Book Chapters:


Stephan Vogel, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel, Seiichi Yamamoto.  Speech Translation Strategies.

In: Tanja Schultz and Katrin Kirchhoff (Ed.) Multilingual Speech Processing.  Elsevier, Academic Press, 2006.


Stephan Vogel, Franz Josef Och, Christoph Tillmann, Sonja Niessen, Hassan Sawaf, Hermann Ney.  Statistical Methods for Machine Translation.  In: W. Wahlster (Ed.): Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech-to-Speech Translations. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2000, pp. 377-393.


Stephan Vogel.  Sensation of Tone, Perception of Sound, and Empiricism:  Helmholtz’s Physiological Acoustics.  In: David Cahan (Ed.) Hermann von Helmholtz and the Foundation of Nineteenth Century Science.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993.


Stephan Vogel.  Fechner und Vierordt -- Ein Beispiel für die Begründung und Etablierung der Psychophysik'.  In; Josef Brozek, Horst Gundlach (Eds.) G. T. Fechner and Psychology, Passau:

Passavia-Universitäts-Verlag, 1988.



Invited and Refereed Journal Contributions:


Tanja Schultz, Alan W Black, Stephan Vogel, and Monika Woszczcyna.  Flexible Speech Translation Systems.  IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol 14(2), March 2006.


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel.  Extracting Named Entity Translingual Equivalence with Limited Resources.  ACM Trans. on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 2004.


Alon Lavie, Stephan Vogel, Lori Levin, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst, Ariadna Font-Llitjos, Rachel Reynolds, Jaime Carbonell.  Experiments with a Hindi-to-English Transfer-based MT system under a Miserly Data Scenario.   ACM Trans. on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 2004.


Alex Waibel, Tanja Schultz, Stephan Vogel, Christian Fügen, Matthias Honal, Muntsin Kolss, Jürgen Reichert, and Sebastian Stüker.  Towards Language Portability in Statistical Machine Translation.  Invited paper, Special Session on Multilinguality in Speech Processing, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2004), Montreal, Canada, May 2004.


Christoph Tillmann, Stephan Vogel, Hermann Ney, Hassan Sawaf: Statistical Translation of Text and Speech: First Results with the RWTH System.  Machine Translation 15(1-2): pp. 43-73 (20) 2000.


Hermann Ney, Sonja Niessen, Franz Josef Och, Hassan Sawaf, Christoph Tillmann, Stephan Vogel. Algorithms for Statistical Translation of Spoken Language. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing. 8(1):24-36, January 2000.



Conference Proceedings:




Nguyen Bach, Qin Gao, & Stephan Vogel: Improving word alignment with language model based confidence scores. ACL-08: HLT. Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings, June 19, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (ACL WMT-08); pp.151-154. [PDF, 607KB]


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, & Alex Waibel: Communicating unknown words in machine translation.  LREC 2008: 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 26-30 May 2008; 6pp. [PDF, 303KB]


Sanjika Hewavitharana and Stephan Vogel:  Enhancing a Statistical Machine Translation System by using an Automatically Extracted Parallel Corpus from Comparable Sources

LREC 2008 Workshop on Comparable Corpora, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2008.


Almut Silja Hildebrand & Stephan Vogel: Combination of machine translation systems via hypothesis selection from combined n-best lists. AMTA-2008. MT at work: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008; pp.254-261 [PDF, 681KB]


Almut Silja Hildebrand, Kay Rottmann, Mohamed Noamany, Qin Gao, Sanjika Hewavitharana, Nguyen Bach, & Stephan Vogel: Recent improvements in the CMU large scale Chinese-English SMT system. ACL-08: HLT. 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Short papers, June 16-17, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA; pp. 77-80. [PDF, 117KB]


Jan Niehues & Stephan Vogel: Discriminative word alignment via alignment matrix modelling. ACL-08: HLT. Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings, June 19, 2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (ACL WMT-08); pp.18-25. [PDF, 576KB]


Muntsin Kolss, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel.  Steam Decoding for Simultanous Spoken Language Translation.  Proc of Interspeech 2008.  Brisbane, Australia, 22-26 Sept 2008.


Matthias Paulik, Sharath Rao, Ian Lane, Stephan Vogel and Tanja Schultz.  Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation Recovery for SLT.  ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, April 2008.


Tim Schlippe, ThuyLinh Nguyen, & Stephan Vogel: Diacritization as a machine translation problem and as a sequence labeling problem. AMTA-2008. MT at work: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008; pp.270-278 [PDF, 701KB]


Ashish Venugopal, Andreas Zollmann, Noah A. Smith, & Stephan Vogel: Wider pipelines: n-best alignments and parses in MT training. AMTA-2008. MT at work: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008; pp.192-201. [PDF, 614KB]


Andreas Zollmann, Ashish Venugopal, & Stephan Vogel: The CMU syntax-augmented machine translation system: SAMT on Hadoop with n-best alignments.  IWSLT 2008: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 20-21 October 2008, Hawaii, USA; pp. 18-25. [PDF, 208KB]; presentation [PDF, 109KB]








Chiori Hori, Bing Zhao, Stephan Vogel, Alex Weibel.  Consolidation Based Speech Translation.  Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop, (ASRU 2007), Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2007.


Nguyen Bach, Matthias Eck, Paisarn Charoenpornsawat, Thilo Köhler, Sebastian Stüker, ThuyLinh Nguyen, Roger Hsiao, Alex Waibel, Stephan Vogel, Tanja Schultz, Alan W. Black.  The CMU TransTac 2007 Eyes-free and Hands-free Two-way Speech-to-Speech Translation System.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-07), Trento, Italy, Oct 2007.


Ian Lane, Andreas Zollmann, ThuyLinh Nguyen, Nguyen Bach, Ashish Venugopal, Stephan Vogel, Kay Rottmann, Ying Zhang, and Alex Waibel.  The CMU-UKA Statistical Machine Translation Systems for IWSLT 2007.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-07), Trento, Italy, Oct 2007.


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel and Alex Waibel.  Estimating Phrase Pair Relevance for Translation Model Pruning.  MT Summit XI,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 10-14 2007.


Jae Dong Kim and Stephan.  Iterative Refinement of Lexicon and Phrasal Alignment

Vogel.  MT Summit XI,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 10-14 2007.


Yi Chang, Ying Zhang, Stephan Vogel and Jie Yang.  Enhancing Image-based Arabic Document Translation Using a Noisy Channel Correction Model.  MT Summit XI,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 10-14 2007.


Sanjika Hewavitharana, Alon Lavie and Stephan Vogel.  Experiments with a Noun-Phrase driven Statistical Machine Translation System.  MT Summit XI,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 10-14 2007.


Ying Zhang, Stephan Vogel,.  PanDoRA: A Large-scale Two-way Statistical Machine Translation System for Hand-held Devices.  MT Summit XI,  Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 10-14 2007.


Kay Rottmann and Stephan Vogel .  Word Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation with a POS-Based Distortion Model.  The 11th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI-07),  Skövde, Sweden, Sep 7-9, 2007.


Andreas Zollmann, Ashish Venugopal, Matthias Paulik and Stephan Vogel. 2007. The Syntax Augmented MT (SAMT) System for the Shared Task in the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.  ACL 2007, Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,  Prague, Czech Republic. June 2007.


Matthias Paulik, Kay Rottmann, Jan Niehues, Silja Hildebrand, and Stephan Vogel  The ISL Phrase-Based MT System for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.  Proc. of the ACL 2007 Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, Czech Republic, June 23, 2007


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel.  Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation.  NAACL/HLT 2007, Rochester, NY, April 2007.


Bing Zhao, Nguyen Bach, Ian Lane and Stephan Vogel.  A Log-linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs.  NAACL/HLT 2007, Rochester, NY, April 2007.


Ashish Venugopal, Andreas Zollmann and Stephan Vogel.  An Efficient Two-Pass Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT.  NAACL/HLT 2007, Rochester, NY, April 2007.






Matthias Eck, Ian Lane, Nguyen Bach, Sanjika Hewavitharana, Muntsin Kolss, Bing Zhao, Almut Silja Hildebrand, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel.  The UKA/CMU Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT 2006.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-06), Kyoto, Japan, Nov 2006.
Andreas Zollmann, Ashish Venugopal, Stephan Vogel and Alex Waibel. 2006.  The CMU-UKA Syntax Augmented Machine Translation System for IWSLT-06.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-06), Kyoto, Japan, Nov 2006.
Roger Hsiao, Ashish Venugopal, Thilo Koehler, Ying Zhang, Paisarn Charoenpornsawat, Andreas Zollmann, Stephan Vogel, Alan W Black, Tanja Schultz, Alex Waibel.  Optimizing Components for Handheld Two-way Speech Translation for an English-Iraqi Arabic System, Interspeech 2006,  Pittsburgh, PA, Sept 2006.

Ying Zhang, Almut Silja Hildebrand, Stephan Vogel.  Distributed Language Modeling for N-best List Re-ranking,  Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ( EMNLP 2006), Sydney, Australia, July 22-23, 2006. 
Muntsin Kolss, Bing Zhao, Stephan Vogel, Almut Silja Hildebrand, Jan Niehues, Ashish Venugopal, Ying Zhang.  The ISL Statistical Machine Translation System for the TC-STAR Spring 2006 Evaluation.  International TC-Star Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation,  Barcelona, Spain, June 2006.


Andreas Zollmann, Venugopal Ashish and Vogel Stephan.  Bridging the Inflection Morphology Gap for Arabic Statistical Machine Translation.  HLT-NAACL 2006, New York City, NY.


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel  A Flexible Online Server for Machine Translation Evaluation.  The 11th EAMT Conference, Oslo, Norway, June 2006.


Christian Fügen, Muntsin Kolss, Dietmar Bernreuther, Matthias Paulik, Sebastian Stüker, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel.  Open Domain Speech Recognition & Translation: Lectures and Speeches.  International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2006, ICASSP 2006, Toulouse, France, May, 2006.






Stephan Vogel,  PESA: Phrase Pair Extraction as Sentence Splitting.  The 10th Machine Translation Summit;  Phuket, Thailand, September 13-15, 2005.


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Low Cost Portability for Statistical Machine Translation based on N-Gram Coverage.  The 10th Machine Translation Summit;  Phuket, Thailand, September 13-15, 2005.


Sanjika Hewavitharana, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Augmenting a Statistical Translation System with a Translation Memory.  The 10th EAMT Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 30-3, 2005.


Sanjika Hewavitharana, Bing Zhao, Almut Silja Hildebrand, Matthias Eck, Chiori Hori, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel.  The CMU Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT2005.  The International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2005, Pittsburgh, PA, October 24-25, 2005


Almut Silja Hildebrand, Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel: Adaptation of the Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation Based on Information Retrieval.  The10th EAMT Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 30-June 3, 2005.


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Clustering and Classifying Names by Origins.  The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05), Pittsburgh, PA, July 2005.


Fei Huang, Ying Zhang, and Stephan Vogel,  Mining Key Phrase Translations from Web Corpora.  Joint Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (HLT/EMNLP 2005), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October 6-8, 2005.


Ashish Venugopal and Stephan Vogel,  Considerations in Maximum Mutual Information and Minimum Classification Error Training for Statistical Machine Translation.  10th EAMT Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 30-3, 2005.


Ying Zhang and Stephan Vogel,  An Efficient Phrase-to-Phrase Alignment Model for Arbitrarily Long Phrase and Large Corpora.  10th EAMT Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 30-3, 2005.


Ying Zhang and Stephan Vogel,  Competitive Grouping in Integrated Phrase Segmentation and Alignment Model.  ACL05, Workshop on Building and Parallel Text: Data-driven Machine Translation and Beyond (WPT-05), Ann Arbor, MI, June 29-30, 2005.


Bing Zhao and Stephan Vogel,  A Generalized Alignment-Free Phrase Extraction.  ACL05, Workshop on Building and Parallel Text: Data-driven Machine Translation and Beyond (WPT-05), Ann Arbor, MI, June 29-30, 2005.






Stephan Vogel and Christian Monson,  Augmenting Manual Dictionaries for Use in Statistical Machine Translation Systems.  4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004


Stephan Vogel, Sanjika Hewavitharana, Muntsin Kolss, and Alex Waibel,  The ISL Statistical Translation System for Spoken Language Translation.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, Kyoto, Japan, September, 2004.

Alex Waibel, Tanja Schultz, Stephan Vogel, Christian Fügen, Matthias Honal, Muntsin Kolss, Jürgen Reichert und Sebastian Stüker  Towards Language Portability in Statistical Machine Translation,  Invited paper, Special Session on Multilinguality in Speech Processing, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2004), Montreal, Canada, Mai 2004.


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Improving Statistical Machine Translation in the Medical Domain using the Unified Medical Language system.  The 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-2004), Geneva, Switzerland, August 23rd-27th, 2004.


Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation.  4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel and Alex Waibel,  Towards Named Entity Extraction and Translation in Spoken Language Translation.  International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, Kyoto, Japan, September, 2004.


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic and Semantic Similarities.  HLT/NAACL 2004, Boston May, 2004.


Alon Lavie, Katharina Probst, Erik Peterson, Stephan Vogel, Lori Levin, Ariadna Font-Llitjos and Jaime Carbonell,  A Trainable Transfer-based MT Approach for Languages with Limited Resources.  Workshop of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT-2004), Valletta, Malta, April 2004.


