Milind Tambe <> writes: Many researchers have explored the possible integration of constraint satisfaction techniques/methods and production (rule-based) systems. The integration has been explored in the context of both backward chaining[1] and forward-chaining systems (see below). This short note focuses on one aspect of this integration: constraints and forward-chaining production systems. These forward chaining systems execute tasks by going through recognize-act cycles: in the recognize or match phase, productions or rules match with working memory (a database of facts) and in the act phase, the matched productions are fired, causing changes to working memory, in turn causing the system to execute the next recognize act cycle. Integration of constraints with such systems is possible at multiple levels. At a higher level, the integration with constraints may involve a shift in the recognize-act cycle. For instance, constraint-satisfaction techniques may be used in addition to the recognize-act cycle to define values in working memory[2]. At this higher level, constraints do not change the recognize-act cycle itself. At a lower level, however, the integration with constraints may involve a change in the recognition procedure, i.e., the procedure used to match productions with working memory. More specifically, the problem of matching conditions of productions with working memory can be mapped over onto constraint satisfaction problems. Techniques such as arc-consistency, path-consistency or others may then be used either to reduce the match cost of productions by quickly eliminating easily detectably inconsistencies, or alternatively even to substitute for the matching procedure[3]. 1. "Concurrent constraint programming languages", V. Saraswat, PhD Thesis, 1989, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 2. "Constrained heuristic search" M. Fox, N. Zadeh & C. Baykan, IJCAI-89, pp 309-315. 3. "Investigation production system representations for non- combinatorial match" M. Tambe & P. Rosenbloom, Artificial Intel., Volume 68, Number 1, 1994.Go Back Up