Maria-Florina Balcan
 Cadence Design Systems Professor of Computer Science
  School of Computer Science (MLD and CSD)
 Carnegie Mellon University

  Office: GHC 8205
  Phone: 412-268-5295
  Email: ninamf AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu

I am the Cadence Design Systems Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. My main research interests are in machine learning, artificial intelligence, theoretical computer science, algorithmic game theory, and novel connections between learning theory and other scientific fields. Current research focus includes: I am an ACM Fellow, an AAAI Fellow, a Simons Investigator, and a recipient of the 2019 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award (awarded to the outstanding young computer professional of the year). I was a Program Committee Co-chair for NeurIPS 2020, ICML 2016, and COLT 2014. For more information see my my resume.


List of all my papers here.

Selected recent papers
