Errata (mistakes) in J and M readings for my lectures
22 October 2020:
Chapter 15:
- The caption under Figure 15.1 is wrong (this caption should actually be
under Figure 15.2 [and is]).
Figure 15.1 is a simple feature structure shown as a set
of paths.
- Figure 15.2: the pointer coming out of the root that is unlabelled
should be labelled "HEAD".
- Figure 15.7: The bottom pointer, labelled "POINTER", should be deleted.
- Figure 15.11: If you are comparing this to the book's description
of the Earley algorithm in Figure 13.13, note that the function "AddToChart" here
is called "Enqueue" there, for no apparent reason. It seems to be an
unnecessary function-name change.
27 October:
Chapter 17:
- Section 17.3.5: Last paragraph should begin "While forward and
backward chaining are sound, neither is complete."
- Section 17.4.1: The set of 3 logical formulae are messed up. The
corrected version:
∃ e,i,n Arriving(e) ∧ Arriver(e, Speaker) ∧
Destination(e, NewYork) ∧ IntervalOf(e,i) ∧ EndPoint(i,n)
∧ Precedes (n, Now)
∃ e,i,n Arriving(e) ∧ Arriver(e, Speaker) ∧
Destination(e, NewYork) ∧ IntervalOf(e,i) ∧ MemberOf(i, Now)
∃ e,i,n Arriving(e) ∧ Arriver(e, Speaker) ∧
Destination(e, NewYork) ∧ IntervalOf(e,i) ∧ EndPoint(i,n)
∧ Precedes(Now,n)
Chapter 18:
- Section 18.3.2: Second paragraph on dominance constraints:
should end with "... and h2 to stand for the nuclear scope of menu."
(not h1)
3 November:
Section 20.9:
- Under the subcategorization bullet: the rule mentioned should
This is also the rule that should appear in the list of features
for ARG0 further down the page.