Strategy-Oriented Modelling An Extension of the KADS-Method for DAI-Scenarios Gabi Dorfstecher Institut fACr Quantitative Methoden Fachgebiet Systemanalyse und EDV Fachbereich 20 Informatik Sektretariat FR 6-7 Franklinstr. 28/29 D - 10587 Berlin Abstract knowledge acquisition often proves to be a major hurdle in development of expert systems for complex, multidomain problems. First and foremost, this is due to the high degree of abstraction that is needed to get from the experts' world to a representation used by established modelling methods. Therefore, the Strategy-Oriented Modelling (SOM) was developed. It should be used before more formal methods are applied, as e.g. KADS. SOM emphasises the modelling of the experts' experience, i.e., their strategy, which can be seen in their way of proceeding. Supported by discussions with the experts, the strategy for the system to be developed is acquired, dividing the experts' proceeding into single working-steps and finding the optimal order of working-steps for problem solving. After that, each working-step can be modelled in detail. The division into working-steps is needed for two reasons. First, it becomes easier to survey and discuss complex problems. Second, the future development of the system using DAI techniques is prepared. Finding the optimal order of working-steps is needed to make clear what basics can be expected from every step's work and what results are needed for the next step. Besides that, the working-steps' order is a good hint at the future system's communication concepts to be developed later. Published in: C. LSCckenhoff, D. Fensel, R. Struder (Editors) Proceedings of the 3rd KADS Meeting, Siemens AG, Munich, March 8-9, 1993, P.79-9