Deleted from PRG entry for SICStus Prolog. Obsolete and refers to previous releases. Available third-party products include: + APPEAL 2.1 (an interface and language to program X Toolkit applications, email:, or write to: Cristina Ruggieri, DS logics S.r.l., Viale Silvani 1, 40122, Bologna, Italy, Tel. +39-51-521285, Fax. +39-51-522109) + XPCE and PI X Windows interfaces (see [1-9]) + PRODATA (a tight coupling to Oracle, Ingres or Sybase relational database systems, write to: Keylink Computer Ltd., 2 Woodway House, Common Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2ES, UK, Tel: +44-926-50909, Fax: +44-926-864128) + NP Module (an interface to a highly efficient propositional logic theorem prover. Contact: Logikkonsult NP AB, Jakobdalsv{gen 13, 126 53 H{gersten, Sweden. Tel: +46-8-188809, Fax: +46-8-183210 ).