CONNECTION SCIENCE Published 4 times annually. ISSN 0954-0091. Subscriptions: Individual $82, Institution $184, Institution (UK) 74 pounds Carfax Publishing Company, PO Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, UK. Submissions: Julie Clarke <>, Connection Science, Department of Computer Science, Regent Court, University of Sheffield, S1 4DP, Sheffield, UK. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL NETWORKS RESEARCH & APPLICATIONS Published quarterly. ISSN 0954-9889. Learned Information Ltd., Woodside, Hinksey Hill, Oxford OX1 5AU, UK. Tel: +44 (0)865-730275 Fax: +44 (0)085-736354 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS (IJNS) Published quarterly. ISSN 0129-0657 Information processing in natural and artificial neural systems. Subscriptions: Individual $42, Institution $88 (plus $9-$17 for postage) USA: World Scientific Publishing Co., 687 Hartwell Street, Teaneck, NJ 07666, 201-837-8858; Eurpoe: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 73 Lynton Mead, Totteridge, London N20-8DH, England, (01) 4462461; Other: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Farrer Road, P.O. Box 128, Singapore 9128, 2786188. NEURAL COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS Published quarterly. ISSN 0941-0643. Official journal of the Neural Computing Applications Forum. Subscriptions: $215. (Free to NCAF members.) Springer Verlag, Service Center Secaucus, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Tel: 201-348-4033 Springer-Verlag, Springer House, 8 Alexandra Road, LONDON SW19 7JZ Tel: ..44/0 81 947 1280 Fax: 0 81 947 1274 Spqringer-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-1000 BERLIN, Germany Tel: (0)30 8207-1 NEURAL COMPUTATION Published quarterly since 1989. ISSN 0899-7667. MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street Cambridge, MA 02142-9949, 617-253-2889 Subscriptions: Individual $65 (Student/Retired $40), Institution $166. Canadians add 7% GST, shipping outside US add $22 postage and handling. Editor: Terrence Sejnowski. NEURAL NETWORK WORLD Published 6 times annually. Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mirko Novak <> Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences, 18207 Prague, Pod vodarenskou vezi 2, Czech Republic Tel: (0042) 82 16 39 Fax: (0042) 85 85 789 Subscriptions: The subscription price for Volume 5 (1995) is DM 360, including postage and handling charges. Publisher: The IDG, Czechoslovakia, 160 00 Prague 6, Luzna 2, Czech Republic. NEURAL NETWORKS Published 6 times annually. ISSN 0893-6080. Official journal of the International Neural Network Society. Subscriptions: $380 Pergamon Press, Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 0BW, UK. Pergamon Press, Inc., 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY 10591-5153. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE Published bimonthly, since 1985, by the IEEE Control Systems Society. (Often has articles about NNs and fuzzy systems.) JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL SYSTEMS (JANS) Published quarterly. Subscriptions: $192/year ($64 for contributors). The Bellwood Research Center, 17 Briston Private, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1G 5R5 JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Published quarterly. Editor: Omid M. Omidvar Subscriptions: individuals $45, institutions $110. Ablex Publishing Company, 355 Chestnut Street, Norwood, NJ 07648 201-767-8450, fax 201-767-6717 NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS Published bimonthly starting in September 1994. Emphasis on ideas, developments, and work in progress. Francois Blayo (France) and Michel Verleysen (Belgium), +32 2 245 43 63, + 32 2 245 46 94 Fax. Subscriptions: BEF 4400 D facto publications, 45 rue Masui, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium phone +32-2-245-43-63, fax +32-2-245-46-94. URL: FTP: Back Up