Award]. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 161-170. Memphis, TN.
48. González-Brenes, J. P. & Mostow, J. (2013, July 6-9). What and when do students learn? Fully data-driven joint estimation of cognitive and student models. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 236-239. Memphis, TN.
49. Xu, Y. & Mostow, J. (2013, July 6-9). Using item response theory to refine knowledge tracing. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, 356-357. Memphis, TN.
50. Xu, Y. & Mostow, J. (2012, Dec. 8). A Dynamic Higher-Order DINA Model To Trace Multiple Skills [oral presentation]. In NIPS 2012 Workshop on Personalizing Education With Machine Learning, Lake Tahoe, CA.
51. Mostow, J., Nelson, J., Kantorzyk, M., Gates, D., & Valeri, J. (2012, July 11-14). How does the amount of context in which words are practiced affect fluency growth? Experimental results. Talk presented at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, Canada.
52. Xu, Y., & Mostow, J. (2012, June 19-21). Comparison of methods to trace multiple subskills: Is LR-DBN best? [Best Student Paper Award]. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Chania, Crete, Greece.
53. González-Brenes, J. P., & Mostow, J. (2012, June 19-21). Dynamic Cognitive Tracing: Towards Unified Discovery of Student and Cognitive Models. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Chania, Crete, Greece.
54. Mostow, J., & Jang, H. (2012, June 7). Generating Diagnostic Multiple Choice Comprehension Cloze Questions. In NAACL-HLT 7th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, Montréal, Canada.
55. Mostow, J. (2012, June 6-8). Why and How Our Automated Reading Tutor Listens. In International Symposium on Automatic Detection of Errors in Pronunciation Training (ISADEPT), 43-52. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
56. Chen, Y.-N., Chang, K.-M., & Mostow, J. (2012, June 3-8). Towards Using EEG to Improve ASR Accuracy. In The 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL), Montréal, Canada
57. Sitaram, S., & Mostow, J. (2012, May 23-25). Mining Data from Project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor to Analyze Development of Children's Oral Reading Prosody [Best Paper Award]. In Proceedings of the 25th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-25), Marco Island, Florida.
58. Li, Y., & Mostow, J. (2012, May 23-25). Evaluating and improving real-time tracking of children’s oral reading. In Proceedings of the 25th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-25), Marco Island, Florida.
59. Xu, Y., & Mostow, J. (2012, May 23-25). Extending a Dynamic Bayes Net Toolkit to Trace Multiple Subskills. In Proceedings of the 25th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-25), Marco Island, Florida.
60. Jang, H., & Mostow, J. (2012, April 23-27). Inferring Selectional Preferences from Part-of-Speech N-grams. In Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Avignon, France.
61. Chen, W., Mostow, J., & Aist, G. (2011, November 4-6). Using Automatic Question Generation to Evaluate Questions Generated by Children. Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Question Generation, Arlington, VA.
64. González-Brenes, J., Duan, W., & Mostow, J. (2011). How to Classify Tutorial Dialogue? Comparing Feature Vectors vs. Sequences. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining Retrieved from
69. Mostow, J., González-Brenes, J., & Tan, B. H. (2011). Learning Classifiers from a Relational Database of Tutor Logs. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining Retrieved from
71. Mostow, J., Xu, Y., & Munna, M. (2011). Desperately Seeking Subscripts: Towards Automated Model Parameterization. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining. Retrieved from
76. Duong, M., & Mostow, J. (2010, Sept. 26-30). Adapting a Duration Synthesis Model to Score Children's Oral Reading. Interspeech 2010, Makuhari, Japan, 769-772.
77. Chen, W., Mostow, J., & Aist, G. (2010, June 14-18). Exploiting Predictable Response Training to Improve Automatic Recognition of Children's Spoken Questions. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2010), Pittsburgh, PA, 55-64. © Springer-Verlag.
78. Mostow, J., Aist., G., Bey, J., Chen, W., Corbett, A., Duan, W., Duke, N., Duong, M., Gates, D., Gonzalez, J. P., Juarez, O., Kantorzyk, M., Li, Y., Liu, L., McKeown, M., Trotochaud, C., Valeri, J., Weinstein, A., & Yen, D. (2010, June 14-18). A Better Reading Tutor That Listens [Interactive Event]. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2010), Pittsburgh, PA, 451.
79. González-Brenes, J. P., & Mostow, J. (2010, June 11-13). Predicting Task Completion from Rich but Scarce Data. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Pittsburgh, PA, 291-292.
80. Mostow, J., & Tan, B. H. L. (2010, June 11-13). AutoJoin: Generalizing an Example into an EDM query. The Third International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Pittsburgh, PA, 307-308.
81. Aist, G., Gates, D., McKeown, M., & Mostow, J. (2010, January 8). Derivational morphology affects children's word reading in English earlier than previously thought. Presented at Linguistic Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
82. Aist, G., & Mostow, J. (2009, September 6-10). Designing Spoken Tutorial Dialogue with Children to Elicit Predictable but Educationally Valuable Responses. 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), Brighton, UK.
83. Aist, G., & Mostow, J. (2009, September 3-5). Predictable and Educational Spoken Dialogues: Pilot Results. Second ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Wroxall Abbey Estate, Warwickshire, England.
84. Duong, M., & Mostow, J. (2009, September 3-5). Detecting Prosody Improvement in Oral Rereading. Second ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Wroxall Abbey Estate, Warwickshire, England.
85. Liu, L., Mostow, J., & Aist, G. (2009, September 3-5). Automated Generation of Example Contexts for Helping Children Learn Vocabulary. Second ISCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education (SLaTE), Wroxall Abbey Estate, Warwickshire, England.
86. Mostow, J., & Duong, M. (2009, July 6-10). Automated Assessment of Oral Reading Prosody. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2009), Brighton, UK, 189-196.
87. Mostow, J., & Chen, W. (2009, July 6-10). Generating Instruction Automatically for the Reading Strategy of Self-Questioning. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2009), Brighton, UK, 465-472.
88. Chen, W., Aist, G., & Mostow, J. (2009, July 6). Generating Questions Automatically from Informational Text. Proceedings of AIED 2009 Workshop on Question Generation, Brighton, UK, 17-24.
89. Mostow, J., & Beck, J. E. (2009, July 1-3). Why, What, and How to Log? Lessons from LISTEN. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Córdoba, Spain, 269-278.
