Type specifiers can be symbols, classes, or lists. Figure 4-2 lists symbols that are standardized atomic type specifiers, and Figure 4-3 lists standardized compound type specifier names. For syntax information, see the dictionary entry for the corresponding type specifier. It is possible to define new type specifiers using defclass, define-condition, defstruct, or deftype.
arithmetic-error function simple-condition array generic-function simple-error atom hash-table simple-string base-char integer simple-type-error base-string keyword simple-vector bignum list simple-warning bit logical-pathname single-float bit-vector long-float standard-char broadcast-stream method standard-class built-in-class method-combination standard-generic-function cell-error nil standard-method character null standard-object class number storage-condition compiled-function package stream complex package-error stream-error concatenated-stream parse-error string condition pathname string-stream cons print-not-readable structure-class control-error program-error structure-object division-by-zero random-state style-warning double-float ratio symbol echo-stream rational synonym-stream end-of-file reader-error t error readtable two-way-stream extended-char real type-error file-error restart unbound-slot file-stream sequence unbound-variable fixnum serious-condition undefined-function float short-float unsigned-byte floating-point-inexact signed-byte vector floating-point-invalid-operation simple-array warning floating-point-overflow simple-base-string floating-point-underflow simple-bit-vector
Figure 4-2. Standardized Atomic Type Specifiers
If a type specifier is a list, the car of the list is a symbol, and the rest of the list is subsidiary type information. Such a type specifier is called a compound type specifier. Except as explicitly stated otherwise, the subsidiary items can be unspecified. The unspecified subsidiary items are indicated by writing *. For example, to completely specify a vector, the type of the elements and the length of the vector must be present.
(vector double-float 100)The following leaves the length unspecified:
(vector double-float *)The following leaves the element type unspecified:
(vector * 100)Suppose that two type specifiers are the same except that the first has a * where the second has a more explicit specification. Then the second denotes a subtype of the type denoted by the first.
If a list has one or more unspecified items at the end, those items can be dropped. If dropping all occurrences of * results in a singleton list, then the parentheses can be dropped as well (the list can be replaced by the symbol in its car). For example, (vector double-float *) can be abbreviated to (vector double-float), and (vector * *) can be abbreviated to (vector) and then to vector.
and long-float simple-base-string array member simple-bit-vector base-string mod simple-string bit-vector not simple-vector complex or single-float cons rational string double-float real unsigned-byte eql satisfies values float short-float vector function signed-byte integer simple-array
Figure 4-3. Standardized Compound Type Specifier Names
The next figure show the defined names that can be used as compound type specifier names but that cannot be used as atomic type specifiers.
and mod satisfies eql not values member or
Figure 4-4. Standardized Compound-Only Type Specifier Names
New type specifiers can come into existence in two ways.
A class object can be used as a type specifier. When used this way, it denotes the set of all members of that class.
The next figure shows some defined names relating to types and declarations.
coerce defstruct subtypep declaim deftype the declare ftype type defclass locally type-of define-condition proclaim typep
Figure 4-5. Defined names relating to types and declarations.
The next figure shows all defined names that are type specifier names, whether for atomic type specifiers or compound type specifiers; this list is the union of the lists in Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3.
and function simple-array arithmetic-error generic-function simple-base-string array hash-table simple-bit-vector atom integer simple-condition base-char keyword simple-error base-string list simple-string bignum logical-pathname simple-type-error bit long-float simple-vector bit-vector member simple-warning broadcast-stream method single-float built-in-class method-combination standard-char cell-error mod standard-class character nil standard-generic-function class not standard-method compiled-function null standard-object complex number storage-condition concatenated-stream or stream condition package stream-error cons package-error string control-error parse-error string-stream division-by-zero pathname structure-class double-float print-not-readable structure-object echo-stream program-error style-warning end-of-file random-state symbol eql ratio synonym-stream error rational t extended-char reader-error two-way-stream file-error readtable type-error file-stream real unbound-slot fixnum restart unbound-variable float satisfies undefined-function floating-point-inexact sequence unsigned-byte floating-point-invalid-operation serious-condition values floating-point-overflow short-float vector floating-point-underflow signed-byte warning
Figure 4-6. Standardized Type Specifier Names