-*- Mode:Text -*- WHAT IS SNePS ? =============== SNePS is the Semantic Network Processing System. Its first version was designed by Stuart C. Shapiro in the early seventies, and it has been developed since by Shapiro et al. (see the `bibliography.ps' file in the distribution for a list of SNePS related publications). SNePS is the implementation of a fully intensional theory of propositional knowledge representation and reasoning. Here is a short summary of the major features and components of the current version of SNePS (aka SNePS-2.1): + A module for creating and accessing propositional semantic networks + Path-based inference + Node-based inference based on SWM (a relevance logic with quantification) that uses natural deduction and can deal with recursive rules + forward, backward and bi-directional inference + Nonstandard logical connectives and quantifiers + An assumption based TMS for belief revision + A morphological analyzer and a generalized ATN (GATN) parser for parsing and generating natural language + SNePSLOG, a predicate-logic-style interface to SNePS + XGinseng, an X-based graphics interface for displaying, creating and editing SNePS networks + SNACTor, a preliminary version of the SNePS Acting component + SNIP 2.2, a new implementation of the SNePS Inference Package that uses rule shadowing and knowledge migration to speed up inference. SNIP 2.2 is one of the results of Joongmin Choi's dissertation [1]. As of now it is not fully merged with the main SNePS release, but it should be merged soon to become the primary inference engine for SNePS. Another upcoming development is the implementation of SNeRE (the SNePS Rational Engine) which is one of the main results of Deepak Kumar's dissertation about the integration of inference and acting [2]. It will replace the current implementation of SNACTor. LICENSING INFORMATION: ====================== Since June 1993 SNePS is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. MAILING LIST: ============= If you use SNePS please send a short message to `shapiro@cs.buffalo.edu' and `snwiz@cs.buffalo.edu' indicating that. Please also let us know whether you want to be put on the SNUG (SNePS Users Group) mailing list. Notices about new releases and other SNePS related information will be communicated on that list. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: ==================== COMMON-LISP: SNePS without the optional graphics stuff is written entirely in Common-Lisp (as defined in Guy Steele's CLtL-I), hence, every proper implementation of CLtL-I should be sufficient to run SNePS - in theory. In practice, SNePS runs successfully in the following Common-Lisp implementations (these Lisps are actually available to me for testing of the current SNePS release): + Allegro CL 4.1 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3) + Sun/Lucid CL 4.0 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3) + TI Common-Lisp (on TI-Explorers I/II, Rel.6.1) + CLISP May-93 (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3) + CMU Common-Lisp 17b (on Sun SPARCs, SunOS 4.1.3) Previous versions of SNePS ran successfully (or were reported to run) in the following Common-Lisp implementations, hence, there is a significant chance that the current version will run too (or will require only minor modifications to make it run): + Symbolics CL (on a 3620, Genera 7.2 or 8.0) + AKCL 1.600 and higher + VAX Common-Lisp + Allegro CL running on a Macintosh Look at part 4 of the Lisp FAQ available via anonymous ftp from `pit-manager.mit.edu' in directory `/pub/usenet/news.answers/lisp-faq' to find out from where you can obtain free Common-Lisp implementations such as CLISP, CMU Common-Lisp or AKCL. OPERATING SYSTEM: Apart from the Lisp machines, all hardware platforms available to me run some flavor of Unix, but there is no requirement to that extent - again, in theory. SNePS uses an implementation of logical pathnames (see below) that hides the underlying operating system pretty well (so far it only supports Unix, VMS, Symbolics and Explorers, but extensions for DOS (attractive with the advent of CLISP) or even Macs shouldn't be too hard to write). The only requirement is the availability of a hierarchical file system (lenience with regard to filename length will also help). DISK SPACE: You will need about 10 Megabytes of disk space to install SNePS. Once you have completed the installation you might be able to trim this to about 5 Meg by compressing/deleting Lisp source files and/or documentation. Here's a rough breakdown on what takes up how much space: + Complete distribution: 5.8 Meg + Documentation: 2.2 Meg (included in the distribution) + Compiled files: 3.5 Meg (for Allegro-CL 4.1) GRAPHICS: An optional X-based graphics interface called XGinseng is now available. XGinseng was written by Martin Zaidel and extended by John Lewocz. It is built on top of the Garnet Toolkit developed at CMU. Garnet is now in the public domain and can be retrieved via anonymous ftp. For instructions on how to get Garnet read the file `GARNET' in the `Doc' directory. The current version of XGinseng is only tested with Garnet 2.1. It should also work with the new Garnet 2.2 - in theory. GETTING SNePS - FTP INSTRUCTIONS: ================================= To retrieve SNePS via anonymous FTP connect to `ftp.cs.buffalo.edu' (, login as user `anonymous' and supply your e-mail address as a password. Then