Return-Path: Received: from RI.CMU.EDU by A.GP.CS.CMU.EDU id aa02133; 25 Aug 94 21:10:43 EDT Received: from [] by RI.CMU.EDU id aa00747; 25 Aug 94 21:09:51 EDT Received: from by CHV.LINCOLN.CRI.NZ (MX V4.1 VAX) with SMTP; Fri, 26 Aug 1994 13:09:53 +1200 From: "Linda Lilburne" To: Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 13:09:00 +1300 Subject: Re: gis/es -Reply -Reply X-Gateway: iGate, (WP Office) vers 4.04a - 1000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; BOUNDARY=BoUnD_8KcZuX86QvYVtGo2e5e22b2 --BoUnD_8KcZuX86QvYVtGo2e5e22b2 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT OK - here's the list attached Linda --BoUnD_8KcZuX86QvYVtGo2e5e22b2 Content-Type: APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM; name="ai_gis.WP" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Some time ago I posted a query asking if anyone out there had integrated an expert system with a GIS (Geographical Information System). I had quite a few replies - most unfortunately asking me to forward on any responses as they were also interested. I'm now finally posting a summary - very late as I have had to work on another project this last month plus. Bob Coulson from the Knowledge Engineering Laboratory sent me his paper "Computer-based planning, problem solving, and decision making in forest health management: An implementation of the knowledge system environment for the southern pine beetle, ISPBEX-II" They have integrated in an object oriented framework, CLIPS, Arc/Info, Oracle and a model written in C/Fortran. Rick Sojda from USDI - National Biological Survey is at the conceptual stage of a project to develop a DSS to assist wetland management on national wildlife refuges. He has submitted a Works in Progress article for AI Applications. Ian Harrison of the AI Application Institute in Edinburgh informed me that some students at the University had looked at using AI techniques in co-operation with GIS systems, in particular CLIPS and Arc/Info. I unfortunately haven't been able to obtain any more information on this. Michel Page from Universite Pierre Mendes-France, Grenoble has developed a DSS tool called AMIA which models numeric and qualitative knowledge. Two applications, long term energy/water demand forecasting have been written. They are loosely coupling AMIA with Smallworld to visualise the simulation results on maps. Sean Skilton of CRC for Tropical Pest Management, Australia hopes to integrate CLIPS, Arc/Info and C,C++,Fortran code to develop a generic pest risk analysis package. Erika Rogers of Clark Atlanta University is starting a project on intelligent GIS (integrating verbal protocols of gis-users into blackboard based gis assistant). Beverly Smith from Aquired Intelligence informed me that one of her clients had interfaced their product ACQUIRE with a GIS. Clement Lee from the University of Hong Kong kindly forwarded me a list of references - see end of post. These are oriented more at remote sensing operations. Adam Yeh of the University of Washington integrated Nexpert Object with a GIS for electrical distribution planning applications. He also enclosed a list of references, appended below. Peter Veenstra from Edinburgh University is doing his Master's project on a PC using Visual Basic to call CLIPS routines (and IDRISI?) Bob McKay of UNSW informed me the the CSIRO Division of Water Research, Australia have implemented their own spatial reasoning system, ARX, closely integrated with Arc/Info. I haven't been able to get any further info. Dan Hirst is doing a project combining CLIPS with a GIS. References from Clement Lee .... Argialas, D.P. and Harlow, C.A., Computational Image Interpretation Models: An Overview and a Perspective, Photogrammetric Engg. and Remote Sensing, Vol 56, #6, June 1990, 871-886 Bolstad, P.V. and Lillesand, T.M., Rule-based Classification Models: Flexible Integration of Satellite Imagery and Thematic Spatial Data, Photogrammetric Engg. and Remote Sensing, Vol. 58, #7, July 1992, pp. 965-971 Clement, V., Giraudon, G., Houzelle, S. and Sandakly, F., Interpretation of Remote-sensing impates in a context of multisensor fusion using a multispecialist architecture, IEEE GS/RS, Vol 31, #4, July 1993 Kontoes, C., Wilkinson G.G., Burrill, A., Goffredo, S. and Megier, G., An experimental system for the integration of GIS data in knowledge-based image analysis for remote sensing of agriculture, IJGIS, 1993, Vol 7, #3, 247-262 Plumb, G.A. Knowledge-Based Digital Mapping of Vegetation Types in Big Bend National Park, Texas, Geocarto International, 1993 Vol 8, #2, 29-38 Richards, J. A. (John Alan), Remote sensing digital image analysis : an introduction, Springer-Verlag : Berlin / Springer-Verlag : Hong Kong, 1993 Srinivason, A and Richards, J.A, Analysis of GIS spatial data using knowledge-based methods, IJGIS, 1993, Vol 7, #6, 479-500 from Adam Yeh .... 1. Erh-Chun Yeh, Z. Sumic, and S. S. Venkata, "An Intelligent Primary Router for Underground Residential Distribution Design," Accepted by the Intelligent Systems Application to Power Systems '94, France, Sept.1994. 2. Erh-Chun Yeh, Z. Sumic, and S. S. Venkata, "APR: A Geographic Information System Based Primary Router for Underground Residential Distribution Design," IEEE Transmission & Distribution Conference, Chicago, April 1994. 3. Z. Sumic, S. S. Venkata, X. Wei, Erh-Chun Yeh, and R. Atteri., "Implementation of an AI Based Tool in a FMS," Engineering Intelligent Systems Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, Dec. 1993, pp. 173-179. 4. Z. Sumic, Erh-Chun Yeh, and S. S. Venkata, "SER (SEcondary Router): A GIS-Based Expert System for URD Secondary Design," Expert Systems Application to Power Systems '93, Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 1993. 5. Z. Sumic, Erh-Chun Yeh, and S. S. Venkata, "Knowledge-Based Geographic Information System for Underground Residential Distribution System Design,"Electric Power Research Institute, Advanced Computer Technologies '92, Scottsdale, Arizona, Dec. 1992. 6. Z. Sumic and Erh-Chun Yeh, "GIS-Based Expert System for Electrical Distribution System Design," GIS/LIS '92, San Jose, California, Dec. 1992. 7. Erh-Chun Yeh, A Knowledge-based GIS for Underground Residential Distribution Design, Master's Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, Aug. 1992. other refs that may be of interest ..... Loh, Douglas and Rykiel, Edward, "Integrated Resource Management Systems: Coupling Expert Systems with Database Management and Geographic Information Systems", Environmental Management Vol 16, No 2, pp 167-177. Stone, Nicholas; Buick, Rosalind; Roach, John; Scheckler, Rebecca and Rupani, Rajnish, "The Planning Problem in Agriculture: Farm-level Crop Rotation Planning as an Example", AI Applications, Vol 6, No 1, 1992. Engel, Bernard & Muttiah, Ranjan, "Intelligent Search and Interpretation of Spatial Data", AI in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on AI, 93. Robinson, Vincent; Frank, Andrew & Karimi, Hassan, "Expert Systems for Geographic Information Systems in Resource Management", AI Applications, Vol 1, No 1, 1987. Thank you all for your responses. Linda Landcare Research Lincoln New Zealand email: --BoUnD_8KcZuX86QvYVtGo2e5e22b2--