90. Liu, L., Aist, G., & Mostow, J. (2009, May 2-3). Generating Example Contexts for Vocabulary Words: Initial Steps. Sixth Midwest Computational Linguistics Colloquium, Bloomington, Indiana.
91. Mills-Tettey, A., Mostow, J., Dias, M. B., Sweet, T. M., Belousov, S. M., Dias, M. F., & Gong, H. (2009, April 17-19). Improving Child Literacy in Africa: Experiments with an Automated Reading Tutor. Honorable Mention for Student Paper Award. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2009), Carnegie Mellon, Doha, Qatar.
92. Corbett, A. & Mostow, J. (2008, September 25-26). Automating Comprehension Questions: Lessons from a Reading Tutor. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Question Generation, NSF, Arlington, VA.
93. Beck, J. E., Chang, K.-m., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2008, June 23-27). Does help help? Introducing the Bayesian Evaluation and Assessment methodology. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, 383-394. ITS2008 Best Paper Award.
94. Beck, J. E., & Mostow, J. (2008, June 23-27). How who should practice: Using learning decomposition to evaluate the efficacy of different types of practice for different types of students. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, 353-362. Nominated for ITS2008 Best Paper.
95. Zhang, X., Mostow, J., & Beck, J. E. (2008). A Case Study Empirical Comparison of Three Methods to Evaluate Tutorial Behaviors. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, 122-131.
96. Zhang, X., Mostow, J., Duke, N. K., Trotochaud, C., Valeri, J., & Corbett, A. (2008, June 20-21). Mining Free-form Spoken Responses to Tutor Prompts. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Montreal, 234-241.
97. Mostow, J., & Zhang, X. (2008, June 20-21). Analytic Comparison of Three Methods to Evaluate Tutorial Behaviors. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Montreal, 28-37.
98. Xu, L., Varadharajan, V., Maravich, J., Tongia, R., & Mostow, J. (2007, October 1-3). DeSIGN: An Intelligent Tutor to Teach American Sign Language. SLaTE workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Education, ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop, The Summit Inn, Farmington, Pennsylvania.
99. Zhang, X., Mostow, J., & Beck, J. E. (2007, July 9-13). Can a Computer Listen for Fluctuations in Reading Comprehension? Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Los Angeles, CA, 495-502.
100. Zhang, X., Mostow, J., & Beck, J. E. (2007, July 9). All in the (word) family: Using learning decomposition to estimate transfer between skills in a Reading Tutor that listens. AIED2007 Educational Data Mining Workshop, Marina del Rey, CA.
101. Mostow, J. (2006, September 17-21). Is ASR accurate enough for automated reading tutors, and how can we tell? Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Interspeech 2006 — ICSLP), Special Session on Speech and Language in Education, Pittsburgh, PA, 837-840.
102. Heiner, C., Beck, J., & Mostow, J. (2006, June 26-30). Automated Vocabulary Instruction in a Reading Tutor. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan, 741-743.
103. Chang, K.-m., Beck, J. E., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2006, July 17). Does Help Help? A Bayes Net Approach to Modeling Tutor Interventions. AAAI2006 Workshop on Educational Data Mining, Boston, MA.
104. Chang, K.-m., Beck, J., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2006, June 26-30). A Bayes Net Toolkit for Student Modeling in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Jhongli, Taiwan, 104-113.
105. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cen, H., Gouvea, E., & Heiner, C. (2005, July). Interactive Demonstration of a Generic Tool to Browse Tutor-Student Interactions. Interactive Events Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2005), Amsterdam, 29-32.
106. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cuneo, A., Gouvea, E., & Heiner, C. (2005, July 18-22). A Generic Tool to Browse Tutor-Student Interactions: Time Will Tell! Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2005), Amsterdam, 884-886.
107. Heiner, C., Beck, J., & Mostow, J. (2005, July 18-22). When do students interrupt help? Effects of individual differences. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2005), Amsterdam, 819-826.
108. Beck, J. E., Chang, K., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2005, July 19). Using a student model to improve a computer tutor's speech recognition. Proceedings of the AIED 05 Workshop on Student Modeling for Language Tutors, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Amsterdam, 2-11.
109. Chang, K.., Beck, J. E., Mostow, J., & Corbett, A. (2005, July 19). Using speech recognition to evaluate two student models for a reading tutor. Proceedings of the AIED 05 Workshop on Student Modeling for Language Tutors, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Amsterdam, 12-21.
110. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Cen, H., Cuneo, A., Gouvea, E., & Heiner, C. (2005, July 10). An Educational Data Mining Tool to Browse Tutor-Student Interactions: Time Will Tell! Proceedings of the Workshop on Educational Data Mining, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pittsburgh, 15-22.
111. Beck, J. E., & Mostow, J. (2005, April 12). Mining Data from Randomized Within-Subject Experiments in an Automated Reading Tutor (poster in session 34.080, “Logging Students' Learning in Complex Domains: Empirical Considerations and Technological Solutions”). American Educational Research Association 2005 Annual Meeting: Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability, Montreal, Canada.
112. Beck, J. E., Mostow, J., & Bey, J. (2004, September 1-3). Can automated questions scaffold children's reading comprehension? Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Maceio, Brazil.
113. Mostow, J. (2004, August 30). Some useful design tactics for mining ITS data. ITS2004 Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, 20-28.
114. Heiner, C., Beck, J., & Mostow, J. (2004, August 30). Lessons on Using ITS Data to Answer Educational Research Questions. Proceedings of the ITS2004 Workshop on Analyzing Student-Tutor Interaction Logs to Improve Educational Outcomes, Maceio, Brazil, 1-9.
115. Heiner, C., Beck, J. E., & Mostow, J. (2004, June 17-19). Improving the Help Selection Policy in a Reading Tutor that Listens. Proceedings of the InSTIL/ICALL Symposium on NLP and Speech Technologies in Advanced Language Learning Systems, Venice, Italy, 195-198.
116. Beck, J. E., Sison, J., & Mostow, J. (2004, June 27-30). Using automated speech recognition to measure scaffolding and learning effects of word identification interventions in a computer tutor that listens. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
117. Banerjee, S., Mostow, J., Beck, J., & Tam, W. (2003, December 15-16). Improving Language Models by Learning from Speech Recognition Errors in a Reading Tutor that Listens. Second International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Fort Panhala, Kolhapur, India.
