From!!rochester!udel!!!agate!ames!koriel!sh.wide!wnoc-tyo-news!cs.titech!is.titech!takuo Tue Aug 10 12:20:44 EDT 1993 Article: 10825 of comp.lang.lisp Xref: comp.lang.clos:1987 comp.lang.eiffel:3981 comp.lang.lisp:10825 Newsgroups: comp.lang.clos,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.lisp Path:!!rochester!udel!!!agate!ames!koriel!sh.wide!wnoc-tyo-news!cs.titech!is.titech!takuo From: (Takuo Watanabe) Subject: JSSST ISOTAS '93 Advance Program Message-ID: Sender: (Usenet News System) Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1993 07:15:00 GMT Organization: Japan Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech. X-Bytes: 15777 Lines: 450 ********************************************************** * ADVANCE PROGRAM * * * * --- JSSST International Symposium Series --- * * * * INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on * * OBJECT TECHNOLOGIES for ADVANCED SOFTWARE (ISOTAS '93) * * * * Kanazawa, Japan, November 4-6, 1993 * ********************************************************** Sponsored by: Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) In cooperation with: ACM SIGSOFT, Japan ACM SIGMOD, IEEE Computer Society - Technical Committee on Software Engineering (TCSE), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Goals: Object technologies are attracting much attention in diverse areas of research and development for advanced software. Object-oriented (OO) programming holds a great promise in reducing the complexity of large scale software development, and recent research in this field promises to open up a new paradigm for parallel and reflective computing. Object-oriented databases are expected to serve as a model for next generation database systems, by overcoming the limitations of conventional data models. Recently, research in software object bases is aimed at developing a uniform approach to the management of software artifacts produced in the software development process, such as specifications, manuals, programs, and test data, which traditionally were managed in a very ad-hoc and arbitrary manner. Active research and experimentation on object technologies in these diverse areas suggest that there are some underlying, fundamental principles common to a wide range of software development activities. The first of the JSSST international series of symposia focuses on this topic. The aim of this symposium is to bring together leading researchers in the areas of object-oriented programming, object-oriented databases, and software object bases. We hope to promote an understanding of object technologies in a wider context and to make progress towards the goal of finding a better framework for future advanced software development. ************************************************ Invited Speakers: Malcolm Atkinson University of Glasgow Francois Bancilhon O2 Technology Ralph E. Johnson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign David Notkin University of Washington John Sargeant University of Manchester Jack C. Wileden University of Massachusetts Symposium Committee: Symposium Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST) Symposium Series Committee Chair: Mario Tokoro (Keio U./Sony CSL) Program Committee Co-Chairs: Shojiro Nishio (Osaka U.) Aki Yonezawa (U. of Tokyo) Executive Committee: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Finance Chair: Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST) Publicity Chair: Takuo Watanabe (JAIST) Exhibition Chair: Tatsuo Nakajima (JAIST) Local Arrangement Chair: Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST) Program Committee Members: Tsuneo Ajisaka (Kyoto U.) Mehmet Aksit (U. of Twente) Malcolm Atkinson (U. of Glasgow) Francois Bancilhon (O2 Tech.) Klaus R. Dittrich (U. of Zurich) Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST/ETL) Yutaka Ishikawa (RWC) Hyoung-Joo Kim (Seoul N. U.) Roger King (U. of Colorado) Tok-Wang Ling (N. U. of Singapore) Nazim Madhavji (McGill U.) Ole L. Madsen (Aarhus U.) Oscar Nierstrasz (U. of Geneva) David Notkin (U. of Washington) Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Atsushi Ohori (OKI) Junichi Rekimoto (NEC) Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Edward Sciore (Boston College) Etsuya Shibayama (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Shinji Shimojo (Osaka U.) Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST) Alan Snyder (Sun Microsystems) Ikuo Takeuchi (NTT) Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe U.) Mario Tokoro (Keio U./Sony CSL) Hideyuki Tokuda (Keio U./CMU) Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT) Takuo Watanabe (JAIST) Grant E. Weddell (U. of Waterloo) Peter Wegner (Brown U.) Jack Wileden (U. of Mass.) Kazumasa Yokota (ICOT) Masatoshi Yoshikawa (AIST, Nara) Roberto Zicari (J.W. Goethe U.) ************************************************* Technical Program: Thursday, November 4 Opening Session: 9:00 - 9:20 Opening Address General Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST) Message from the Program Committee PC Co-Chairs: Shojiro Nishio (Osaka University) Aki Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Session 1: 9:20 - 11:00 Object-Oriented Programming Languages Chair: Aki Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Uniting Functional and Object-Oriented Programming (Invited Paper) John Sargeant (University of Manchester) Traces (Solving the "Make Isn't Generic" Problem) Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) Gluons: a Support for Software Component Cooperation Xavier Pintado (University of Geneva) Coffee Break: 11:00 - 11:20 Session 2: 11:20 - 12:50 Object-Oriented Programming Language and Environment Chair: Yutaka Ishikawa (RWC Partnership) TAO: An Object-Orientation Kernel Kenichi Yamazaki, Yoshiji Amagai, and Ikuo Takeuchi (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), Masaharu Yoshida (NTT Human Interface Laboratories) Change Management and Consistency Maintenance in Software Development Environments Using Object Oriented Attribute Grammars Katsuhiko Gondow, Takashi Imaizumi (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST), Takuya Katayama (JAIST/Tokyo Institute of Technology) Design of an Integrated and Extensible C++ Programming Environment Kin'ichi Mitsui, Hiroaki Nakamura (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory), Theodore C. Law, and Shahram Javey (IBM Canada, Language Technology Centre) Lunch 12:50 - 14:00 Session 3 14:00 - 15:40 Meta and Reflection Chair: Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) Metalevel Decomposition in AL-1/D Hideaki Okamura (Keio University), Yutaka Ishikawa (Real World Computing Partnership), and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language Philippe Mulet and Pierre Cointe (Ecole des Mines de Nantes) Kernel Structuring for Object-Oriented Operating Systems: The Apertos Approach Yasuhiko Yokote (Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.) Coffee Break 15:40 - 16:00 Session 4 16:00 - 17:30 Object-Oriented Database Features Chair: Masatoshi Yoshikawa (AIST, Nara) Object Oriented Database Systems: Functional Architecture (Invited Paper) Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology) Maintaining Behavioral Consistency during Schema Evolution Paul L. Bergstein and Walter L. Hursch (Northeastern University) An Object-Centered Approach for Manipulating Hierarchically Complex Objects Ling Liu (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt) Reception 18:00 - 20:00 Friday, November 5 Session 5 9:00 - 10:40 Views for Object-Oriented Database Chair: Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe University) Towards the Unification of Views and Versions for Object Databases Kwang June Byeon and Dennis McLeod (University of Southern California) Abstract View Objects for Multiple OODB Integration Qiming Chen and Ming-Chien Shan (HP Laboratories) An Object-Oriented Query Model Supporting Views Suk I. Yoo and Hai Jin Chang (Seoul National University) Coffee Break 10:40 - 11:00 Session 6: 11:00 - 12:40 Object-Oriented Programming and Modeling Chair: Tsutomu Kamimura (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory) Refactoring and Aggregation (Invited Paper) Ralph E. Johnson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Transverse Activities: Abstractions in Object-Oriented Programming Bent Bruun Kristensen (Aalborg University) Dynamic Extensibility in a Statically-compiled Object-Oriented Language Jawahar Malhotra (Aarhus University) Lunch 12:40 - 14:00 Session 7 14:00 - 15:30 Object-Oriented Database Language Chair: Atsushi Ohori (OKI) Managing Change in Persistent Object Systems (Invited Paper) Malcolm Atkinson (University of Glasgow) An Object-Oriented Pattern Matching Language Marc Gemis and Jan Paredaens (University of Antwerp) CLOG: A Class-Based Logic Language For Object-Oriented Databases Siu Cheung Hui, A. Goh, and K. R. Jose (Nanyang Technological University) Coffee Break 15:30 - 15:50 