cd to the directory `/pub/sneps', change the transmission mode to binary and retrieve the file `rel-x-yyy.tar.Z' (fill in the correct `x-yyy' according to the directory listing). The `README' file and the bibliography and manual files are all part of the distribution, they are just there separately so you can get a hold of them without unpacking the complete distribution. See the following script for more details (done on a UNIX host): > ftp ftp.cs.buffalo.edu FILL IN THE SCRIPT > Sorry, you can only retrieve SNePS via FTP, we do not have the manpower to make tapes. GENERAL RELEASE INFORMATION: ============================ The tar file you retrieved contains SNePS in its latest release. Details about how SNePS can be used are contained in the corresponding manual. SNePS is written entirely in Common-Lisp, except for graphics packages such as Ginseng and XGinseng. The non-Common-Lisp packages are loaded conditionally, depending on whether a particular Lisp implementation supports them or not. The `Doc' directory contains LaTeX sources of the SNePS manual, and a bibliography of Sneps related papers. DVI and Postscript versions of these documents are also available. The `demo' directory tree contains files with various applications of SNePS. If you type `(demo)' at the SNePS top level you get a menu of available and working demos. The demos are supplied to give the novice SNePS user a flavor of how SNePS code can be written. The extensions of the demo file names correspond to the type of SNePS code of the demo, e.g., `.sneps' means that this demo contains SNePS code written in SNePSUL, `.snlog' means that this is a SNePSLOG demo. Note that not all demos in the `demo' directory work with the current release of SNePS (only the ones that are shown in the menu mentioned above are save choices). RESTORING THE SNePS SOURCES =========================== Create a directory in which the SNePS installation is supposed to go (you will need about 10 Meg of free disk space, see the section on system requirements above), and copy the tar file into that directory. Then do (assuming the release is named `relXX.tar.Z' and a Un*x operating system): zcat relXX.tar.Z | tar xvf - or uncompress relXX.tar.Z tar xvf relXX.tar This will install all the SNePS sources with the appropriate directory structure. Under a non-Unix operating system you will probably need different commands to unpack the tar file. INSTALLING, COMPILING AND LOADING OF SNEPS: =========================================== After you have successfully created the SNePS directory tree on your machine either follow the quick installation guide in the file `load-sneps.lisp' at the top level of the SNePS directory tree, or do the following: Edit the value of the variable `*sneps-directory*' in the file `load-sneps.lisp' such that it corresponds to the root pathname of the directory into which SNePS has been copied. Use pathname syntax appropriate for your machine or operating system. Do not add a final directory delimiter (e.g., a slash in Unix or a semicolon on Explorers). If the Garnet Toolkit is available on your machine and you want to use XGinseng also edit the value of the variable `*sneps-garnet-directory*' so that it points to the directory in which Garnet is installed. If your Garnet installation differs from ours it might be necessary to add some translations to `*sneps-garnet-translations*' to map the logical pathnames used in the file `sneps:xginseng;load-xginseng.lisp' onto the correct physical pathnames. All Lisp source files in this distribution have extension `.lisp'. If your Common-Lisp uses a different extension by default you might want to rename all files accordingly. Renaming is not mandatory, however, if you do choose to rename the files you have to edit the value of the variable `*sneps-lisp-extension*' to reflect that change. Start up Common-Lisp and load the file `load-sneps.lisp'. You will be asked whether you want to compile the system or just load it. The first time you do this select option `e' which will compile and load the whole system plus all optional systems. Once you have a compiled version of SNePS you can simply load it by loading `load-sneps.lisp' and selecting option `a'. If you do not want any interaction when you load SNePS you can change the value of `*sneps-noquery*' to T. If you do not want all the loading messages change the value of `*sneps-verbose*' to NIL (all these variables are defined in `load-sneps.lisp', see that file for more customization options). After the system has been loaded successfully, just type `(sneps)' to start interaction with SNePS. Type (lisp) to exit it. Type `(snepslog)' to start SNePSLOG, type `lisp' to exit it. To check whether your system works properly type `(demo)' at the SNePS prompt (or `demo' at the SNEPSLOG prompt) and try the various demos. Here are some approximate run times for the "Schubert's steamroller" SNePSLOG demo on various Lisps and machines. These times are meant to give you a rough idea whether your SNePS installation works efficiently or whether you spend 90% of your time garbage collecting. All times are CPU times in seconds taken from the value printed after the execution of a SNePS/LOG command. They were achieved without any compiler optimization, i.e., just normal development mode was used (where available): SPARC-10/51(50MHz,64Meg) Sun-4/330(25MHz,64Meg) TI Explorer-II Allegro CL 4.1 35 