Instructions to Authors: Computational Intelligence publishes high-quality original, theoretical or experimental research in computational (artificial) intelligence. To facilitate publication, authors must check symbols, abbreviations, and technical terms for accuracy, consistency, and readability. Manu- scripts and illustrations must meet the requirements outlined below, otherwise publication might be delayed. Authors are charged for excessive changes in proof. _Webster's Third New Dictionary_ or the _Oxford English Dictionary_ should be used as a guide for spelling. Style, arrangements, or abbreviations should conform in general to those recommended by the Canadian Standards Association (CAN3-Z234.1-79) or _The Chicago Manual of Style_. The International System of Units (SI) should be used when appropriate. Equivalents in others units may be given in parentheses. Superscripts and subscripts should be legible and appropriately placed, and unusual and Greek characters identified clearly. Electronic Format Guidelines: As of volume 10 (1994), authors will be required to accompany their submission with an electronic format of their paper. Papers can be submitted using Microsoft Word or FramkeMaker documents for any platform, or LaTeX. LaTeX macros will shortly be available for anonymous ftp from in the /pub/ci directory. Authors submitting their manuscript via e-mail should prepend the manuscript with a header indicating the manuscript format. Authors mailing their manuscript to the editorial office should include a disk labelled with the manuscript name, manuscript format, authors' names, and the disk format (Macintosh, DOS, etc). All disks should be 3.5". Guidelines that appear below for printed manuscripts should be followed in any case. The Manuscript: An original and four copies of the manuscript, consisting of title page, abstract, main body of the text, references, list of symbols, list of figure captions, tables, and figures should be submitted. The manuscript, including footnotes, tables, and captions for illustrations, should be typewritten, double-spaced, on paper 215 x 280 mm with margins of 40 mm. Typing should be on one side of the page only. Each page should be numbered, beginning with the title page. Items to be included are enumerated as follows: Title Page -- This should specify the title, authors' names, institution of origin, and its address (including postal code) and any necessary footnotes. Telephone number(s) should be included. Abstract -- An abstract (excluding key words) should be not more than 200 words, and on a separate page. The concise abstract should present the paper content accurately and should supplement, not duplicate, the title in this respect; it should not merely be an expansion of the table of contents. Authors who can submit abstracts in both fluent English and French are encouraged to do so. References should not be cited in the abstract. Key Words -- These should not exceed ten (10) and sould be placed directly below the abstract. Footnotes -- These should be located on the page where they are referenced and should be numbered serially throughout the paper. References -- References should be cited in parentheses in the text, by authors' last names and year of publication, e.g., "Previous studies (Minsky 1974; Schank 1976) indicate that the results of Winograd (1970) are ..." All citations should be listed in the references section unnumbered, alphabetically by authors' names, in the format: Author(s). Year. Title of article, book, thesis or report. Name of publication, publisher or university, and location. Volume or edition. First and last page of article, or total pages on book. All reference information should be written out in full, using no abbreviations beyond the authors' initials. Current issues of the Journal should be examined as a guide to punctuation and to the style used for listing references to journals, books, conference proceedings, theses, reports, etc. References to unpublished reports and to private communications should be given in parentheses in the text or in footnotes: for a private communication, authors' initials and year of communication should be given. Equations and Formulae -- Equations and formulae must be set up clearly and should be typed triple-spaced. Numbers identifying equations should be in square brackets and placed flush with the left margin of the text. Tables -- Tables should be numbered with Arabic numbers, have a brief title, and be referenced to in the text. Column headings and descriptive matter in tables should be brief. Vertical rules should not be used. Numerous small tables should be avoided, and the number of tables should be kept to a minimum. Figure Captions -- These should be listed on a separate page and placed after the references. Acknowledgements -- These should be written in the third person and kept to a concise recognition of relevant contributions. Copyrighted Material -- If a manuscript contains material (figures, tables, etc.) that is protected by copyright, the author must submit to the editor, before publication, written permission from the copyright holder for its reproduction. Subject Categories -- Authors should indicate the major (and minor) classification under which their paper should be reviewed from the following list of categories: Natural Language Knowledge Representation Computational Vision Applications Logic Programming/Theorem Proving Learning Formal Underpinnings Problem Solving/Planning Cognitive Science Languages/Tools Philosophical Implications Program Transformations Intelligent Tutoring Systems/Education Qualitative Reasoning Speech Expert Systems Other Illustrations: All terms, abbreviations, and symbols in illustrations should correspond with those in the text. An illustration or group of them should be planned to fit, after reduction, into one column of the text (width 87 mm) or two (width 183 mm); the length of the columns is 242 mm. The original should not be more than three times the size of the final reproduction. The illustrations (including figures for plates) should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, and each one should be referred to in the text. For identification, the authors' names, title of the paper, and figure number should be written in the lower left corner of each illustration. Line Drawings -- Drawings should be made with India ink on plain white paper. Any coordinate lines to appear should be ruled in. All lines must be sufficiently thick to reproduce well, and decimal points,. dots, periods, etc. must be large enough to allow for any necessary reduction. Letters and numerals should be made neatly with a printing device (not a typewriter) and be of such size that the smallest character will not be less than 1 mm high when reduced. Computer Generated Output -- Computer generated typescript may be acceptable, provided it is nearly typewriter quality and can reproduce mathematical expressions, superscripts, and subscripts satisfactorily. Computer generated graphics may be acceptable, provided they are in black and the lines and lettering are large enough to permit size reduction without loss of detail. Photographs -- Prints should be made on glossy paper with strong contrasts, and should be trimmed to show only essential features. When grouped, one set should be mounted on thin white cardboard, the others unmounted. Photographs should be submitted in triplicate for review purposes. Colour Illustrations -- Colour illustrations may be acceptable for reproduction in colour, subject to the Editor's decision that the use of colour is essential. Authors will be responsible for all costs and must accept other conditions, which may be obtained from the Publishing Department. Computer Programs -- It is not the policy of Computational Intelligence to publish detailed printouts of computer prorgram statements. Where the availability of these details enhances the usefulness of the paper the author should submit two copies of the program for deposit. Galley Proofs: Galley proofs are provided for the correction of printing errors and not for improvements in the language or substance of the paper. Corrected galley proofs should be returned within 48 hours of receipt. The cost of changes introduced by the author(s) and deemed to be excessive will be charged to the author(s). Reprints: A reprint order form is enclosed with the galley proofs: an author should complete the form and submit it to the printer at the same time as the proofs are returned. Reprints are shipped by the printer one to two months after the relevant issue of the Journal is published; shipment will be made after the printer receives payment. Computational Intelligence does not provide free reprints.