> Could anybody give me the definition of constraint entailment? If we already have `X = 8' in the constraint store, we can ask three questions about some other constraint C: a) Is C entailed by the store? If C is, say, `X > 5' then the answer is `yes' -- X > 5 does not give you any extra information if you already know that X = 8. b) Is the negation of C entailed by the store? (Is C `disentailed') If C is `X > 5' the answer is `no', but if C was, say, X < 2, it would be false in the context provided by the store c) Is C neither entailed nor disentailed? The constraint `Y = 4' is consistent with the store, and so is its negation, but it is not entailed by it. In the language of Concurrent Constraints, we can `ask' if a constraint is entailed, and get `yes', `no' or `suspend' (i.e. the ask goes to sleep until enough extra information is added to the store to give a definite answer). If we want to add information to the store, we can do a `tell' which only works if the constraint to be told is not inconsistent with the store.Go Back Up