118. Banerjee, S., Beck, J., & Mostow, J. (2003, September 1-4). Evaluating the Effect of Predicting Oral Reading Miscues. Proc. 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003), Geneva, Switzerland.
119. Tam, Y.-C., Beck, J., Mostow, J., & Banerjee, S. (2003, September 1-4). Training a Confidence Measure for a Reading Tutor that Listens. Proc. 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 2003), Geneva, Switzerland.
120. Mostow, J., & Beck, J. E. (2003, July 20-24). Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor: Interactive Event Description. Supplemental Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2003), Sydney, Australia, 30-32.
121. Beck, J. E., Mostow, J., Cuneo, A., & Bey, J. (2003, July 20-24). Can automated questioning help children's reading comprehension? Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED2003), Sydney, Australia, 380-382.
122. Beck, J. E., Jia, P., Sison, J., & Mostow, J. (2003, June 22-26). Predicting student help-request behavior in an intelligent tutor for reading. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on User Modeling, Johnstown, PA, 303-312.
123. Beck, J. E., Jia, P., & Mostow, J. (2003, June 22-26). Assessing student proficiency in a Reading Tutor that listens. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on User Modeling, Johnstown, PA, 323-327.
124. Mostow, J., Beck, J. E., & Valeri, J. (2003, June 22). Can Automated Emotional Scaffolding Affect Student Persistence? A Baseline Experiment. Proceedings of the Workshop on “Assessing and Adapting to User Attitudes and Affect: Why, When and How?” at the 9th International Conference on User Modeling (UM'03), Johnstown, PA, 61-64.
125. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Bey, J., Cuneo, A., Sison, J., & Tobin, B. (2003, June 12-15). An Embedded Experiment to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Vocabulary Previews in an Automated Reading Tutor. Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Studies of Reading, Boulder, CO.
126. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Chalasani, R., Cuneo, A., & Jia, P. (2002, October 14-16). Viewing and Analyzing Multimodal Human-computer Tutorial Dialogue: A Database Approach. Fourth IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2002), Pittsburgh, PA. Revised version of paper first presented at ITS 2002 Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems, San Sebastian, Spain.
127. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Winter, S. V., Wang, S., & Tobin, B. (2002, September 16-20). Predicting oral reading miscues. Seventh International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-02), Denver, CO.
128. Mostow, J., Aist, G., Bey, J., Burkhead, P., Cuneo, A., Junker, B., Rossbach, S., Tobin, B., Valeri, J., & Wilson, S. (2002, June 27-30). Independent practice versus computer-guided oral reading: Equal-time comparison of sustained silent reading to an automated reading tutor that listens. Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Chicago, IL.
129. Mostow, J., Aist, G., Beck, J., Chalasani, R., Cuneo, A., Jia, P., & Kadaru, K. (2002, June 5-7). A La Recherche du Temps Perdu , or As Time Goes By: Where does the time go in a Reading Tutor that listens? Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS’2002), Biarritz, France.
130. Aist, G., Kort, B., Reilly, R., Mostow, J., & Picard, R. (2002, June 5-7). Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens Increases Student Persistence [Poster]. Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS’2002), Biarritz, France.
131. Aist, G., Kort, B., Reilly, R., Mostow, J., & Picard, R. (2002, June 4). Experimentally Augmenting an Intelligent Tutoring System with Human-Supplied Capabilities: Adding Human-Provided Emotional Scaffolding to an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens. ITS 2002 Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems, San Sebastian, Spain.
132. Mostow, J., Beck, J., Chalasani, R., Cuneo, A., & Jia, P. (2002, June 4). Viewing and Analyzing Multimodal Human-computer Tutorial Dialogue: A Database Approach. ITS 2002 Workshop on Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems, San Sebastian, Spain.
133. Mostow, J., Tobin, B., & Cuneo, A. (2002, June 3). Automated Comprehension Assessment in a Reading Tutor. ITS 2002 Workshop on Creating Valid Diagnostic Assessments, San Sebastian, Spain, pp. 52-63.
134. Jia, P., Beck, J. E., & Mostow, J. (2002, June 3). Can a Reading Tutor that Listens use Inter-word Latency to Assess a Student’s Reading Ability? ITS 2002 Workshop on Creating Valid Diagnostic Assessments, San Sebastian, Spain, pp. 23-32.
135. Murray, R. C., Van Lehn, K., and Mostow, J. A Decision-Theoretic Approach for Selecting Tutorial Discourse Actions. In Proceedings of the NAACL 2001 Workshop on Adaptation in Dialogue Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2001.
136. Mostow, J., Aist, G., Bey, J., Burkhead, P., Cuneo, A., Rossbach, S., Tobin, B., Valeri, J., and Wilson, S. (2001, June 2-7). A hands-on demonstration of Project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor and its embedded experiments. In Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations Program at Language Technologies 2001: The Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2001), Pittsburgh, PA.
137. Mostow, J., Huang, C., and Tobin, B. (2001, May). Pause the video: Quick but quantitative expert evaluation of tutorial choices in a reading tutor that listens. In J. D. Moore, C. L. Redfield, and W. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future, pp. 343-353. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Presented at the Tenth Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED) Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
138. Mostow, J., Aist, G. S., Burkhead, P., Corbett, A., Cuneo, A., Eitelman, S., Huang, C., Junker, B., Platz, C., Sklar, M. B., and Tobin, B. (2001, May). A controlled evaluation of computer- versus human-assisted oral reading. In J. D. Moore, C. L. Redfield, and W. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future, pp. 586-588. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Presented at the Tenth Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED) Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
139. Aist, G. S., Mostow, J., Tobin, B., Burkhead, P., Corbett, A., Cuneo, A., Junker, B., and Sklar, M. B. (2001, May). Computer-assisted oral reading helps third graders learn vocabulary better than a classroom control – about as well as one-on-one human-assisted oral reading. In J. D. Moore, C. L. Redfield, and W. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future, pp. 267-277. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Presented at the Tenth Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED) Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
140. Fogarty, J., Dabbish, L. , Steck, D., and Mostow, J. (2001, May). Mining a database of reading mistakes: For what should an automated reading tutor listen? In J. D. Moore, C. L. Redfield, and W. L. Johnson (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Education: AI-ED in the Wired and Wireless Future, pp. 422-433. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Presented at the Tenth Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED) Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
141. Murray, R. C., Van Lehn, K., and Mostow, J. (2001, May). A Decision-Theoretic Architecture for Selecting Tutorial Discourse Actions. In Proceedings of the AIED-2001 Workshop on Tutorial Dialog Systems, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 35-46.
