ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (ACL) Natural language processing research and applications. Members receive the journal Computational Linguistics, ISSN 0891-2017. Regular membership $40 ($25 full-time students not earning a regular income; $25 for retired and unemployed), $10 extra for first class/air postage in North America, $20 elsewhere. For more information write to Association for Computational Linguistics, PO Box 6090, Somerset, NJ 08875, or send email to Institutions must subscribe to the journal through MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA, phone 617-253-2889, fax 617-258-6779, e-mail To get information about the ACL listserver, send mail to with index acl-l in the message body. To get the membership form, include get acl-l membership-form.txt in the message body. The ACL archive can also be accessed by anonymous ftp from The ACL Web page is accessible through the URLs ASSOCIATION FOR MACHINE TRANSLATION IN THE AMERICAS (AMTA) 655 Fifteenth Street, NW, Suite 310, Washington, DC 20005 Membership: $40 Associate members, $65 active members, Institutional $200, Corporate $400. Members receive the MT News International and the MT Yellow Pages. SIGNLL is the ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning (language acquisition and related topics). To join, send mail to or use the forms on the SIGNLL home page. For more information, see the SIGNLL home page at the URL See also the Cognitive Science Society.Go Back Up