CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Prolog Consultant: Prolog programming consultant
This program is intended to serve as a "intelligent consultant" for
PROLOG programmers to turn to when encountering some impasse in a
programming project. The program is based on the "Eliza" program, but
it designed to provide comments that might foster the user to "solve"
his or her own problem.
Origin: (
as consultant.tar.Z
Posted to Prolog Digest V6 #28
Version: 1.00 (20-MAR-88)
Ports: Edinburgh-compatible Prologs.
Copying: Copyright (C) 1988, The PROLOG Forum
Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Edouard Lagache, Berkeley
Authors!Lagache, Eliza, Programming Consultant, Prolog!Code,
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:34:04 1995