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Kathryn Margaret McElfresh


September 17, 2003

Official size on May 2, 2005:  

   18 lbs, 4oz, 29.25 inches
   Click here for past size information.

recent picture of Katie
(taken on June 9, 2005)

What is she doing now?

She likes being outdoors.  She especially enjoys playing with the neighborhood kids, in our yard, or in their yard.  Swings and slides are exciting.

She likes to smell flowers, and also likes to pick them, but mommy and daddy only let her pick dandelions and clovers.

 She can get in and out of her high chair and her carseat by herself.

She waves and says goodbye when people leave.   She has new words every day.  Recently, she has started saying owl and eagle, and requesting to go to the aviary.  She really likes looking at the animals at the aviary and the zoo.

On TV, she especially likes Blues Clues, Dora the Explorer, and most anything on Animal Planet.

She likes listening to music and requests it by saying "ic" and pointing to a CD player or TV.  She likes being at band practice and concerts to listen to the music.  She likes "playing" the piano.

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This page updated on July 30, 2005.
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