Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe (ECTL) ========================================= Send all administrative requests (change of address,etc.) to: ectl-request@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Send all submissions to: ectl-sub@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Should you have any need to contact in an alternate way, try the following: David Leip University of Guelph Computing & Information Science Guelph, Ontario Canada N1G 2W1 (416) 448-3027 (office) (416) 448-4414 (fax) (519) 766-1834 (home) ECTL Archive ============= The ECTL archive is located at snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca [] in the directory pub/ectl. There you will find all but the earliest of issues of ECTL. Issues are simply labelled by their issue number (ex. 2.08.02) The first number, the volume number, refers to the year (2.xx.xx -> 1992), the second number is the sub-volume number which refers to the month, finally the third number refers to the issue number for that year and month. Files are organized into separate directories according to the volume number. All files, except this one, are compressed (note the ".Z" suffix) using the standard unix compress algorithm. Simply use: uncompress to get them back to readable form. You might notice that there is a list of ECTL subscribers in the archive, for general interest. (Please note that phone numbers and e-mail addresses are not given, and any requests for that information will be denied. To appear soon in the archive are an index of speech related technical reports, and a list of commercial speech products. To add to either of these sections of the archive, submit to ectl-sub@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca with the subject commercial advert or publication index. A Bit About ECTL ================ ECTL was formed to offer a forum in which researchers interested in computer interfaces could post queries, debate issues and post notices. Backgrounds include DSP, AI, HCI, Linguistics and others. It was thought that the broad focus would benefit everyone (at least some of the time) since we all can have something new to learn. At present the list has about 600 subscribers from about 32 different countries. It is hoped that this group will grow and be active. So, please pass the word and enjoy. - David Leip (ECTL founder and moderator.)