Spanish researchers on Fuzzy Sets and Systems have a long and known working tradition in this field. Since 1967 research on Fuzzy Logic and its applications is successfully being carried out in Spain. By the present time more than 20 Universities and Research Centers involve groups working in these areas. To coordinate their works and promote and disseminate the methods, techniques and developments of Fuzzy Logic and Technologies, recently the SPANISH ASSOCIATION FOR FUZZY LOGIC AND TECHNOLOGIES (FLAT) has been constituted. FLAT is presently addressed at the Department. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Granada, and its council is integrated by: Prof. J.L. Verdegay (President), University of Granada Prof. F. Esteva (Vice-President), CEA-CSIC Blanes (Gerona) Prof. M. Delgado, University of Granada Prof. J. Jacas, Politechnic University of Barcelona Prof. E. Trillas, INTA-Madrid Dr. A. Sobrino, University of Santiago de Compostela Dr. F. Herrera (Secretary), University of Granada Until now FLAT integrates almost 100 individual members from all Spain. But also some institutional ones, among which the membership of OMRON is to be remarked, have joined it. As its by-laws states FLAT has the following main aims: - - - Assemble a group of spanish specialists belonging to different academic fields and professional practices, - - - advise those associates and companies who so desire, on subjects regarding Fuzzy Logic and Technologies and other related matters, - - - increase the organization of those professionals who make up the Association, watching over their interests should this be necessary, and - - - establish relations with other national or international Associations with similar aims. Among the activities to be undertaken for the best possible accomplishment of these objectives, the following ones are to be addressed: - - - Organization of seminars and round tables on Fuzzy Logic and Techno- logies, among other subjects. In particular the III National Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies will be held by end of September at Santiago de Compostela. 45 contributions have been accepted. The Congress will include demonstrations, invited lectures, etc. - - - Organization of training, research and improvement courses on the aforementioned techniques. - - - Eventually, the validation of products related to Fuzzy Logic and Technologies and similar fields, along with the undertaking of activities which imply the transfer of technology from this field. - - - Compilation, selection and distribution of publications on the afore mentioned subjects. - - - Editing publications: FLAT has forecasted to edit the Journal of the Association, to be titled MATHWARE. MATHWARE will be presented at the III National Congress of FLAT. - - - Promotion of research and development of subjects related to Fuzzy Logic and Technologies and also other similar fields. - - - Promotion and collaboration in the preparation of conferences on the aforementioned subjects. An example of this has been the successful European Workshop on Industrial Fuzzy Control and Applications, that organized by J. Aguilar-Martin was held last April at Tarrasa (Barcelona) FLAT has established its registered office in the Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Granada. Faculty of Sciences. 18071 Granada (Spain), and contact points are Phone : +34.58.244017 (19) (95) Fax : +34.58.243317 e-mails: