Number 27 June 15,1992 The Huntington Technical Brief By David Brubaker Ph.D. Hedges ------ INTRODUCTION - Adjectives and adjective phrases called hedges are used in fuzzy system design as a means of generating new membership functions derived from already defined functions. For example, the function for the fuzzy value "hot" can be skewed toward higher temperatures with the hedge "very", resulting in a membership function for a derived fuzzy value "very hot". If correctly defined, "very" can also be applied to "cold", resulting in "very cold", a shift in the opposite direction on the temperature scale. Hedges can also be used to "fuzzify", to transform a crisp value or variable (or even operator) into a fuzzy equivalent. HEDGING MEMBERSHIP FUNCTIONS - A large part of fuzzy system design is the definition of linguistic values for fuzzy variables, representing them as membership functions. For example, the relative distance to an elevator's stop point might be described by the fuzzy values "near", "medium", and "far". Often, in order to achieve greater precision, further refinement of a variable's values is needed, examples being the values "very_near" and "very_very_near". While these values can be defined independent of each other, they can also use a base fuzzy value, in this case "near", modified by one or more hedges. For example, the hedge "very" can be applied once to "near" to achieve "very near", and twice to achieve "very very near". As a membership function changes, any hedged values based on that function will also change. The appropriateness of the change in the hedged values depends on the choice of the hedge function. HEDGES AS FUZZIFIERS - Selected hedge functions can also be used to transform crisp values into fuzzy values, and are called "fuzzifiers" - not to be confused with the use of the term describing a component that transforms a crisp value into a truth value in a fuzzy set. Given a crisp value x, three hedged versions of x might be "nearly x", "approximately x", and "roughly x", each of which is a fuzzy value derived from x. HEDGES ON OPERATORS - The dominant fuzzy relational operator is "is", most often used to determine the degree to which a crisp input falls within a fuzzy set. As such, the operator "is" is crisp, relating a crisp input or output value to a crisp degree of membership value. A more general realization would allow relational operators themselves to be fuzzy, either directly, as would be the case for the operators "approximately_is" or "roughly_is", or by hedging a crisp operator, as with "approximately is" and "roughly is". In providing for both hedged values and operators, we achieve representational redundancy. For example the phrases "as track_angle is roughly 180_deg" and "as track_angle roughly is 180_deg" achieve the same end, and in fact are synonymous for appropriate choice of the hedge function "roughly". In the first expression, "roughly" hedges the crisp value 180_deg, and in the second, "roughly" hedges the crisp operator "is". In both cases a fuzzy range is created around 180_deg. SUMMARY - We have briefly discussed the use of hedges in fuzzy systems. In addition to the more common practice of hedging fuzzy values, we have also looked at hedging crisp values to make them fuzzy, and at hedging the crisp relational operator "is". All such applications of hedges add richness to both the power and representation of fuzzy logic systems. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Huntington Technical Brief is published monthly as part of the marketing effort of Dr. David Brubaker of The Huntington Group. The unedited version complete with all figures is available at a subscription price of $24.00 per year. Past issues are available for $1.00 and samples of the Huntington Report are available at no charge. Please call Dr. David Brubaker at the number below for complete details. The 42-page report "Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Systems" is available for $35.00. For the past sixteen years Dr. Brubaker has provided technical consulting services in the design of complex systems, real-time, embedded processor systems, and for the past five years, fuzzy logic systems. If you need out-of-house expertise in any of these, please call 415-325-7554. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1992 by The Huntington Group 883 Santa Cruz Avenue, Suite 31 Menlo Park, CA 94025-4608 This information is provided by Aptronix FuzzyNet 408-428-1883 Data USR V.32bis