-*- Indented-Text -*- This is CNCL $Revision: 0.17 $. |_|_|_ |_|_ |_ |_|_|_ |_ C O M M U N I C A T I O N |_ |_ |_ |_ |_ |_ N E T W O R K S |_ |_ |_ |_ |_ |_ C L A S S |_|_|_ |_ |_|_ |_|_|_ |_|_|_|_ L I B R A R Y This version of CNCL is based on the work of the following people: mj Martin Junius cle Claudia Lechner steppler Martin Steppler turm Michael Bueter grunwald Dirk Grunwald stefanb Stefan Becker sa Shahin Arefzadeh olly Wolfgang Olzem jung Christian Jung fuss Oliver Fusss ri Manfred Richter mz Stephan Mehrholz wesc Christoph Westermann gp Guenter Pusch Basic classes: * CNCL, CNObject, CNClass, CNParam Design and implementation: mj Array classes: * CNArray, CNArray, template, CNCLgenarray Design and implementation: cle, some changes and improvements by mj Container classes: * Double linked list: CNDLList, CNDLObject, CNDLIterator Design and implementation: mj * Queues: CNQueue, CNQueueFIFO Design and implementation: mj * Keys, hash tables, object management: CNKey, CNKeyInt, CNKeyString, HashTable, HashStatic, HashDynamic Design and implementation: steppler Event driven simulation: * CNEvent, CNEventList, CNEventScheduler, CNEventHandler, CNSimTime Design and implementation: mj ezd (DEC's ezd graphics server) interface: * EZD, EZDWindow, EZDDrawing, EZDObject, EZDQueue, EZDServer, EZDText, EZDPushButton, EZDTimer Design and implementation: mj, some changes by turm, mz Fuzzy logic classes: * CNFSet, CNFSetLR, CNFSetTrapez, CNFSetTriangle, CNFSetArray, CNFSetArray, CNFVar, CNFClause, CNFRule, CNFRuleBase Design and implementation: mj The design is to some extend based on the C++ classes described in the book: @book{MMSW1993, AUTHOR = {Mayer, A. and Mechler, B. and Schlindwein, A. and Walke, R.}, TITLE = {Fuzzy Logic, Einf\"uhrung und Leitfaden zur praktischen Anwendung mit Fuzzy-Shell in C{\tt++}}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}, ADDRESS = {Bonn, Paris, Reading, Massachusetts} } Miscellaneous classes: * CNString Design heavily based on NIHCL String class (see below). Implementation: turm * CNCoord, CNICoord, CNNamed Design and implementation: mj Random number classes: The design of this part is derived from the the GNU libg++ (see below), the actual implementation is a derived version of a 1.xx release of libg++, author: grunwald More base generators and distribution were take from the SIC simulation library. * Generators: CNRNG, CNACG, CNLCG, CNMLCG Design: grunwald, implementation: stefanb, mj, sa CNFileG Design and implementation: stefanb, mj, sa CNFiboG Design and implementation: olly, mj, sa CNTausG Design: SIC (see below), implementation: stefanb, mj, sa * Distributions: CNRndInt, CNRandom, CNBinomial, CNDiscUniform, CNErlang, CNGeometric, CNHyperGeom, CNLogNormal, CNNegExp, CNNormal, CNPoisson, CNUniform, CNWeibull Design: grunwald, implementation: stefanb, mj, sa CNDeterm Design and implementation: mj CNHyperExp, CNTab, CNDiracTab, CNInterTab, CNMDeterm, CNRandomMix Design: SIC, implementation: stefanb, mj, sa CNRayleigh, CNRice Design: jung, implementation: jung, mj, sa CNSSMP2 Design and implementation: wesc Statistics: The classes for statistical evaluation are based on the simulation library SIC, except the LRE classes, which were developed independently by ri. * CNStatistics, CNMoments, CNBatches Design: SIC, implementation: SIC, olly, fuss * CNLRE, CNLREF, CNLREG Design: ri, implementation: ri, olly, fuss Templates: Class templates and CNCLgenclass script Design and implementation: mj UNIX: * CNPipe, CNSelect Design and implementation: mj ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ References: libg++ GNU C++ library, placed under the GLPL. Current version is 2.4, CNCL random classes are based on version 1.xx with some bug fixes. NIHCL National Institute of Health Class Library. SIC Simulation In C++. Simulation library designed at Communication Network, Aachen U of Technology.