Session 8 15:50 - 18:OO Object-Oriented Software Development Chair: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Name Management and Object Technology for Advanced Software (Invited Paper) Alan Kaplan and Jack C. Wileden (University of Massachusetts) Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis, Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, and Bart Swennen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Integration of the tool (AWB) supporting the O* Method in the PCTE-based Software Engineering Environment Sai Peck Lee (University of Paris I) Minimizing Dependency on Class Structures with Adaptive Programs Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao (Northeastern University) Saturday, November 6 Session 9 9:00 - 10:40 Concurrency Chair: Etsuya Shibayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology) First Class Messages as First Class Continuations Ken Wakita (Tokyo Institute of Technology) A typing system for an object-calculus Vasco T. Vasconcelos (Keio University) and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) A Type Mechanism based on restricted CCS for Distributed Active Objects Yasunori Harada (NTT) Coffee Break 10:40 - 11:00 Session 10 11:00 - 12:30 Object Technologies for Software Development Chair: Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT) Adding Implicit Invocation to Languages: Three Approaches (Invited Paper) David Notkin (University of Washington), David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon University), and William G. Griswold (University of California, San Diego) Requirements and Early Experiences in the Implementation of the SPADE Repository using Object-Oriented Technology Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza (Politecnico di Milano) Object-Oriented Formal Specification Development using VDM Amarit Laorakpong and Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Closing Session 12:30 - 12:40 Closing Address JSSST Symposium Series Committee Chair: Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) ********************************************** Registration Information: To register for the symposium, please complete the Registration Form and send/fax it to the symposium secretariat: Osamu Mitsui (ISOTAS '93 Secretariat) c/o System Research Center Co., Ltd. (SRC) 510 Asahi Toranomon Bldg., 18-6, 3-chome, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Phone: +81-3-5472-5545, Facsimile: +81-3-3434-2789 Registration Fees: Early (by Sep. 30, 1993) Late (after Sep. 30, 1993) Member (*): 37,000 Yen 40,000 Yen Non-member: 45,000 Yen 50,000 Yen Student: 20,000 Yen 25,000 Yen Registration fees cover: attendance at all sessions of the symposium, a copy of the proceedings, reception, refreshments during break. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEP. 30, 1993. (*) Reduced membership fees apply to the members of JSSST, ACM, IEEE Computer Society, or IPSJ. Please write your membership identification on the Registration Form. Methods of Payment: *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** CREDIT CARDS/PERSONAL CHECKS/MONEY ORDER ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. ALL CHARGES/COMMISSIONS ARE TO BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. All payments for registration must be made in Japanese Yen. We accept the following two payment methods: (1) BANK TRANSFER (TELEGRAPH). Remittance should be directed to: Bank name: Sakura Bank Ltd., Kamiyacho Branch Address: 13-1, Toranomon 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Acct. #: 282-6336212 Acct. name: JSSST-ISOTAS '93 Please provide the remittance information on Registration Form. (2) ON-SITE (CASH). On-site registration can also be made at the conference center. NOTE: Considering the high handling charges/commissions for bank (telegraph) transfer from abroad, participants from abroad who register before Sep. 30, 1993 can pay early registration fees on site. Participants in Japan who want to take advantage of the early registration fees should send their registration fees by bank (telegraph) transfer by Sep. 30, 1993. Local Arrangements: For additional information concerning local arrangements, please contact: Prof. Yoichi Shinoda Department of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 15 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa 923-12, Japan TEL: +81-761-51-1251, FAX: +81-761-51-1116 e-mail: ********************************* cut here ************************** JSSST