142. Aist, G. and Mostow, J. (2000, June). Improving story choice in a reading tutor that listens. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS’2000), p. 645. Montreal, Canada. Poster Abstract.
143. Aist, G. and Mostow, J. (2000, June). Using Automated Within-Subject Invisible Experiments to Test the Effectiveness of Automated Vocabulary Assistance. In Joseph Beck (Ed.), Proceedings of ITS’2000 Workshop on Applying Machine Learning to ITS Design/Construction, pp. 4-8. Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Montreal, Canada.
144. Aist, G. and Mostow, J. (1999, September). Measuring the Effects of Backchanneling in Computerized Oral Reading Tutoring. Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop on Prosody and Dialog. Eindhoven, Netherlands.
145. Mostow, J. and Aist, G. (1999, July). Authoring new material in a reading tutor that listens. Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99), Orlando, FL, pp. 918-919. In the refereed Intelligent Systems Demonstration track. Also presented at 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’99), College Park, MD, June, 1999.
146. Aist, G., Chan, P., Huang, X. D., Jiang, L., Kennedy, R., Latimer, D., Mostow, J., and Yeung, C. (1998, December). How effective is unsupervised data collection for children’s speech recognition? Proceedings of the International Conference on Speech and Language Processing (ICSLP98). Sydney, Australia.
147. G. Aist and J. Mostow. (1998, March). Estimating the effectiveness of conversational behaviors in a reading tutor that listens. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Applying Machine Learning to Discourse Processing. Stanford, CA. Reprinted in Proceedings of the Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery (CONALD98), June 11-13, 1998, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
148. J. Kominek, G. Aist, and J. Mostow. (1998, March). When listening is not enough: Potential uses of vision for a reading tutor that listens. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Environments. Stanford, CA. Reprinted in Proceedings of the Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery (CONALD98), June 11-13, 1998, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
149. G. S. Aist and J. Mostow. (1997, November). A time to be silent and a time to speak: Time-sensitive communicative actions in a reading tutor that listens. In AAAI Fall Symposium on Communicative Actions in Humans and Machines. Boston, MA.
150. J. Mostow and G. S. Aist. (1997, October). When speech input is not an afterthought: A reading tutor that listens. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces. Banff, Canada. Reprinted in Proceedings of the Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery (CONALD98), June 11-13, 1998, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
151. G. S. Aist and J. Mostow. (1997, September). Adapting human tutorial interventions for a reading tutor that listens: Using continuous speech recognition in interactive educational multimedia. In CALL’97 Conference on Multimedia. Exeter, England.
152. J. Mostow and G. Aist. (1997, July). The sounds of silence: Towards automated evaluation of student learning in a reading tutor that listens. In Proceedings of the 1997 National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97), pages 355-361. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Providence, RI. See for conference presentation, including updated year-end results.
153. J. Mostow and G. Aist. (1997, June). Project LISTEN: A Reading Tutor that Listens. In World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Calgary, Canada. Live demonstration.
154. J. Mostow, A. Hauptmann, and S. Roth. (1995, November). Demonstration of a Reading Coach that Listens. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI with SIGSOFT, Pittsburgh, PA.
155. J. Mostow, S. Roth, A. G. Hauptmann, and M. Kane. A Prototype Reading Coach that Listens. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94), pages 785-792. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA. AAAI-94 Outstanding Paper Award.
156. J. Mostow, S. Roth, A. Hauptmann, M. Kane, A. Swift, L. Chase, and B. Weide. (1994, August). A reading coach that listens: (edited) video transcript. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI94), pages 1507. Seattle, WA.
157. G. Hauptmann, J. Mostow, S. F. Roth, M. Kane, and A. Swift. A prototype reading coach that listens: Summary of Project LISTEN. In C. Weinstein (editor), Proceedings of the ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology, page 237. ARPA SISTO, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Plainsboro, NJ.
158. G. Hauptmann, L. L. Chase, and J. Mostow. (1994, March). Speech recognition applied to reading assistance for children: A baseline language model. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH93), pages 2255-2258. Berlin, September, 1993.
159. J. Mostow, A. G. Hauptmann, L. L. Chase, and S. Roth. (1993, July). Towards a reading coach that listens: Automated detection of oral reading errors. Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI93), pages 392-397. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Washington, DC.
160. L. Y. Pratt, J. Mostow, and C. A. Kamm. (1991, July). Direct transfer of learned information among neural networks. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI91), pages 584-589. American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
161. N. Bhatnagar and J. Mostow (1990, July). Adaptive search by explanation-based learning of heuristic censors. Proceedings of the Eighth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI90), pages 895-901. Boston, MA. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 169.
162. J. Mostow and A. E. Prieditis. (1989, August). Discovering admissible heuristics by abstracting and optimizing: a transformational approach. Proceedings of the Eleventh Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 701-707. Detroit, MI.
163. J. Mostow. (1989, August). Exploiting DIOGENES’ representations for search algorithms: propagating constraints. Proceedings of the IJCAI89 Workshop on Automated Software Development, pages 187-200.
164. J. Mostow. (1989, June). An object-oriented representation for search algorithms. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning, pages 489-491. Morgan Kaufmann, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
165. J. Mostow and G. Fisher. (1989, February). Replaying transformational derivations of heuristic search algorithms in DIOGENES. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring 1989 Symposium on AI and Software Engineering, pages 47-50. Stanford, CA.
166. J. Mostow. (1989, June). Towards knowledge compilation as an approach to computer-aided design. Proceedings of the NSF Engineering Design Research Conference, pages 475-490. Amherst, MA.
167. W. Cohen, J. Mostow, and A. Borgida. (1988, March). Generalizing number in explanation-based learning. Working Notes of the AAAI Symposium on Explanation-Based Learning, pages 68-72. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
168. S. Roy and J. Mostow. (1988, August). Parsing to learn fine grained rules. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI88), pages 547-551. St. Paul, MN.
