Return-Path: <> Received: from CS.CMU.EDU by A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa09590; 15 Jul 93 21:32:32 EDT Received: from Csli.Stanford.EDU by CS.CMU.EDU id aa06470; 15 Jul 93 21:31:26 EDT Received: from localhost.Stanford.EDU by CSLI.Stanford.EDU (4.1/25-CSLI-eef) id AA13114; Thu, 15 Jul 93 17:27:12 PDT Message-Id: <9307160027.AA13114@CSLI.Stanford.EDU> From: (Alan Smeaton CA) (by way of (David Yarowsky)) Subject: SIGIR'94 Conference, Dublin, IRELAND, Call for papers To: empiricists@CSLI.Stanford.EDU Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 17:27:10 -0700 Sender: roscheis@CSLI.Stanford.EDU C A L L F O R P A P E R S 17th International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval -- SIGIR'94 Sponsored by Dublin City University in cooperation with ACM, BCS-IRSG, GI, AICA-GLIR, CEPIS-EIRSG and ICS The SIGIR'94 conference will take place in Dublin. Ireland, from 3rd to 6th July, 1994. This conference is a forum for the exchange of ideas and reporting of work done in areas related to information retrieval and covers information retrieval theory, user interface issues, multimedia, natural language processing, advanced techniques implementations and system issues, networked information retrieval, applications and many other areas. Program co-chairs are Prof. Keith van Rijsbergen (Glasgow U.) and Prof. W Bruce Croft (UMass). Contributions to the conference can be in the form of papers, panels, tutorials or workshops. The deadlines for submission are 6 January 1994 (papers) and 14 february 1994 (others). For a copy of the full call for papers send e-mail to or contact the conference chair. Full details on submission formats for papers, panels, tutorials or workshops may be obtained by sending e-mail to or contacting the general conference chair. To be added to the mailing list send e-mail to Conference Chair Dr Alan Smeaton Tel: +353 - 1 - 7045262 School of Computer Applications Fax: +353 - 1 - 7045442 Dublin City University, e-mail: Glasnevin, Dublin 9, IRELAND