CoMMA Public Reports
These documents are the public deliverables of the CoMMA IST project. They give a general overview of the different research, definition and design activities that were achieved during this two-year project. The main document is the final report which insists on the innovative aspects of the promoted technical solution, and mentions the different contributions that have been brought to the different research areas. This report is composed of 4 main parts:
- The first part introduces two scenarios of corporate memory uses. Relying on these descriptions, generic functionalities of a corporate memory are proposed and a global system overview is provided.
- The second part describes the technical solution and the main components that compose this solution: the ontology, the multi-agents system, the semantic search engine, the machine learning algorithms and the user environment.
- The third part presents the major CoMMA contributions to the different technological areas addressed by the project.
- The fourth part provides all the dissemination activities (collaboration work with other projects, presentation of articles, contribution to standardisation organisations…) that have been achieved by all the partners of the project.
A conclusion emphasises the CoMMA solution, presents different open issues related to this solution and provides some general perspectives for the future.