International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS '93) REGISTRATION FORM Please type or print in block letters. Last/Family Name: _________________________________________________________ First Name: _________________________________________________________ Name (on Name Tag): ______________________________________________________ Affiliation: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City/State: _________________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________ Zip Code: _______________ Daytime Phone: ________________________ FAX: __________________________ E-Mail: _________________________________________________________ Speaker?: [ ] YES [ ] NO Conference Use: [ ] Slide Projector [ ] Overhead Projector Registration fees: EARLY LATE By Sep. 30, 1993 After Sep. 30, 1993 Member (*): [ ] 37,000 Yen [ ] 40,000 Yen Non-member: [ ] 45,000 Yen [ ] 50,000 Yen Student: [ ] 20,000 Yen [ ] 25,000 Yen (*) Applied to the members of JSSST/ACM/IEEE-CS/IPSJ. Membership # : __________________________________________________________ Methods of payment: [ ] ON-SITE IN CASH (NOTE: Early registration fees will be applied if you are abroad AND register before Sep. 30, 1993.) [ ] BANK (TELEGRAPH) TRANSFER. Remittance should be directed to: Bank name: Sakura Bank Ltd., Kamiyacho Branch Address: 13-1, Toranomon 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Acct. #: 282-6336212 Acct. name: JSSST-ISOTAS '93 Please provide the remittance information if you send your registration fee via bank (telegraph) transfer: From (bank name): __________________________________________________ Date of remittance: ________________ Amount (yen) : _______________ *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** ALL CHARGES/COMMISSIONS ARE TO BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. CREDIT CARDS/PERSONAL CHECKS/MONEY ORDER ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please return/fax this form to: Osamu Mitsui (ISOTAS Secretariat) c/o System Research Center Co., Ltd. (SRC) 510 Asahi Toranomon Bldg., 18-6, 3-chome, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Phone: +81-3-5472-5545, Facsimile: +81-3-3434-2789 ****************************** end ********************************* From!rochester!udel!!!uunet!sparky!rick Thu Aug 26 19:51:57 EDT 1993 Article: 4630 of news.announce.conferences Xref: news.announce.conferences:4630 Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences Path:!rochester!udel!!!uunet!sparky!rick From: (Kazutoshi Fujikawa) Subject: International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS '93) Advance Program Message-ID: <> Sender: (Richard Ohnemus) Organization: Computation Center, Osaka Univ., JAPAN Distribution: news Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1993 23:15:24 GMT Approved: Expires: Sun, 7 Nov 1993 08:00:00 GMT Lines: 455 X-Md4-Signature: 9da8762996fd002b4340d6447d891cc1 ********************************************************** * ADVANCE PROGRAM * * * * --- JSSST International Symposium Series --- * * * * INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on * * OBJECT TECHNOLOGIES for ADVANCED SOFTWARE (ISOTAS '93) * * * * Kanazawa, Japan, November 4-6, 1993 * ********************************************************** Sponsored by: Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) In cooperation with: ACM SIGSOFT (requesting), Japan ACM SIGMOD, IEEE Computer Society - Technical Committee on Software Engineering (TCSE), Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) Goals: Object technologies are attracting much attention in diverse areas of research and development for advanced software. Object-oriented (OO) programming holds a great promise in reducing the complexity of large scale software development, and recent research in this field promises to open up a new paradigm for parallel and reflective computing. Object-oriented databases are expected to serve as a model for next generation database systems, by overcoming the limitations of conventional data models. Recently, research in software object bases is aimed at developing a uniform approach to the management of software artifacts produced in the software development process, such as specifications, manuals, programs, and test data, which traditionally were managed in a very ad-hoc and arbitrary manner. Active research and experimentation on object technologies in these diverse areas suggest that there are some underlying, fundamental