SCS Faculty Awards
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
(412)268-8525 . (412)268-5576 (fax)

- The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of the early career-development activities of those teacher-scholars who most effectively integrate research and education within the context of the mission of their organization. Such activities build a firm foundation for a lifetime of integrated contributions to research and education.

Fei Fang, Institute for Software Research, 2021
To build on research that integrates game theory with machine learning to optimize communication and coordination to tackle real-world problems.
SCS News Brief

Andreas Pfenning, Computational Biology Department, 2021
To examine on a molecular level the cell types that make up a region of the brain associated with mimicry and the regulatory elements within the cells that tell the genes what to do and to build computational methods to develop machine learning approaches to trace both the evolutionary history of the genes and the genome's regulation of them.
SCS News Brief

Lining Yao, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, 2021
To make interactive morphing materials more accessible and bolster their use across many disciplines.
SCS News Brief

David Held, Robotics Institute, 2021
support research into how robots interact with deformable objects, like ropes, cloths, vegetables and other items commonly found around the home.
SCS News Brief

Ioannis Gkioulekas, Robotics Institute, 2021
To develop computational imaging systems that can be used at the microscopic level.
SCS News Brief

Ameet Talwalkar, Machine Learning Department, 2021
To expand the use of deep learning and to help automate the design of new deep learning models for a diverse set of tasks in the physical and social sciences.
SCS News Brief

Pravesh Kothari, Computer Science Department, 2021
To develop a mathematical framework for algorithms that operate on statistical inputs.
SCS News Brief

Henny Admoni, Robotics Institute, 2020
To support work on robotic assistive technologies.
SCS News Brief

Katerina Fragkiadaki, Machine Learning Department, 2020
To support work on computer vision.
SCS News Brief

Rashmi Vinayak, Computer Science Department, 2020
To support work to improve the resource and energy efficiency of large-scale data centers, which together serve as the backbone for internet-based services, cloud services and data analytics platforms.
SCS News Brief

Nihar Shah, Machine Learning Department, 2020
To support his work to improve the fairness of peer-review systems and address issues such as biases and dishonest behavior.
SCS News Brief

Claire Le Goues, Institute for Software Research, 2018
To support work on automatic program repair, an emerging area of research that ultimately could reduce the cost of software defects, improve software quality and increase the productivity of programmers.
SCS News Brief

Emma Brunskill, 2014
To support research on data-driven, machine learning algorithms for automatically constructing personalized strategies.
CMU News Brief

Aarti Singh, 2013
To develop computationally efficient and principled methods of extracting clusters and graphs from "big and dirty" data sets.
CMU News Brief

Seyoung Kim, 2012
Dissecting the Mechanisms of Genetic Control of Biological Systems via High-Dimensional Sparse Graphical Models

Carl Kingsford, 2011
Model-based Reconstruction of Ancient Biological Networks

Noah A. Smith, 2011
Flexible Statistical Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing.
CMU News Brief

Jian Ma, 2010
Computational Methods for Analyzing Large-Scale Genomic Changes in Mammalian Genomes

Anind K. Dey, 2008
Making Intelligent, Interactive Systems Easier for People to Understand and Control

Carlos Guestrin, 2007
Thinking that is 'just right': Query-Specific Probabilistic Reasoning and its Application to Large-Scale Sensor Networks

Srinivasa Narasimhan, 2007
Making Computer Vision Successful in Scattering Media

Jonathan Aldrich, 2006
Lightweight Modeling and Enforcement of Architectural Behavior

David Andersen, 2006
An Evolvable Architecture for Internet Data Transfer

Alexei Efros, 2006
Geometrically Coherent Image Interpretation

Eric Xing, 2006
Uncovering the Processes and Mechanisms of Regulatory Evolution

Ziv Bar-Joseph, 2005
Modeling Dynamic Systems in the Cell

Anupam Gupta, 2005
An Algorithmic Theory of Metric Embeddings

Dawn Song, 2005
Exterminating Large Scale Internet Attacks

Venkatesan Guruswami, 2004
Error-correcting Codes: List Decoding and Related Algorithmic Challengese

Doug James, 2004
Precomputing Data-driven Deformable Systems for Multimodal Interactive Simulation

Adrian Perrig, 2004
Secure and Resilient Sensor Network Communication Infrastructure

Russell Schwartz, 2004
Simulating Self-Assembly at Cellular Scales

Michael S. Lewicki, 2003
Representation of Natural Auditory Scenes

Priya Narashimhan, 2003
Integrated Fault Tolerance and Real-Time Support for Middleware Applications

Anastasia Ailamaki, 2002
Bridging Databases and Computer Architecture: Optimizing DBMS for Deep Memory Hierarchies

Mor Harchol-Balter, 2002
The Impact of Resource Scheduling on Improving Server Performance

Nancy Pollard, 2001
Quantifying Humanlike Enveloping Grasps

Srinivasan Seshan, 2001
Towards an Efficient Ubiquitous Computing Infrastructure

Karl Crary, 2000
Type-driven Language Technology for Software and Information infrastructure

Tai Sing Lee, 2000
Computational Representations and Processes in Active Perception

Kenji Shimada, 2000
Physically-Based Approach to Geometric Problems in Engineering Design and Analysis

Sebastian Thrun, 1999
A Software Development Framework that Integrates Learning, Probabilistic Reasoning and Anytime Computation

Seth Goldstein, 1999
Architecture and Compilers for Tiger Machines

Howard Choset, 1997
Complete Sensor Based Planning for Highly Articulated Robots

Tuomas Sandholm, 1997
Coalition Formation among Self-Interested Computationally Limited Agents

Andrew Moore, 1996
Machine Learning for Autonomous Process Management

Hui Zhang, 1996
Integrated Traffic Management Based on Accurate and Practical Packet Fair Queueing Algorithms

David Baraff, 1995
Physical Simulation for Assembling Robots and Robot Assembly

Elmootazbellah (Mootaz) Elnozahy, 1995
System Software Design for Energy Conservation

Robert Harper, 1995
Type Theory and Operational Semantics for Programming Languages

Farnam Jahanian, 1995

David Johnson, 1995
Wireless and Mobile Internetworking

Manuela Veloso, 1995

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