169. Prieditis and J. Mostow. (1987, July). PROLEARN: Towards a Prolog interpreter that learns. Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI87), pages 494-498. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA.
170. J. Mostow and K. Voigt. (1987, August). Explicit integration of multiple goals in heuristic algorithm design. Proceedings of the Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI87), pages 1090-1096. Morgan Kaufmann, Milan, Italy.
171. J. Mostow and N. Bhatnagar. (1987, August). Failsafe -- a floor planner that uses EBG to learn from its failures. Proceedings of the Tenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI87), pages 249-255. Morgan Kaufmann, Milan, Italy.
172. J. Mostow and M. Barley. (1987, August). Automated reuse of design plans. In W. E. Eder (editor), Proceedings of the 1987 International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED87), pages 632-647. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boston, MA.
173. J. Mostow. (1987, June). Searching for operational concept descriptions in BAR, MetaLEX, and EBG. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine Learning, pages 376-382. Morgan Kaufmann, Irvine, CA.
174. J. Mostow and W. Swartout. (1986, August). Towards explicit integration of knowledge in expert systems: An Analysis of MYCIN’s Therapy Selection Algorithm. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI86), pages 928-935. Philadelphia, PA.
175. J. Mostow and D. Cohen. (1985, August). Automating program speedup by deciding what to cache. Proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI85), pages 165-172. Los Angeles, CA.
176. J. Mostow. (June, 1985). Some requirements for effective replay of derivations. Proceedings of the 3rd International Machine Learning Workshop, pages 129-132. Skytop, PA.
177. J. Mostow. (1983). Program transformations for VLSI. Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI83), pages 40-43. Karlsruhe, Germany.
178. J. Mostow. (1983, August). A problem-solver for making advice operational. Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI83), pages 279-283. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Washington, DC.
179. J. Mostow. (1983, June). Operationalizing advice: a problem-solving model. Proceedings of the Second International Machine Learning Workshop, pages 110-116. University of IL.
180. M. Lam and J. Mostow. (1983, May). A transformational model of VLSI systolic design. In IFIP 6th International Symposium on Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Applications, pages 65-77. Carnegie-Mellon University.
181. D. J. Mostow and F. Hayes-Roth. (1979, August). Operationalizing heuristics: some AI methods for assisting AI programming. Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI79), pages 601-609. Tokyo, Japan.
182. M. Fox and D. J. Mostow. (1977). Maximal consistent interpretations of errorful data in hierarchically modeled domains. Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI77), pages 165-171. Cambridge, MA.
183. F. Hayes-Roth and D. J. Mostow. (1976). Syntax and semantics in a distributed logic speech understanding system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pages 421-424. IEEE.
184. F. Hayes-Roth and D. J. Mostow. (1975). An automatically compilable recognition network for structured patterns. Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI75), pages 246-251. Tbilisi, USSR.
185. Mostow, J. (2013, July). Lessons from Project LISTEN: What Have We Learned from a Reading Tutor that Listens? (Keynote). In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 557-558. Memphis, TN.
186. Torres Olague, D., Yuan, Y., Chang, K.-m., & Mostow, J. (2013, July). Can EEG detect when a student needs help? (PSLC Summer School Poster).
187. Mostow, J. Collaborative Research on Learning Technologies: An Automated Reading Assistant That Listens. Proceedings of the NSF Human-Computer Interaction Grantees Workshop (HCIGW99), Orlando, FL, February, 1999. At under “2. Speech and Natural Language Understanding”.
188. Mostow, J. Guiding Spoken Dialogue with Computers by Responding to Prosodic Cues. Proceedings of the NSF Human-Computer Interaction Grantees Workshop (HCIGW99), Orlando, FL, February, 1999. At under “2. Speech and Natural Language Understanding”.
189. J. Mostow. Collaborative Research on Learning Technologies: An Automated Reading Assistant That Listens. Proceedings of the NSF Interactive Systems Grantees Workshop (ISGW97), Stevenson, Washington, August, 1997.
190. J. Mostow. Guiding Spoken Dialogue with Computers by Responding to Prosodic Cues. Proceedings of the NSF Interactive Systems Grantees Workshop (ISGW97), Stevenson, Washington, August, 1997.
191. J. Mostow and M. Eskenazi. A Database of Children’s Speech. Proceedings of the NSF Interactive Systems Program Grantees Workshop. National Science Foundation, Stevenson, Washington, August, 1997.
192. J. Mostow and M. Eskenazi. Guiding spoken dialogue with computers by responding to prosodic cues. In R. Jacobs (editor), Proceedings of the NSF Interactive Systems Program Grantees Workshop. National Science Foundation, Cambridge, MA, November, 1995. Proceedings on the World Wide Web at
193. J. Mostow and T. Fawcett. Generating useful approximations: a transformational model. Proceedings of the AAAI90 Workshop on Automatic Generation of Approximations and Abstractions, pages 302-311. July, 1990. Available as Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 81.
194. J. Mostow, T. Ellman, and A. Prieditis. A unified transformational model for discovering heuristics by idealizing intractable problems. Proceedings of the AAAI90 Workshop on Automatic Generation of Approximations and Abstractions, pages 290-301. July, 1990. Available as Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 157.
195. J. Mostow. Towards knowledge compilation as an approach to computer-aided design. In J. Gero (editor), Proceedings of the Workshop on Research Directions for AI in Design, pages 21-37. University of Sydney, Australia, March, 1989.
196. J. Mostow and G. Fisher. Replaying transformational derivations of heuristic search algorithms in DIOGENES. Proceedings of the DARPA Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, pages 94-99. Pensacola, FL, May, 1989.
197. J. Mostow. Some emerging opportunities in artificial intelligence: problem-solving frameworks for specialized problem classes. Proceedings of the Bellcore Artificial Intelligence Symposium, pages 97-98. Asbury Park, NJ, June, 1988. Position paper for invited panel on Future Directions in AI.
198. J. Mostow. A preliminary report on DIOGENES: Progress towards Semi-automatic Design of Specialized Heuristic Search Algorithms. Proceedings of the AAAI88 Workshop on Automated Software Design, pages 111-124. St. Paul, MN, August, 1988.
199. J. Mostow and S. Roy. Machine learning for knowledge acquisition in design systems. Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD. M.I.T., Boston, October, 1987. Extended abstract.
