Computational thinking has revolutionized many disciplines beyond computer science including biology, physics, statistics, finance, and the arts (to name a few). Students who wish to be successful in nearly any endeavor in the 21st century will need to understand principles of computation, so they will need to be exposed to these ideas along with their other courses.
The School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University is launching a set of FREE workshops for STEM high school teachers in the northern Appalachian region around Pittsburgh to help them show their students how important it is to understand computational principles, increasing the awareness of the relevance of computer science in their education. No programming experience required.
Teachers will receive a $400 stipend for each workshop they attend. Additional incentives will be offered for participating in subsequent surveys.
ACT 48 and other professional development credit will be available to participants who complete each workshop.
Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DRL-0833496)
Additional support provided by Oracle