principles common to a wide range of software development activities. The first of the JSSST international series of symposia focuses on this topic. The aim of this symposium is to bring together leading researchers in the areas of object-oriented programming, object-oriented databases, and software object bases. We hope to promote an understanding of object technologies in a wider context and to make progress towards the goal of finding a better framework for future advanced software development. ************************************************ Invited Speakers: Malcolm Atkinson University of Glasgow Francois Bancilhon O2 Technology Ralph E. Johnson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign David Notkin University of Washington John Sargeant University of Manchester Jack C. Wileden University of Massachusetts Symposium Committee: Symposium Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST) Symposium Series Committee Chair: Mario Tokoro (Keio U./Sony CSL) Program Committee Co-Chairs: Shojiro Nishio (Osaka U.) Aki Yonezawa (U. of Tokyo) Executive Committee: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Finance Chair: Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST) Publicity Chair: Takuo Watanabe (JAIST) Exhibition Chair: Tatsuo Nakajima (JAIST) Local Arrangement Chair: Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST) Program Committee Members: Tsuneo Ajisaka (Kyoto U.) Mehmet Aksit (U. of Twente) Malcolm Atkinson (U. of Glasgow) Francois Bancilhon (O2 Tech.) Klaus R. Dittrich (U. of Zurich) Kokichi Futatsugi (JAIST/ETL) Yutaka Ishikawa (RWC) Hyoung-Joo Kim (Seoul N. U.) Roger King (U. of Colorado) Tok-Wang Ling (N. U. of Singapore) Nazim Madhavji (McGill U.) Ole L. Madsen (Aarhus U.) Oscar Nierstrasz (U. of Geneva) David Notkin (U. of Washington) Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Atsushi Ohori (OKI) Junichi Rekimoto (NEC) Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Edward Sciore (Boston College) Etsuya Shibayama (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Shinji Shimojo (Osaka U.) Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST) Alan Snyder (Sun Microsystems) Ikuo Takeuchi (NTT) Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe U.) Mario Tokoro (Keio U./Sony CSL) Hideyuki Tokuda (Keio U./CMU) Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT) Takuo Watanabe (JAIST) Grant E. Weddell (U. of Waterloo) Peter Wegner (Brown U.) Jack Wileden (U. of Mass.) Kazumasa Yokota (ICOT) Masatoshi Yoshikawa (AIST, Nara) Roberto Zicari (J.W. Goethe U.) ************************************************* Technical Program: Thursday, November 4 Opening Session: 9:00 - 9:20 Opening Address General Chair: Takuya Katayama (JAIST) Message from the Program Committee PC Co-Chairs: Shojiro Nishio (Osaka University) Aki Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Session 1: 9:20 - 11:00 Object-Oriented Programming Languages Chair: Aki Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Uniting Functional and Object-Oriented Programming (Invited Paper) John Sargeant (University of Manchester) Traces (Solving the "Make Isn't Generic" Problem) Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) Gluons: a Support for Software Component Cooperation Xavier Pintado (University of Geneva) Coffee Break: 11:00 - 11:20 Session 2: 11:20 - 12:50 Object-Oriented Programming Language and Environment Chair: Yutaka Ishikawa (RWC Partnership) TAO: An Object-Orientation Kernel Kenichi Yamazaki, Yoshiji Amagai, and Ikuo Takeuchi (NTT Basic Research Laboratories), Masaharu Yoshida (NTT Human Interface Laboratories) Change Management and Consistency Maintenance in Software Development Environments Using Object Oriented Attribute Grammars Katsuhiko Gondow, Takashi Imaizumi (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yoichi Shinoda (JAIST), Takuya Katayama (JAIST/Tokyo Institute of Technology) Design of an Integrated and Extensible C++ Programming Environment Kin'ichi Mitsui, Hiroaki Nakamura (IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory), Theodore C. Law, and Shahram Javey (IBM Canada, Language Technology Centre) Lunch 12:50 - 14:00 Session 3 14:00 - 15:40 Meta and Reflection Chair: Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) Metalevel Decomposition in AL-1/D Hideaki Okamura (Keio University), Yutaka Ishikawa (Real World Computing Partnership), and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language Philippe Mulet and