200. J. Mostow. Knowledge Compilation as a Design Process. In Workshop on Knowledge Compilation. Oregon State University, September, 1986. Talk presented at workshop.
201. J. Mostow and B. Balzer. A program-transformation approach to VLSI design. In 1982 VLSI and Software Engineering Workshop Report, pages 126-133. IEEE, 1983.
202. J. Mostow. A decision-based framework for understanding hardware compilers. In 1982 VLSI and Software Engineering Workshop Report, pages 117-125. IEEE, 1983.
203. L.V. Grubb, Tom Mitchell, and Jack Mostow. A Probabilistic Method for Tracking a Vocalist. 1998. Carnegie Mellon University.
204. J. Mostow, T. Ellman, and A. Prieditis. A unified transformational model for discovering heuristics by idealizing intractable problems. February, 1990. Available as Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 157.
205. J. Mostow. Deciding what to learn: An alternative approach. August, 1989. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 143. 22 pages. Preliminary draft.
206. J. Mostow, L. Steinberg, N. Langrana, and C. Tong. Artificial intelligence aids for VLSI and A domain independent model of knowledge-based design: Research status report. November, 1987. 26 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper 79.
207. J. Mostow. Semi-automatic design of specialized heuristic search algorithms: A plan of research. February, 1988. 12 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 97.
208. J. Mostow. A specialized representation for heuristic search algorithms. February, 1988. 6 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 98.
209. J. Mostow. Derivations of SPIKE-like search algorithms. February, 1988. 4 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 99.
210. J. Mostow. Derivation of SPIKE-like search algorithm #2. March, 1988. 7 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 100.
211. J. Mostow. Some rules for deriving heuristic search algorithms. March, 1988. 5 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 101.
212. J. Mostow. Derivation of heuristic search algorithm. May, 1988. 4 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 102.
213. J. Mostow. Derivation of SPIKE-like search algorithm #3 and variations. June, 1988. 27 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 106.
214. J. Mostow. An object-oriented representation for search algorithms. July, 1988. 36 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 107.
215. J. Mostow and C. Tong. Syllabus for Graduate Seminar in Knowledge Compilation. September, 1988. 12 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 109.
216. J. Mostow, L. Steinberg, N. Langrana, and C. Tong. A domain independent model of knowledge-based design: Progress report to the National Science Foundation. March, 1988. 13 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper 90.
217. J. Mostow and T. Fawcett. Generating useful approximations: a transformational model. March, 1988. 17 pages. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 81.
218. J. Mostow and T. Fawcett. Approximating intractable theories: a problem space model. Technical Report ML-TR-16, Rutgers University Computer Science Department, December, 1987. 53 pages. Also available as Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper Number 50-1.
219. J. Mostow. Mechanical Transformation of Task Heuristics into Operational Procedures. PhD thesis, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1981. Technical Report CMU-CS-81-113. 499 pages. Thesis Committee: Allan Newell (chair), Frederick Hayes-Roth (advisor), Jaime Carbonell, and Robert Balzer (outside member).
220. D. J. Mostow and F. Hayes-Roth. Machine-aided heuristic programming: A paradigm for knowledge engineering. Technical Report Rand-N-1007-NSF, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica , CA, 1979.
221. D. J. Mostow. A halting condition and related pruning heuristic for combinatorial search. In Speech Understanding Systems: Summary of Results of the Five-Year Research Effort at Carnegie-Mellon University, pages 158-166. Carnegie-Mellon University Department of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA, 1977.
222. J. Mostow. Review of Laird, Rosenbloom, and Newell’s Universal Subgoaling and Chunking. American Scientist 76:410, July-August, 1988.
223. Tom Mitchell and Jack Mostow. Artificial Intelligence and Design. AAAI, Seattle, WA, 1987. 90-page syllabus for 4-hour tutorial at AAAI87. Reprinted as Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Paper 91.
224. J. Mostow. Some of the experimental AI at Rutgers CS Department in 1987. June, 1987. Rutgers AI/Design Project Working Shirt Number 64.
225. J. Mostow. What is AI? And what does it have to do with software engineering? IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11(11):1253-1256, November, 1985. Editor’s Forward to special issue on AI and software engineering.
226. J. Mostow. Response to Derek Partridge. AI Magazine 6(3):51-52, Fall, 1985. Note responding to comments on article “Toward better models of the design process”.
227. J. Mostow. On “Learning Language”. AI Magazine 6(3):48, Fall, 1985.
228. J. Mostow. Toward better models of the design process. AI Magazine 6(1):44-57, Spring, 1985.
229. J. Mostow. IEEE Workshop on Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems: a personal review. SIGART Newsletter (92):15-27, April, 1985.
230. J. Mostow and R. Kerber. Transformational Derivation of a Simple Two-Robot Algorithm (Abstract). Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Southern CA Artificial Intelligence Society. IBM Los Angeles Scientific Center, Los Angeles, CA, January, 1985.
231. J. Mostow. Machine Learning Research at ISI (Abstract). Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Southern CA Artificial Intelligence Society. Computer Science Department, University of Ca lifornia, Los Angeles, CA, October, 1984.
232. J. Mostow. 1983 International Machine Learning Workshop: an informal report. SIGART Newsletter (86):24-31, October, 1983.
233. J. Mostow. A revised architecture for rule-based systems. SIGART Newsletter (63):85-86, June, 1977.
234. J. Mostow et al. An Educational Data Mining Tool to Browse Tutor-Student Interactions. February, 2005. Disclosure of Invention.
235. J. Mostow. A Publicly Verifiable Process for Tabulating Secret Ballots. January, 2001. Disclosure of Invention.
236. Mostow, J. and Aist, G. Reading and Pronunciation Tutor. United States Patent No. 5,920,838. Filed June 2, 1997; issued July 6, 1999. US Patent and Trademark Office.
237. J. Mostow, G. Aist, and J. Hill. Reading and Pronunciation Tutors that Listen. January, 1997. Disclosure of Invention. Patent applied for by Carnegie Mellon.
238. J. Mostow, S. Roth, A. Hauptmann, M. Kane, L. Chase, A. Swift, B. Weide, and L. Thyberg. An Automated Coach for Oral Reading. September, 1993. Disclosure of Invention.
239. M. Eskenazi and J. Mostow. The CMU KIDS Speech Corpus. Linguistic Data Consortium, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1997. Corpus of children’s read speech digitized and transcribed on two CD-ROMs, with assistance from Multicom Research and David Graff.
