Files: MacCup080c.sea.hqx program, Bin Hexed and Self-Extracted cup380d.tar.gz program source for UNIX, Mac, and MS-DOS djcup.lzh MS-DOS program, running under DOS-extender (386/486 cpu), compressed by LHA (Caution: this is an OLD version (0.78w)) manual.tex manual for OLDER version of MacCup MacCup.doc manual for 0.78w version of MacCup (NOT included in MacCup*.sea.hqx) djcup.doc manual for 0.78w version of DJCup (includede in djcup.lzh) sample.p sample program a la JPSG util.p utility program ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: MacCup is Macintosh version of CU-Prolog DJCup is MS-DOS version of CU-Prolog compiled with DJ's gcc. CU-Prolog has been developed at ICOT, Japan. ------------------------------------------------------------ Brief Introduction to MacCup: MacCup is a Macintosh version of CUP, Constraint Unification Prolog, whose original version written in C with UNIX was developed by ICOT. The programming style in CUP looks like a usual Prolog system. However there are several differences: (1) use "" to load a program from a file instead of using []. (NOTE: after 0.79, :-[ file_name ]. is also supported.) (2) input program directly from keyboard after `_' prompt instead of using [console]. (3) use %d* to list defined predicates instead of :-listing. (NOTE: after 0.79, this is also supported.) (4) ';' has a different meaning from conventional Prolog. etc. etc. To get MacCup from MacCup*.sea.hqx: Load (or FTP) to your Macintosh, use BinHex to decode, Then just double-click the MacCupXXX.sea icon. To run MacCup: Double-click the MacCup icon, and wait about 10 seconds. You will get MacCup window, and the following message: ******** MacCup Ver. XXX ******** All Modular mode (help -> %h) To quit: Input %Q, or :-halt., or Command-Q. To load MacCup Programs: Click FILE menu and OPEN item (or use Command-O), select the program file, and OPEN it. (or you can use :-[ ], consult/1, reconsult/1) To get command lists: Input %h. MacCup has several `commands' which are marked by `%' as in %h. Note. 1. Thanks to Dr. Emele, I found a bug in MacCupV0.63, and made MacCupV0.70. The difference between them is that the latter will deal with PSTs in constraint transformation better than the former. For example, p({c/C}) :- ab(C). q({d/D,c/{a/D}}). ab({a/1,b/0}). ab({a/0,b/1}). @ p(X),q(X). will produce different results in V0.63 and V0.70. HOWEVER, MacCup still returns incorrect answer for the following: ab({a/1,b/0}). ab({a/0,b/1}). r({c/C});ab(C). s({d/D,c/X});X={a/D}. :-r(X),s(X). Frankly speaking, there is a trade-off between efficiency and getting correct/strict answers. MacCup078S takes efficiency, and MacCup078X takes correctness. (MacCup078X is not distributed to public.) 2. You can interrupt MacCup by pressing COMMAND-`.'. If you click the Abort button, the interrupted process will be aborted. I'd appreciate if you give any comments and/or suggestions. -------------------------------------------------- Notes after 0.78w The differences between Cup3.78/MacCup0.78 and Cup3.79/MacCup0.79 are as follows: 1. (for MacCup only) MacCup0.79 was compiled with Think C 5.0.3/KanjiTalk 7.1. 2. MacCup will load the file named "cup.ini" if it is located under the same folder where MacCup exists. Cup3.79 will load .cuprc file if it is located in your home directory. 3. The predicates, consult/1 and reconsult/1, are now built-in. 4. You can also load files in the following way: :-[ file1, - file2]. whose meanings are same as conventional Prolog systems. 5. (for MacCup only) All fonts incorporated in your system will be displayed to choose. The initial font is Geneva. 6. 'user' is the special file name for the input from keyboard. 7. (for MacCup only) Window size will be enlarged according to your CRT size. 8. There is one more built-in predicate, subsume/2. subsume(X,Y) will succeed if X is more general than Y. For example, subsume(X,a) is TRUE, and subsume(a,X) is FALSE. 9. clause/3 will fail if the first argument is built-in predicate. Apr 7, 1993 Hidetosi SIRAI -------------------------------------------------- 10. cup3.80a (Aug. 14, 1993) (1) Bugs around the unification of PSTs are removed. (2) M-solvability mode is the DEFAULT. You can switch it to All-modular mode by using %a. 11. cup3.80c (Aug. 26, 1993) I have introduced the mechanism to simplify the definitions of the produced predicates in the constraint unification. For example, in older version than 3.80c, modularizing member(A,X), append(X,Y,Z) will produce the followings: solution = c0(A_0, Z_3, Y_2, X_1) c0(V3_0, V2_1, V1_2, [Y_3 | Z_4]) :- c1(V2_1, V1_2, Y_3, Z_4, V3_0). c0(V3_0, V2_1, V1_2, [V3_0 | Y_3]) :- c2(V2_1, V1_2, Y_3, V3_0). c1([V2_0 | Z_1], V3_2, V2_0, V1_3, V0_4) :- c0(V0_4, Z_1, V3_2, V1_3). c2([V0_0 | Z_1], V2_2, V1_3, V0_0) :- append(V1_3, V2_2, Z_1). But now, 3.80c will produce the followings: solution = c0(A_0, Z_3, Y_2, X_1) c0(V3_0, [Y_1 | Z_2] , V1_3, [Y_1 | Z_4]) :- c0(V3_0, Z_2, V1_3, Z_4). c0(V3_0, [V3_0 | Z_1], V1_2, [V3_0 | Y_3]) :- append(Y_3, V1_2, Z_1). However it may cost much. So I introduce the %S switch. This is a toggle switch. The default is the simplifier ON. 12. cup3.80d (Aug. 27, 1993) The default for the timer is changed (ON is the default). (The following is UNIX-version only) Added %I option, and modified garbagecollect(). If you call %G, the system heap will increase 200K, and name heap 50K. And you can increase the temporal area any time by using %I. For example, %I c/100 make CU-work area by 100K. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hidetosi SIRAI (email:, or Chukyo University 101 Kaizu-cho, Tokodate, TOYOTA, Aichi JAPAN