FOCL is a machine learning system that extends Quinlan's FOIL program by containing a compatible explanation-based learning component. FOCL learns Horn Clause programs from examples and (optionally) background knowledge. An updated version of FOCL (v 2.1) is now available by anonymous ftp from For details on FOCL, see: Pazzani, M. & Kibler, D. (1992). The role of prior knowledge in inductive learning. Machine Learning, 9, 54-97. It is available in one of two forms: 1. A (binhexed, Compacted) Macintosh application. This is stored in pub/machine-learning-programs/FOCL-1-2-3.cpt.hqx In addition to the machine learning program, this contains a graphical interface that displays the search space explored by FOCL, so it is a useful pedagogical tool. This application also contains a graphical interface for building rule bases, so you can ignore the machine learning aspects, and use it as an expert system shell with the following capabilities: * A backward-chaining rule interpreter. * A graphical rule and fact editor. * Graphical display of the rule base. * (Simple) Natural language explanation of inferences * Menu-based facilities for editing rules and adding natural language translations to rules. * Optional typing of variables and checking the rule base for type conflicts * Tracing of rules * Analysis of the accuracy of rules in a rule base. The expert system has been used successfully in an undergraduate laboratory course. Sample rule bases are included. A minimum of 6MB of memory is recommended for the application. In addition, a manual (that should print on any Macintosh printer) is available in pub/machine-learning-programs/FOCL-1-2-3-manual.hqx 2. Common lisp source code. This is portable source code for the machine learning program only, since the interface depends on the MAC. Available by Anonymous ftp from in pub/machine-learning-programs/FOCL-1-2-3.tar.Z 1. FTP FOCL-1-2-3.tar.Z to your machine. 2. Uncompress FOCL-1-2-3.tar.Z creating FOCL-1-2-3.tar 3. Extract the FOCL-1-2-3 files using tar -xf FOCL-1-2-3.tar 4. There will be a new directory called FOCL-1-2-3 containing the subdirectories source, compiled, and sample-domains, and the files load.lisp. 5. Start up common lisp in the FOCL-1-2-3 directory. 6. Type the following command to load and compile FOCL (load "load.lisp") (load-source) (compile-all) (load-comp) 7. After step 6 has been done once, to load the compiled code (load "load") (load-comp) 8. Load one of the sample domain files from the directory sample-domains e.g. (load "sample-domains/cup.lisp") since all of these sample files contain a def-focl-problem learning parameter setting it is possible to invoke FOCL using the command: (learn) most of these files also contains a function, (e.g. (test-cup)) that calls focl with an explicit set of parameters. 9. Warning. FOCL takes a large number of keyword parameters. Most of them are there to either a. permit us to turn off some capability of FOCL to see how it performs without that capability. b. To make FOCL run faster by ignoring some capability that we know will not affect the answer c. experiment with some capability (e.g., the evaluation function) It is possible to give inconsistent parameter settings and have strange things happen. Unfortunately, we haven't yet written a manual to explain all the settings of the learning program. It is best to start with the parameter settings of an example from the sample-domains directory. If you have problems, or run into bugs, send mail to or and we will try to address them as time permits. If you provide us with data and a description of your problem, we can help getting you started with FOCL. Mike Pazzani Cliff Brunk ICS Dept UC Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717 USA If you use a copy of FOCL, please send mail to so we can inform you of upgrades