240. J. Mostow. Project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor Is Helping Me Learn to Read (10 minutes). September, 1998.
241. J. Mostow. Pilot Evaluation of a Reading Tutor that Listens (5 minutes). July, 1997. Presented at the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-97) and the Ninth National Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-97).
242. J. Mostow. A Reading Tutor that Listens (5 minutes). November, 1996. Presented at the DARPA CAETI Community Conference, November 19-22, 1996, Berkeley, CA.
243. J. Mostow. A Reading Coach that Listens: Project LISTEN (4 minutes). In UIST ‘95 Video Proceedings (Eighth Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), pages 52:34 - 56:40. ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI with SIGSOFT, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 1995.
244. J. Mostow, S. Roth, A. Hauptmann, M. Kane, A. Swift, L. Chase, and B. Weide. A Reading Coach that Listens (6 minutes). In Video Track of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI94). American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, August, 1994.
245. Mostow, J., Roth, S., Hauptmann, A., Kane, M., Swift, A., Chase, L., & Weide, B. (1993). Getting Computers to Listen to Children Read: A New Way to Combat Illiteracy (7 minutes). Overview and Wizard of Oz research methodology of Project LISTEN as of July 1993.
CTV (2006, March 16). Interview with Ken Reeder on the Vancouver Reading Tutor Project (3m28s). CTV News. Canada. (Note: independent news story about using the Reading Tutor in research at UBC.)
Han, C. (2004, January 7). Cover Story: A high-tech teacher comes to area schools (7m26s). On OnQ Magazine. Pittsburgh, PA: WQED. Rebroadcast February 2005.
Frey, K. (2003, October 17). CMU's Automated Reading Tutor Helps Children (2m16s). On Evening News. Pittsburgh, PA: WTAE. Available at
Doyle, M., & Koch, D. (2003, July 23). Live interview with Jack Mostow (4m30s). On Sunrise [morning television show]. Sydney, Australia: Channel Seven. Available at
Rubin, J. (2002). The Sounds of Speech (Show 3). On Reading Rockets (Public Television series commissioned by U.S. Department of Education). Washington, DC: WETA. Contains 3-minute segment on Project LISTEN, available at
2014 Keynote (in French), Information Technology and Communication for Education Conference, Béziers, France
2014 Featured speaker, Ohio Educational Technology Conference, Columbus, OH
2013 Keynote, 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Memphis, TN
2013 Invited talk, Early Education and Technology for Children Conference, Salt Lake City, UT
2013 Invited talk, Texas A&M University
2013 Invited talk, Northern Illinois University
2013 Invited panel on Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics at the Computing Research Association Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research for Online Education, Washington, DC
2012 Computer Science colloquium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
2012 Keynote, International Symposium on Automatic Pronunciation Error Detection, Stockholm, Sweden
2012 Invited talk at the Workshop on Optimal Teaching, UCSD Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center
2011 Keynote on Questions and Answers about Questions and Answers: Lessons from generating, scoring, and analyzing questions in a Reading Tutor for children, AAAI Question Generation Symposium, Arlington, VA
2011 What Are We Learning about Reading from Studies in Labs, a Reading Tutor that Listens, and People at Schools?, Annual Conference of the International Association of Laboratory and University Affiliated Schools (NALS), Pittsburgh, PA
2011 What can we learn from an automated Reading Tutor that listens?, Allegheny Intermediate Unit meeting on Research on Vocabulary Learning, Learning Research and Development Center, Univ. of Pittsburgh
2010 Reading Tutor Evaluation Approaches: Redefining, Evaluating, (Visualizing), and Improving the Reading Tutor's Tracking Accuracy. Speech Group lunch talk. With Morten Rasmussen
2009 How often are prefixes useful cues to word meaning? Less than you might think! PSLC lunch talk
2009 How often are prefixes useful cues to word meaning? Less than you might think! Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Boston. With Greg Aist
2009 Does fluency growth transfer among related words? Longitudinal evidence from Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor. Cognitive Modeling Seminar, Psychology Department
2008 Analytic Comparison of Three Methods to Evaluate Tutorial Behaviors. PIER EdBag seminar
2008 A Reading Tutor that Listens. Talk for summer Andrew’s Leap program at Carnegie Mellon.
2008 Mostow, J., Beck, J., Zhang, X., & Leszczenski, J. Does fluency growth transfer among related words? Longitudinal evidence from Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor. Fifteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Asheville, NC
2008 Embedding Experiments in a Reading Tutor that listens. Guest lecture, Research Methods course
2008 What can we learn from a Reading Tutor that listens? Computer Science Department seminar, Brandeis
2008 What can we learn from a Reading Tutor that listens? Brain and Behavior Center, University of Haifa
2007 (Invited speaker): How Can We Learn from a Reading Tutor that Listens? NSF brownbag panel on IERI. Washington, DC
2007 What can we learn from a Reading Tutor that listens? Keynote at Symposium on Virtual Communication Support, Leuven, Belgium
2006 Scaling up via Academic-Commercial Partnership: A Tale of Two Tutors. Annual Meeting of Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) Principal Investigators
2006 Refined micro-analysis of fluency gains in a Reading Tutor that listens. Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Vancouver, BC
2006 A Reading Tutor that Listens. Pennsylvania Educational Technology Exposition & Conference (PETE&C) in Hershey, PA
2005 (Invited organizer and speaker): Educational Data Mining Success Stories. Panel on Data Mining and Analysis. Annual Meeting of Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) Principal Investigators. Washington, DC
2005 A Reading Tutor that Listens. Talk for summer Andrew’s Leap program at Carnegie Mellon.
2005 Micro-analysis of fluency gains in a Reading Tutor that listens: Wide vs. repeated guided oral reading. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Toronto
2005 Mining Data from Randomized Within-Subject Experiments in an Automated Reading Tutor. Poster at AERA panel on “Logging Students' Learning in Complex Domains: Empirical Considerations and Technological Solutions.”
2005 A Reading Tutor that Listens. Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network, PA Department of Education. Harrisburg, PA
2004 Experimenter-defined measures in a Reading Tutor that listens. IERI Principal Investigator Meeting,
2004 If I Have a Hammer: Computational Linguistics in a Reading Tutor that Listens. Keynote address at 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Barcelona, Spain.
