From!!!!!!!uunet!!public!skalsky Wed Aug 4 12:22:18 EDT 1993 Article: 18178 of Xref: Path:!!!!!!!uunet!!public!skalsky From: (Rick Skalsky UUCPR ed Newsgroups: Subject: AAAI-94 Call for Videotape Presentations Date: 3 Aug 1993 14:57:58 GMT Organization: OpenLink, Inc Lines: 92 Message-ID: <23ludm$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: aaai-94 videos Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94) Seattle, Washington July, 31-August 4, 1994 Call for Videotape Presentations The purpose of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and scientific interchange among AI researchers and practitioners. As one means of achieving that purpose, the AAAI-94 program committee invites submission of videotape presentations of implemented systems which illustrate behavior based on principles, methods, and/or tools resulting from AI research. Presentations of application systems that show the effectiveness of AI research results for solving problems of commercial or governmental interest are invited, although presentations whose primary focus is on the benefits of deployed application systems may be more appropriate for submission to the IAAI conference. The video program will be widely viewable at the conference, and will be published by AAAI and available for sale after the conference. Requirements for Submission Authors must submit three (3) copies of a videotape of not more than five (5) minutes duration in NTSC-VHS (US standard only) format to the AAAI office by January 31, 1994. Tapes received after that date will be returned unopened. Submissions must be accompanied by a submission letter that includes: (1) Title of the videotape. (2) Full names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all authors. (3) Duration of tape in minutes. (4) Three copies of an abstract of not more than two pages in length, containing the title of the video, and full names and addresses of the authors. (5) Author's permission to copy tape for review purposes. Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt. All inquiries regarding lost submissions must be made by February 7, 1994. Tapes cannot be returned; authors should retain extra copies for making revisions. Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted tapes will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by March 14, 1994. Camera-ready copy of the video's abstract, edited in the format specified in the acceptance letter will be due about one month later. Authors will also have the opportunity to submit a revised version of their videotape about one month following notification of acceptance. Revised tapes must not be more than five (5) minutes duration and must be in NTSC-VHS (U.S. Standard only) format. Review Criteria Each tape will be rigorously reviewed by experts in the subject matter areas of the presentation. The following general criteria will guide the selection: Significance and originality of system functionality presented; clarity of presentation of system functionality and relationship to AI research results; quality of presentation (including audio, video, and pace). Preference will be given to systems that show a high level of maturity. Tapes that are deemed to be advertising commercial products, propaganda, purely expository materials, merely taped lectures, or material not of scientific or technical value will be rejected. Publication The accepted videos will be published and available for sale after the conference. Abstracts of accepted videos will be allotted one page in the conference proceedings. Authors will be required to transfer copyright of their abstract (but not the video) to AAAI. Please send videotapes and conference registration inquiries to: AAAI-94 American Association for Artificial Intelligence 445 Burgess Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025-3496. Registration and call clarification inquiries (ONLY) may be sent to the internet address: Video Program Chairs: John E. Laird and Elliot Soloway Artificial Intelligence Laboratory University of Michigan, 1101 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110