Shirin Saleem, Szu-Chen Jou, Stephan Vogel, and Tanja Schultz,  Using Word Lattice Information for a Tighter Coupling in Speech Translation Systems.  International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2004), Jeju Island, South Korea, October 2004.


Ying Zhang and Stephan Vogel,  Measuring Confidence Intervals for MT Evaluation Metrics.  The 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation (TMI 2004), Baltimore, MD USA, October 4-6, 2004.


Ying Zhang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Interpreting BLEU/NIST scores: How much Improvement do we Need to have a Better System?  4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), Lisbon, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004.


Bing Zhao, Matthias Eck, and Stephan Vogel,  Language Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Structured Query Models.  The 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling-2004), Geneva, Switzerland, August 23rd-27th, 2004.


Bing Zhao, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Phrase Pair Rescoring with Term Weightings for Statistical Machine Translation. EMNLP, Barcelona, Spain, July 2004.






Stephan Vogel,  Using Noisy Bilingual Data for Statistical Machine Translation. 10th Conference of the EACL, Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.


Stephan Vogel, Ying Zhang, Fei Huang, Alicia Tribble, Ashish Venugopal, Bing Zhao, and Alex Waibel,  The CMU Statistical Translation System. MT Summit IX, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A., September 2003.


Stephan Vogel,  SMT Decoder Dissected: Word Reordering.  International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'03), Beijing, China. October 2003.


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Automatic Extraction of Named Entity Translingual Equivalence Based on Multi-Feature Cost Minimization.  ACL Workshop: Multilingual and Mixed Language Named Entity Recognition - Combining Statistical and Symbolic Models.  41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL2003, Sapporo, Japa, July 7-12, 2003.


Alicia Tribble, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Overlapping Phrase-level Translation Rules in an SMT Engine.  International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'03), Beijing, China, October 2003.


Ashish Venugopal, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Effective Phrase Translation Extraction from Alignment Models.  41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL2003, Sapporo, Japan, July 7-12, 2003.


Ying Zhang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Integrated Phrase Segmentation and Alignment Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation.  International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE'03), Beijing, China, October 2003.


Bing Zhao and Stephan Vogel,  Word Alignment Based on Bilingual Bracketing.  HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop: Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 2003.


Bing Zhao, Klaus Zechner, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Efficient Optimization for Bilingual Sentence Alignment based on Linear Regression.  HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop: Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond, Edmonton Canada, May 2003.





Stephan Vogel and Alicia Tribble,  Improving Statistical Machine Translation for a Speech-to-Speech Translation Task.  International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation.  Denver, CO. Sep. 2002.


Manuel Kauers, Stephan Vogel, Christian Fügen, and Alex Waibel,  Interlingua Based Statistical Machine Translation.  International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Denver, CO, Sep 2002.


Fei Huang, Stephan Vogel, and Alex Waibel,  Improved Named Entity Translation and Bilingual Named Entity Extraction.  International Conference on Data Mining,  Maebashi City, Japan, December 9 - 12, 2002.


Bing Zhao, and Stephan Vogel,  Adaptive Parallel Sentences Mining From Web Bilingual News Collection.  International Conference on Data Mining,  Maebashi City, Japan, December 9 - 12, 2002.


Bing Zhao, and Stephan Vogel,  Full-text Story Alignment Models for Chinese-English Bilingual News Corpora.  International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,  Denver, CO. Sep. 2002.





Stephan Vogel and Hermann Ney, Translation with Cascaded Finite State Transducers. 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Hongkong, October 2000.


Stephan Vogel and Hermann Ney, Construction of a Hierarchical Translation Memory.  18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Saarbruecken, Germany, July 2000.


Stephan Vogel, Sonja Niessen, and Hermann Ney, Automatic Extrapolation of Human Assessment of Translation Quality.  2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation: Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation of Machine Translation, pp. 35-39, Athens, Greece, May-June 2000.





Sonja Niessen, Stephan Vogel, Hermann Ney, and Christoph Tillmann, A DP Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation.  35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp. 960-967, Montreal, Canada, August 1998.





Christoph Tillmann, Stephan Vogel, Hermann Ney, Hassan Sawaf, and Alex. Zubiaga. Accelerated DP-based Search for Statistical Translation.  Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Vol. 5, pp. 2667-2670, Rhodes, September 1997.





Stephan Vogel, Hermann Ney, Christoph Tillmann. HMM-Based Word Alignment in Statistical Translation. International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Copenhagen, pp. 836-841, August 1996.