Pierre Cointe (Ecole des Mines de Nantes) Kernel Structuring for Object-Oriented Operating Systems: The Apertos Approach Yasuhiko Yokote (Sony Computer Science Laboratory Inc.) Coffee Break 15:40 - 16:00 Session 4 16:00 - 17:30 Object-Oriented Database Features Chair: Masatoshi Yoshikawa (AIST, Nara) Object Oriented Database Systems: Functional Architecture (Invited Paper) Francois Bancilhon (O2 Technology) Maintaining Behavioral Consistency during Schema Evolution Paul L. Bergstein and Walter L. Hursch (Northeastern University) An Object-Centered Approach for Manipulating Hierarchically Complex Objects Ling Liu (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt) Reception 18:00 - 20:00 Friday, November 5 Session 5 9:00 - 10:40 Views for Object-Oriented Database Chair: Katsumi Tanaka (Kobe University) Towards the Unification of Views and Versions for Object Databases Kwang June Byeon and Dennis McLeod (University of Southern California) Abstract View Objects for Multiple OODB Integration Qiming Chen and Ming-Chien Shan (HP Laboratories) An Object-Oriented Query Model Supporting Views Suk I. Yoo and Hai Jin Chang (Seoul National University) Coffee Break 10:40 - 11:00 Session 6: 11:00 - 12:40 Object-Oriented Programming and Modeling Chair: Tsutomu Kamimura (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory) Refactoring and Aggregation (Invited Paper) Ralph E. Johnson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Transverse Activities: Abstractions in Object-Oriented Programming Bent Bruun Kristensen (Aalborg University) Dynamic Extensibility in a Statically-compiled Object-Oriented Language Jawahar Malhotra (Aarhus University) Lunch 12:40 - 14:00 Session 7 14:00 - 15:30 Object-Oriented Database Language Chair: Atsushi Ohori (OKI) Managing Change in Persistent Object Systems (Invited Paper) Malcolm Atkinson (University of Glasgow) An Object-Oriented Pattern Matching Language Marc Gemis and Jan Paredaens (University of Antwerp) CLOG: A Class-Based Logic Language For Object-Oriented Databases Siu Cheung Hui, A. Goh, and K. R. Jose (Nanyang Technological University) Coffee Break 15:30 - 15:50 Session 8 15:50 - 18:OO Object-Oriented Software Development Chair: Koichiro Ochimizu (JAIST) Name Management and Object Technology for Advanced Software (Invited Paper) Alan Kaplan and Jack C. Wileden (University of Massachusetts) Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis, Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, and Bart Swennen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Integration of the tool (AWB) supporting the O* Method in the PCTE-based Software Engineering Environment Sai Peck Lee (University of Paris I) Minimizing Dependency on Class Structures with Adaptive Programs Karl J. Lieberherr and Cun Xiao (Northeastern University) Saturday, November 6 Session 9 9:00 - 10:40 Concurrency Chair: Etsuya Shibayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology) First Class Messages as First Class Continuations Ken Wakita (Tokyo Institute of Technology) A typing system for an object-calculus Vasco T. Vasconcelos (Keio University) and Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) A Type Mechanism based on restricted CCS for Distributed Active Objects Yasunori Harada (NTT) Coffee Break 10:40 - 11:00 Session 10 11:00 - 12:30 Object Technologies for Software Development Chair: Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT) Adding Implicit Invocation to Languages: Three Approaches (Invited Paper) David Notkin (University of Washington), David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon University), and William G. Griswold (University of California, San Diego) Requirements and Early Experiences in the Implementation of the SPADE Repository using Object-Oriented Technology Sergio Bandinelli, Luciano Baresi, Alfonso Fuggetta, and Luigi Lavazza (Politecnico di Milano) Object-Oriented Formal Specification Development using VDM Amarit Laorakpong and Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Closing Session 12:30 - 12:40 Closing Address JSSST Symposium Series Committee Chair: Mario Tokoro (Keio University/Sony CSL) ********************************************** Registration Information: To register for the symposium, please complete the Registration Form and send/fax it to the symposium secretariat: Osamu Mitsui (ISOTAS '93 Secretariat) c/o System Research Center Co., Ltd. (SRC) 510 Asahi Toranomon Bldg., 18-6, 3-chome, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Phone: +81-3-5472-5545, Facsimile: +81-3-3434-2789 Registration Fees: Early (by Sep. 30, 1993) Late (after Sep. 30, 1993) Member (*): 37,000 Yen 40,000 Yen Non-member: 45,000 Yen 50,000 Yen Student: 20,000 Yen 25,000 Yen Registration fees cover: attendance at all sessions of the symposium, a copy of the proceedings, reception, refreshments during break. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEP. 30, 1993. (*) Reduced membership fees apply to the members of JSSST, ACM, IEEE Computer Society, or IPSJ. Please write your membership identification on the Registration Form. Methods of Payment: *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** CREDIT CARDS/PERSONAL CHECKS/MONEY ORDER ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. ALL CHARGES/COMMISSIONS ARE TO BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. All payments for registration must be made in Japanese Yen. We accept the following two payment methods: (1) BANK TRANSFER (TELEGRAPH). Remittance should be directed to: Bank name: Sakura Bank Ltd., Kamiyacho Branch Address: 13-1, Toranomon 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Acct. #: 282-6336212 Acct. name: JSSST-ISOTAS '93 Please provide the remittance information on Registration Form. (2) ON-SITE (CASH). On-site registration can also be made at the conference center. NOTE: Considering the high handling charges/commissions for bank (telegraph) transfer from abroad, participants from abroad who register before Sep. 30, 1993 can pay early registration fees on site. Participants in Japan who want to take advantage of the early registration fees should send their registration fees by bank (telegraph) transfer by Sep. 30, 1993. Local Arrangements: For additional information concerning local arrangements (including the information on accommodation), please contact: Prof. Yoichi Shinoda Department of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 15 Asahidai, Tatsunokuchi, Ishikawa 923-12, Japan TEL: +81-761-51-1251, FAX: +81-761-51-1116 e-mail: ********************************* cut here ************************** JSSST International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS '93) REGISTRATION FORM Please type or print in block letters. Last/Family Name: _________________________________________________________ First Name: _________________________________________________________ Name (on Name Tag): ______________________________________________________ Affiliation: _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City/State: _________________________________________________________ Country: _______________________________ Zip Code: _______________ Daytime Phone: ________________________ FAX: __________________________ E-Mail: _________________________________________________________ Speaker?: [ ] YES [ ] NO Conference Use: [ ] Slide Projector [ ] Overhead Projector Registration fees: EARLY LATE By Sep. 30, 1993 After Sep. 30, 1993 Member (*): [ ] 37,000 Yen [ ] 40,000 Yen Non-member: [ ] 45,000 Yen [ ] 50,000 Yen Student: [ ] 20,000 Yen [ ] 25,000 Yen (*) Applied to the members of JSSST/ACM/IEEE-CS/IPSJ. Membership # : __________________________________________________________ Methods of payment: [ ] ON-SITE IN CASH (NOTE: Early registration fees will be applied if you are abroad AND register before Sep. 30, 1993.) [ ] BANK (TELEGRAPH) TRANSFER. Remittance should be directed to: Bank name: Sakura Bank Ltd., Kamiyacho Branch Address: 13-1, Toranomon 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Acct. #: 282-6336212 Acct. name: JSSST-ISOTAS '93 Please provide the remittance information if you send your registration fee via bank (telegraph) transfer: From (bank name): __________________________________________________ Date of remittance: ________________ Amount (yen) : _______________ *** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** ALL CHARGES/COMMISSIONS ARE TO BE PAID BY THE APPLICANT. CREDIT CARDS/PERSONAL CHECKS/MONEY ORDER ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. Please return/fax this form to: Osamu Mitsui (ISOTAS Secretariat) c/o System Research Center Co., Ltd. (SRC) 510 Asahi Toranomon Bldg., 18-6, 3-chome, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Phone: +81-3-5472-5545, Facsimile: +81-3-3434-2789 ****************************** end ********************************* -- $@F#@n(J $@OBMx(J $@")(J567 $@0qLZ;TH~Jf%v5V(J5-1 $@Bg:eBg3X(J $@Bg7?7W;;5!%;%s%?!<(J TEL : 06-877-5111 ext2833