2004 Which Help Helps? Effects of Various Types of Help on Word Learning in an Automated Reading Tutor that Listens. Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Amsterdam, NL
2004 Experimenter-defined measures in a Reading Tutor that Listens. IERI Principal Investigator Meeting
2004 A Reading Tutor that Listens. Robotics Institute staff lunch talk
2003 Invited talk at conference on Conceptualizing Scale-Up: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Washington, DC
2003 Invited talk at Covenant House retirement community
2003 Guest lecture in course on ICT4B (Information Communication Technology for 4 Billion), taught jointly at Carnegie Mellon and UC Berkeley.
2002 Guest presentation at Prof. Rollanda O’Connor’s graduate course on reading, University of Pittsburgh
2001 Workshop on “Bridging the Digital Divide for Work and Play,” Toronto, Canada
2001 Workshop on “Facilitating Constructivist Literacy Environments through Technology,” University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
2001 Panel on “Looking Back 25 Years from Now: Key Developments in Conversational Systems,” NAACL workshop on Adaptation in Dialogue Systems, Pittsburgh, PA
2001 Educational Technology Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
2001 CIRCLE Advisory Board meeting, Pittsburgh, PA
2000 Inter-agency Educational Research Initiative (IERI) Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC
2000 Allegheny Intermediate Unit Superintendents’ Conference, Dawson, PA
2000 Tutorial on Reading Tutor, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC
2000 Joint CIL-CIRCLE seminar, Pittsburgh, PA
2000 Language Technologies Institute Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA
1999 IERI Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC
1999 Chair, Harvard-Radcliffe 25th Reunion Panel on “Science and Medicine Near the Millennium”
1999 Advisory panel on technology, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC
1999 Learning and Intelligent Systems PI Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
1999 Institute for Learning, Pittsburgh, PA
1998 Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF), Washington, DC (demo selected to represent Computing Research Association)
1997 Defense Evaluation Research Administration (DERA), Malvern, England
1997 Ninth National Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-97), Providence, RI (invited survey of Artificial Intelligence and Education)
1997 DARPA CAETI Community Meeting, Fairfax, VA (hands-on demos)
1997 Forum on Interactive Technology and Software Development, U.S. Department of Education
1997 Robotics Institute and Center for Innovation in Learning, Carnegie Mellon University
1996 DARPA CAETI Community Meeting, Berkeley, CA
1996 First CMU Symposium on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), Pittsburgh, PA (demo)
1996 Ernest L. Boyer Technology Summits for Educators, Pittsburgh, PA
1996 Schenley High Technology Magnet Conference for Pittsburgh area high school students (demo)
1995 CMU computer science graduate course on speech processing (guest lecture and demo)
1995 DoDEA/CAETI Technology Brainstorm Session to develop initial plans for using technology for language arts/reading curriculum development, Alexandria, VA
1995 Eighth Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’95). Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI with SIGSOFT, Pittsburgh, PA (refereed demonstration)
1995 Colloquium, Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
1995 DoD Technology Review: Speech Recognition for Language Sustainment, Fayetteville, NC
1995 “Basic Research in the National Defense: University Contributions to Preparedness,” sponsored by the American Association of Universities, Washington, DC (demo)
1995 Fourth International Workshop on Human & Machine Cognition: “Smart Machines in Education & Training: Perils and Promise,” Seaside, FL
1994 7th Annual Adult Literacy & Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA
1994 Careers in Applied Science and Technology program (high school students and teachers)
1994 National Science Foundation Project Directors’ Meeting, Applications of Advanced Technology Program, Washington, DC (presentation and hands-on demo)
1994 NATO RSG-10 Speech Study Section, CMU (hands-on demo)
1994 CMU Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Seminar
1994 Schenley High Technology Magnet Conference for Pittsburgh area high school students (demo)
1994 CMU computer science graduate course on speech processing (guest lecture)
1994 ARPA Workshop on Human Language Technology, Princeton, NJ (demo)
1994 University of Pittsburgh Learning Research and Development Center
1994 CMU Human-Computer Interaction Seminar
1993 Harvard University Center for Research in Computing Technology, Cambridge, MA
1993 CMU Robotics Institute Seminar
1993 Project Directors’ Meeting, NSF Applications of Advanced Technology Program, Washington, DC
1992 – Guest lectures in graduate Speech, Human-Computer Interaction, Writing, and high school programs
1976 “Computer Science 15-104: Introduction to Computing” (section instructor)
1985-92 “CS111: Introduction to Computer Science” (Faculty Supervisor starting Fall 1989), Rutgers University
1988 “CS671: Knowledge Compilation,” graduate seminar jointly created and taught with Prof. Christopher Tong, Rutgers University Computer Science Department
1987 “CS531: Artificial Intelligence Software Techniques and Languages,” Rutgers University
1987 “Artificial Intelligence and Design,” four-hour tutorial, including 90-page syllabus, jointly created and presented with Prof. Tom Mitchell at the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle
1986 “CS671: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Design,” graduate seminar jointly created and taught with Profs. Louis Steinberg and Christopher Tong, Rutgers University Computer Science Department
1986-92 “CS536: Machine Learning,” Rutgers University Computer Science Department
1985 “Artificial Intelligence Programming,” three-week intensive graduate-level course jointly created and taught with Prof. Louis Steinberg at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Claremont, CA
2004 – Steering Committee, Program for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (PIER)
2005–6 Program Committee, 50th Anniversary of School of Computer Science
2004–06 Admissions Committee, Robotics PhD program
2004–06 Coordinator, Artificial Intelligence Seminar Series
1998 School of Computer Science Self-Assessment Committee
1993–97 University Research Council
1993–95 Faculty Senate
2010–11 Board member, Pittsburgh Savoyards
1990–92 Fellow of Douglass College, Rutgers University
1989–92 Faculty Supervisor for “CS111: Introduction to Computer Science”, Rutgers University
1987–89 Computer Science Department Colloquium Coordinator, Rutgers University
1987–91 Computer Science Department Elections Committee, Rutgers University
1986–91 Computer Science Department Graduate Admissions Committee, Rutgers University
1970 – Operatic roles in Pittsburgh Savoyards and at Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, and Harvard
1973 – Cantorial soloist in MA, PA, CA, NJ, CT, SC, and Israel
1970 – Bicycling across the United States, in Europe, and around the neighborhood