
  1. Topic: Active Learning for Machine Translation in Scarce Data Scenarios

  2. Committee: Jaime Carbonell, Stephan Vogel, Raj Reddy, Aniket Kittur and Kevin Knight

  3. Proposal, 17th Nov 2010  (slides)

  4. Defense (TBD)


  1. Crowdsourcing and Machine Translation:  Talk at the Crowdsourcing lunch seminar at CMU, 8th September 2010 (slides)


  1. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Collaborative Workflow for Crowdsourcing Translation”, To Appear in the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Washington, USA


  1. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Multi-Strategy Approaches to Active Learning for Statistical Machine Translation”, Accepted to the 13th Machine Translation Summit, Xiamen, China

  2. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Towards Task Recommendation in Micro-Task Markets” , In the Proc. of the 3rd workshop on Human Computation, AAAI 2011 (pdf) (bib)

  3. Vamshi Ambati, Sanjika Hewavitharana, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Active Learning with Multiple Annotations for Comparable Data Classification Task”, In the Proc. of Building Comparable Corpora Workshop, ACL 2011. (pdf) (bib)


  1. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Active Learning Based Elicitation for Semi-Supervised Word Alignment", short paper at ACL 2010 , Uppsala, Sweden (pdf) (bib)

  2. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel: "Can Crowds Build Parallel Corpora for Machine Translation Systems?", Short paper at Creating Speech and Language Data With Amazon's Mechanical Turk Workshop, NAACL 2010, Los Angeles, USA. (pdf) (bib)

  3. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: "Active Semi-Supervised Learning for Improving Word Alignment", at the Active Learning for NLP Workshop, NAACL 2010, Los Angeles, USA. (pdf) (cite the acl paper above)

  4. Vamshi Ambati, Stephan Vogel and Jaime Carbonell: Active Learning and Crowd-Sourcing for Machine Translation : LREC 2010 , Malta (pdf) (bib)


  1. Vamshi Ambati, Alon Lavie and Jaime Carbonell: Extraction of Syntactic Translation Models from Parallel Data using Syntax from Source and Target Languages :Machine Translation Summit XII, Cannada 2009 (pdf) (bib)

  2. Vamshi Ambati and Jaime Carbonell: Proactive Learning for Building Machine Translation Systems for Minority Languages : NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for NLP,Colorado, Boulder. (pdf) (bib)


  1. Vamshi Ambati and Alon Lavie: Improving Syntax Driven Translation Models by Re-structuring Divergent and Non-isomorphic Parse Tree Structures (Please refer to an improvised version published at MT Summit 2009) : Student Research Symposium at the The Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2008),Waikiki, Hawai'i. (pdf)

  2. Alon Lavie, Alok Parlikar, Vamshi Ambati: Syntax-driven Learning of Sub-sentential Translation Equivalents and Translation Rules from Parsed Parallel Corpora: In Proceedings of Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST ) Workshop at ACL 2008. (pdf) (bib)

  3. Christian Monson, Ariadna Font Llitj, Vamshi Ambati, Lori Levin Alon Lavie Alison Alvarez, Roberto Aranovich, Jaime Carbonell, Robert Frederking, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst: Linguistic Structure and Bilingual Informants Help Induce Machine Translation of Lesser-Resourced Languages. In Poster Proceedings of LREC 2008 (pdf) (bib)

  4. Rohini U, Vamshi Ambati and Vasudeva Varma: Statistical Machine Translational Models for Personalized Search. Accepted at International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2008) (pdf) (bib)


  1. Vamshi Ambati and Rohini U: A Hybrid Approach to Example based Machine Translation for Indian Languages. (Poster Paper) Accepted at 5th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON 2007)

  2. Rohini U and Vamshi Ambati: Extracting Keyphrases from books using language modeling approaches. In Proceedings of the 3rd ICUDL November 2007, Pittsburgh, USA.

  3. Vamshi Ambati, N.Balakrishnan, Raj Reddy, Lakshmi Pratha, C V Jawahar: The Digital Library of India Project: Process, Policies and Architecture,  Accepted for publication in the 2nd ICDL ,2007 New Delhi (pdf) (bib)


  1. N.Balakrishnan, Raj Reddy, Madhavi Ganapathiraju and Vamshi Ambati : Digital Library of India: A Test Bed for Indian Language Research In the Proceedings of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries(TCDL) Bulletin - 2006 (html) (bib)

  2. Vamshi Ambati and Rohini U: Using Monolingual Clickthrough data to build Cross Lingual Search Systems. Accepted at New Directions in Multilingual Information Access, Workshop held at SIGIR 2006. (pdf) (bib)

