Raul E. Valdes-Perez (bio)
Adjunct Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891 - USA
valdes at cs dot cmu another_dot edu
Traditional research interests: artificial intelligence (knowledge discovery, scientific
discovery, machine learning), applications to natural (biology, chemistry,
physics) and social (linguistics, psychology) science, and human computer
Document clustering, search, and text mining.
Data mining and natural language generation for
(infotainment), politics, business, and colleges. For example:
What's special about Carnegie Mellon?
My research goal is to improve on the current state of scientific,
engineering, and other professional reasoning by developing
characterizable methods and interactive software that partially
automate high-end tasks of discovery. In short: Better discovery of
new, interesting knowledge. But science took us to the moon, it cures
disease, etc. What does it mean to improve
Important dual aspects of this research program are to contribute to
both basic computer science (creativity as an ill-understood phenomenon)
and scientific applications. The collaborative application of current tools,
as well as explorations of new tasks, are welcome.
I co-founded Vivisimo Inc. in
June 2000 and served as its CEO for nine years and its chairman for
twelve, until IBM acquired Vivisimo in May 2012.
Check out National Science Foundation ScienceLives article.
Read my book
Advice is for Winners: How to Get Advice for Better Decisions in Life and Work.
CEO and co-founder of OnlyBoth, makers of the first commercial
Benchmarking Engine.