Hopefully, the only reason you need to do this is as part of trying to port some old MacLisp code to Common Lisp. These functions predated the inclusion of strings as a first-class data type in Lisp; symbols were used as strings, and they ere EXPLODEd to allow the individual characters to be manipulated in a list. Probably the best approximations of these are: (defun explode (object) (loop for char across (prin1-to-string object) collect (intern (string char)))) (defun implode (list) (read-from-string (coerce (mapcar #'character list) 'string))) An alternate definition of EXPLODE which uses MAP instead of LOOP is: (defun explode (object) (map 'list #'(lambda (char) (intern (string char))) (prin1-to-string object))) The creation of N conses of garbage to process a string of N characters is a hideously inefficient way of doing the job. Rewrite EXPLODE code with PRIN1-TO-STRING, or better STRING if the arguments are symbols without funny characters. For IMPLODE, try to make its caller use strings and try to make the result usable as a string to avoid having to call INTERN or READ-FROM-STRING.Go Back Up