sec 96 sec Sun/Lucid CL 4.0.1 27 sec 87 sec Clisp 110 sec TI Explorer CL 152 CMU CL 173 sec (88) 554 sec (303) The evaluator of CMU Common-Lisp seems to be very slow, hence, the parsing of the Steamroller formulas which is done by an ATN parser that uses `eval' a lot is very slow. The times in parentheses are the run times of the inference alone without the parsing of the problem definition. SNIP 2.2 and SNACTor: ===================== Even though SNIP 2.2 (Joongmin Choi's new implementation of the SNePS inference package [1]) is not yet fully merged with the main SNePS release, a set of files defining it will be loaded automatically to overload the old version of SNIP. If you do not want to use SNIP 2.2 edit the definition of the variable `*sneps-load-snip22*' in `load-sneps.lisp' such that it has value NIL. A preliminary version of SNACTor (the SNePS Actor) can be loaded after SNePS has been loaded by doing `(load "sneps:snactor")' (this is done automatically by the various demos that use it). Future versions of SNePS will completely integrate inference and acting with SNeRE [2] (the SNePS Rational Engine). Logical Pathnames ================= SNePS comes with a logical pathname package written by Mark Kantrowitz at CMU. It currently supports Unix, TI-Explorer, Symbolics and VAX/VMS pathname syntax. The package is a Common-Lisp portable implementation of logical pathnames. It fulfills most of the X3J13 June 1989 specification for logical pathnames, as documented in Guy Steele's "Common Lisp: The Language" (2nd Edition), section 23.1.5 "Logical Pathnames". Logical pathnames make SNePS almost completely independent of the particular file system and location it is installed in. Only the directory variables mentioned above have to be set to the appropriate pathnames. For the machines and operating systems mentioned above, and for popular Common-Lisps such as Allegro-CL, Lucid(Sun)-CL, AKCL, CLISP, CMU-CL everything should work fine. If you use some other Common-Lisp that uses special filename extensions for Lisp or binary files, you might have to edit the values of the variables `*sneps-lisp-extension*', `*sneps-default-lisp-extension*' or `*sneps-binary-extension*' in `load-sneps.lisp' (see their documentation for more details). The only places where actual physical pathnames are used are the translation definitions of the logical hosts `sneps', `sneps-p' and `garnet'. Throughout the system only logical pathnames are used to compile or load files. Once the logical pathnames package is loaded logical pathnames can be used in all lisp functions that use filenames as arguments, such as `load', `compile', `open', `close', etc., but also SNePS functions such as `demo', `atnin' and so on. Look at the translations for the logical host `sneps' to learn about various logical pathnames that refer to important files. For example, to load the SNACTor system all you have to do is `(load "sneps:snactor")'. As a last resort if you cannot get the logical pathname system to work at all, you can replace all logical with physical pathnames (most of them reside in the system definition file `system.lisp'). Known bugs, problems, caveats, restrictions: ============================================ - XGinseng is only tested with Garnet 2.1, the new Garnet 2.2 should work but you never know until you actually try it. - XGinseng does not work properly with CMU Common-Lisp - SNePSLOG does not work in Symbolics-CL (Genera-7.2) - Some of the operators available in SNePS-79 are not yet implemented, e.g., the NON-DERIVABLE operator. Not yet implemented features are pointed out as such in the manual. - Parts of the SNePS code are very ugly (to put it mildly), other parts are pretty clean. Keep in mind that this software has evolved over almost 20 years now, from Franzlisp to Common-Lisp under the hands of many students (many of whom learned Common-Lisp while they developed/translated code). - The SNePS prompt is the same as the CMU Common-Lisp prompt (we had it first :-). Development history: ==================== The current version of SNePS was mainly developed on a TI-Explorer under release 4.1 and release 6. Patches for release 1.0 were developed under release 6.0, but also on various other Common-Lisp implementations such as Allegro-CL (3.1.4 Sun 4), Sun(Lucid)-CL (3.0.0 Sun 4) and Symbolics-CL (Genera 7.2). Since November 1990 the main development machines are SPARC stations running Sun(Lucid)-CL 4.0 and Allegro-CL 4.1. Consulting and Maintenance: =========================== If you have any problems installing SNePS or find any bugs please send e-mail to `snwiz@cs.buffalo.edu'. If you have to make adjustments to the SNePS source to install it under your particular Common-Lisp installation please report them to the above address so future users can also profit from your adaptations. Any other suggestions for improvements are also welcome. Good luck, Hans Chalupsky Department of Computer Science, 226 Bell Hall State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260 USA References: =========== [1] Joongmin Choi: "Experience-Based Learning in Deductive Reasoning Systems", Ph.D. Thesis, Technical Report #93-20, Department of Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993 [2] Deepak Kumar: ""From Beliefs and Goals to Intentions and Actions -- An Amalgamated Model of Acting and Inference", Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1993