XML et le Web Sémantique
Encadrement : Fabien Gandon
Affectation : Marie Garreau et
Elodie Musseau
Après une brève introduction à l'histoire des systèmes
hypertextes, vous donnerez un aperçu des dernières évolutions
liées au Web (les recommandations XML - ex: XML, XSL, Xlink, etc.
- et langages XML - ex: XHTML, MathML, etc.). Vous vous focaliserez ensuite
sur la notion de Web Sémantique, ses fondations (RDF, RDFS) ses extensions
possibles et les architectures permettant de supporter le déploiement
de cette nouvelle toile.
Discussion entre Marie, Elodie et Fabien.
Rapport Final
The Semantic Web - Scientific American, May 2001 Overview :
To date, the World Wide Web has developed most rapidly as a medium of documents for people rather than of information that can be manipulated automatically. By augmenting Web pages with data targeted at computers and by adding documents solely for computers, we will transform the Web into the Semantic Web.
Computers will find the meaning of semantic data by following hyperlinks to definitions of key terms and rules for reasoning about them logically. The resulting infrastructure will spur the development of automated Web services such as highly functional agents.
Ordinary users will compose Semantic Web pages and add new definitions and rules using off-the-shelf software that will assist with semantic markup.
W3C: World Wide Web Consortium.
Apache Software Foundation