Date: 15-APR-93 INSTITUTION FOR FUZZY SYSTEMS AND INTELLIGENT CONTROL, INC. Sponsors, organizes, and publishes the proceedings of the International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conference. The conference is devoted primarily to computer based feedback control systems that rely on rule bases, machine learning, and other artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques. The theme of the 1993 conference was "Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, and Soft Computing." Thomas L. Ward Institution for Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control, Inc. P. O. Box 1297 Louisville KY 40201-1297 USA Phone: +1.502.588.6342 Fax: +1.502.588.5633 Email:, TLWard01@ulkyvm.bitnet INTERNATIONAL FUZZY SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION (IFSA) Holds biannual conferences that rotate between Asia, North America, and Europe. Membership is $232, which includes a subscription to the International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Prof. Philippe Smets University of Brussels, IRIDIA 50 av. F. Roosevelt CP 194/6 1050 Brussels, Belgium LABORATORY FOR INTERNATIONAL FUZZY ENGINEERING (LIFE) Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering Research Siber Hegner Building 3FL 89-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku Yokohama-shi 231 Japan Email: <name> NORTH AMERICAN FUZZY INFORMATION PROCESSING SOCIETY (NAFIPS) Holds a conference and a workshop in alternating years. President: Dr. Jim Keller President NAFIPS Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept University of Missouri-Col Columbia, MO 65211 USA Phone +1.314.882.7339 Email:, ecejk@mizzou1.bitnet Secretary/Treasurer: Thomas H. Whalen Sec'y/Treasurer NAFIPS Decision Sciences Dept Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303 USA Phone: +1.404.651.4080 Email:, qmdthw@gsuvm1.bitnet SPANISH ASSOCIATION FOR FUZZY LOGIC AND TECHNOLOGY Prof. J. L. Verdegay Dept. of Computer Science and A.I. Faculty of Sciences University of Granada 18071 Granada (Spain) Phone: +34.58.244019 Tele-fax: +34.58.243317, +34.58.274258 Email: CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR FUZZY INFORMATION AND NEURAL SYSTEMS (CANS-FINS) Dr. Madan M. Gupta, Director <> Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory College of Engineering Sakatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N OWO Tel: 306-966-5451 Fax: 306-966-8710 Dr. Ralph O. Buchal <> Department of Mechanical Engineering Univ. of Western Ontario London, Ontario, N6A 5B9 Tel: 519-679-2111, x8454 Fax: 519-661-3375 Dr. Martin Laplante RES Inc. Suite 501, 100 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ont. KIP-5B7 Tel: 613-238-3690 Fax: 613-235-5889 ================================================================Go Back Up