Added Purush Iyer's and Kwangkeun Yi's home page.
Added Cool, the Classroom Object-Oriented Language to the miscellaneous page.
Added TABLEAUX'97 (Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods), LCT-RTS'97 (Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Real-Time Systems), and LACL'96 (Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics) to the conferences page.
Added Ada 95 to the language overviews page.
Added VL'96 (IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages) to the conferences page.
Added a link to the World Wide Web Consortium's page on mobile code.
Deleted some defunct links.
Added TACS'97 (Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software) to the conferences page.
Added A Theory of Objects (by Martín Abadi and Luca Cardelli) and Springer-Verlag to the publications and publishers page.
Added Uwe Kastens' home page. Updated the link to Jim Horning's home page. Added Johan Jeuring's home page.
Added the Internet Prover Project at Kyushu University to the projects page. Using Netscape, you can see a type assignment figure for the lambda-term you give, or see a proof figure for the implicational formula you give, if the formula is provable in intuitionistic logic.
Updated the link to Andrzej Filinski's home page.
Added Chris Clack's home page.
Added Arie van Deursen's home page, and his text, Language Prototyping: An Algebraic Specification Approach (on the publications page).
Added World Scientific Publishing Co. to the publications and publishers page.
Added ASF+SDF'95, Proceedings of the Workshop on Generating Tools from Algebraic Specifications to the conferences page.
Added a link to the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems.
Added the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory to the conferences page.
Added Dattatraya Kulkarni's home page.
Updated the link to the Action semantics page.
Added links to Quinn Tyler Jackson's and Takashi Yamanoue's home pages.
Added a link to TAPSOFT'97 (Theory and Practice of Software Development).
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the language research page