Recurrent Network Simulator RNS v1.6b R. Kooijman RNS is a simulator for recurrent (but also plain) neural networks. It uses a general version of the back-propagation algorithm, but other (not that well tested) algorithms are also available. RNS runs on IBM PC's and Sun workstations with MS-DOS, Linux, SunOS 4.X, and Solaris 2.X. I compiled it with Turbo C v2.0 for MS-DOS and with gcc v2.3 (and up) on the Unix type of OS'es. All OS and compiler definitions are in rnsconf.h, so that's the place to look in case you need to (un)define things. Making it work on other OS'es or compilers may require some changes to the source. The machine specific code lies mainly in the areas of terminal control and graphics (only available on PC's) and sometimes there are minor problems with the order of including files. There are a couple of Makefiles. Doing a 'make -f Makefile.gcc' will suffice for SunOS, Solaris and Linux. Makefile.dos can be used for Turbo C. You might want to take a look at Makefile.dos, turboc.cfg and libs.lnk to change some compiler settings (paths). The documentation comes in two Postscript files, and, but for anyone who wants, I can dig up the original WP 5.1 files. The manual is somewhat outdated since I extended RNS for some later research, but you can always take a look at sources or bug me at the address below. Example network definitions are in the net subdirectory. RNS has the benefit that output can be used as input again without any modifications. Comes in handy if you want to train your network some more. Good luck, Richard. R. Kooijman Delft University of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering Section Computer Architecture and Digital Technique Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft The Netherlands e-mail: phone: +31-15-786209 fax: +31-15-784898