  3. Rohini.U and Vamshi Ambati: Improving Search Results using Collaborative Filtering, In the Proceedings of 4th ITWP, Workshop held at AAAI 2006.(pdf) (bib)
    ** This paper has also been accepted at the Asia Information Retrieval Symposium (AIRS) 2006

  4. C.V Jawahar, Pramod Sankar, Vamshi Ambati: Digitizing Million Books: Challenges for Document Analysis,2006 New Zealand. Accepted for publication at 7th IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (pdf) (bib)

  5. Vamshi Ambati, Rohini U, Pramod P, Balakrishnan N, Raj Reddy: Multilingual Information Access in a Digital Library : Information Retrieval and Translation Accepted at the 2nd ICUDLNovember 2006, Alexandria

  6. Padmasree Lam, Vamshi Ambati, Anand Chandulal Jasthi and Sreenivasa Rao Meda: Signature based duplicate detection in Digital Libraries Accepted at the 2nd ICUDL November 2006, Alexandria

  7. Chetan Jakkoju, Sreekanth Vempati, Rakesh Bodla, Vamshi Ambati, C.V Jawahar : Book Reader Interface: Image Processing Issues Accepted at the 2nd ICUDL, November 2006, Alexandria

  8. Lakshmi Pratha, Manjunath Mattam, Vamshi Ambati, Raj Reddy : Multimedia Digital Library: Performance and Scalability Issues Accepted at the 2nd ICUDL, November 2006, Alexandria

2005 and before

  1. Rohini U and Vamshi Ambati: A Collaborative Filtering based Re-ranking Strategy for search in Digital Libraries.  In the proceedings of 8th ICADL - 2005, Bangkok (pdf) (bib)

  2. Lakshmi Pratha, Vamshi Ambati and Pramod Sankar: Content Development for Digital Libraries: Regional Mega Scanning Centre Hyderabad  , Digital Libraries Special issue, VishwaBharati July'05 Magazine TDIL, Government of India. (pdf) (bib)

  3. Vamshi Ambati and Raj Reddy: Towards a Self healing Information System for Digital Libraries In the proceedings of the 1st ICUDL - 2005, Hangzhou, China (Also appears in the Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE - JZUS) (pdf) (bib)

  4. Vamshi Ambati, Pramod Sankar, Lakshmi Pratha, C.V. Jawahar: Quality Management in Digital Libraries, Accepted for publication in the 1st ICUDL - 2005, Hangzhou, China (pdf) (bib)

  5. Vamshi Ambati and S.P. Kishore: How can Academic Software Research and Open Source Software Engineering help each other?, Positional Paper at the fourth International Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, at the ICSE-2004, Scotland. (pdf) (bib)

  6. Akshar Bharati, Sriram V, Vamshi Krishna A, Rajeev Sangal and Sushma Bendre: An Algorithm for Aligning Sentences in Bilingual Corpora Using Lexical Information. In Proceedings of ICON-2002, Bombay. (pdf)

System Description/ Shared-Task Papers:

  1. Sanjika Hewavitharana, Nguyen Bach, Qin Gao, Vamshi Ambati and Stephan Vogel, “CMU Haitian Creole-English Translation System”, In Proc. of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, EMNLP 2011, Edinburgh.

  2. Hanneman, Ambati, Clark, Parlikar, and Lavie (2009), "An Improved Statistical Transfer System for French–English Machine Translation." In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, EACL 2009, Athens, Greece.

  3. Hanneman, Huber, Agarwal, Ambati, Parlikar, Peterson, and Lavie (2008), "Statistical Transfer Systems for French–English and German–English Machine Translation." InProceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, ACL 2008, Columubs, OH, USA


  1. Vamshi Ambati : Dependency Structure Trees in Syntax Based Machine Translation
    11-734 Spring 2008, Survey Report (pdf)

  2. Vamshi Ambati and Wei Chen: Cross-Lingual Syntax Projection for Resource-poor Languages
    11-762 Fall 2007, Survey Report (pdf)

  3. Vamshi Ambati: Occurence Based Statistics in Machine Translation
    11-731 Spring 2007, Project Report (pdf)

  4. Vamshi Ambati, Rohini U, Nazeer Hussain and Raj Reddy : Autovita: A 360 degree view of Person Related Information on the WWW
    Unpublished Report (pdf)

  5. International User Interfaces: A Design Challenge
    Presentation at CMU towards 17-763 Methods: Deciding what to design?, Fall 2005

  6. Dynamism in Software Architecture: A Survey
    Report towards 17-765 Architectures for Software Systems, Spring 2004 (pdf)