PSYCGRAD (The Psychology Graduate Student Journal) is an online journal of technical papers by psychology graduate students and is edited by a team of 18 graduate student editors. To submit a paper or article, send email to To subscribe, send a message "sub psygrd-j <firstname> <lastname>" to or read the newsgroup bit.listserv.psycgrad. PSYCHE is a refereed electronic journal concerning the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the brain. To subscribe, send a message with "SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-L Firstname Lastname" in the body to <>. There is also a web version of the journal at: <>. Submissions may be sent to the Executive Editor, Patrick Wilken, Computer Science Dept., Monash University, Clayton, 3167, AUSTRALIA, <>. A discussion group PSYCHE-D has also been created for discussion of the contents of the journal and related topics. To subscribe, send a message with "SUBSCRIBE PSYCHE-D Firstname Lastname" in the body to <>. The moderator of PSYCHE-D is Patrick Wilken <>. COGNEURO (Cognitive Neuroscience) is a low volume mailing list for discussing matters at the interface of cognitive science and neuroscience. For more information about the list, send mail to with Subject line "cogneuro: send info". To subscribe, use the Subject line "cogneuro: subscribe", and to unsubscribe, "cogneuro: unsubscribe". Only members of the list may post to the list. The mailing list archives are available by anonymous ftp from [] and are maintained by Phil A. Hetherington <>. The list is moderated by Kimball Collins <>. COGPSY is a moderated mailing list concerned with connectionist research in cognitive psychology. To be added to the list, send mail to Submissions should be sent to the same address.Go Back Up