New News! someone typed in all of the playford music in adb format! Have a look!
X:1 T: The Night Peece C: John Playford S: The English Dancing Master - 1651 Z: Entered/Transposed from key of d by Philip Cutone -- Distribute Freely M: 6/8 L: 1/8 P: AA BBB three times through K: G P: A (2x) B>G d>B |G>D GAG |FGA/2B/2c2d:| P: B (3x) eec ddc| B>AG A2 D| GGF GGD| B A2 G3:| T:Blew Cap Z:From Faxsimile of 1651 edition P:AABC "FBfb-b-o3dl4cl8o2bl4go3l8d " PLAY "l8o2b-b-o3fddgl8c.l16fl8el4f " PLAY "o2l8fb-b-o3fo3b-b-o3dl4cl8o2bl4go3l8d" PLAY "l8o2b-b-o3fddgl8c.l16fl8el4f " PLAY "l8o3fddo2b-o3cco2gl4fl8o3dl4e-l8g" PLAY "l8o3ffdfgabfdl4cl8f" PLAY "l8o3 ddo2b-o3cco2gl4fl8o3dl4e-l8g" PLAY "l8o3ffdfgab-fdl4c." 400 PRINT "Boatman" PLAY "o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY "o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY "o3l4cl8c4o2bl8a" PLAY "o3l4d.o2d." PLAY "o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY "o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4c.o2d." PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4co2l8bl4al8g" PLAY "o2l4fl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4d.o2dl8d" PLAY "o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY " o2l8gl4egl8g" PLAY "o3l4cl8del4d" PLAY "o3l4c.o2d." 500 PRINT "The Begger Boy" PLAY "o2l8aaao3l4fl8f" PLAY "o3l8el4cdl8c" PLAY " o2l8al4fgl8g" PLAY "o2l4al8b-o3co2l4a" PLAY "o2l8aaao3l4fl8f" PLAY "o3l8el4cdl8c" PLAY " o2l8al4fgl8g" PLAY "o2l4al8b-o3co2l4a" PLAY "o2l8aaao3l4fl8f" PLAY "o3l8el4cdl8l4c" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 600 PRINT "Parsons Farewell" PLAY "t200mn" PLAY "o3l4fddl8efl4gcc.l8c " PLAY "o3l8del4fed" PLAY "o3l4co2al2a" PLAY "o3l4fddl8efl4gcc.l8c" PLAY "o3l8del4fed" PLAY "o3l4co2l4al2a" PLAY "o3l4al2fl4fa" PLAY "o3l2fl4fa" PLAY "o3l8fgl4ao3l8fgl4a" PLAY "o3l4gel2el8efl4gl8efl4g" PLAY "o3l4fdl8defgl4al8gfedl4e" PLAY "o3l2d.l4a" PLAY "o3l2fl4fa" PLAY "o3l2fl4fa" PLAY "o3l8fgl4ao3l8fgl4a" PLAY "o3l4gel2el8efl4gl8efl4g" PLAY "o3l4fdl8defgl4al8gfedl4e" PLAY "o3l1d" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 700 PRINT "bobbing joe" PLAY "t120" PLAY "o2l4ao3l8el4el8d" PLAY "o3l8e.l16fl8go2b.l16al8g " PLAY "o2l4al8bo3c.l16dl8o2b" PLAY "o2l8ao3l4eo2a. " PLAY "o2l4ao3l8el4el8d" PLAY "o3l8e.l16fl8go2b.l16al8g " PLAY "o2l4al8bo3c.l16dl8o2b" PLAY "o2l8ao3l4eo2a. " PLAY "o2l8bo3l4do2g." PLAY "o2l8bo3l4do2gl8g" PLAY "o2l4al8bo3c.o2l16bl8a" PLAY " o3l8c.l16dl8el4o2a." PLAY "o2l8bo3l4do2g." PLAY "o2l8bo3l4do2gl8g" PLAY "o2l4al8bo3c.o2l16bl8a" PLAY " o3l8c.l16dl8el4o2a." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 800 PRINT "The New Exchange" PLAY "t120ms" PLAY "o2l8d" PLAY "o2l8g.l16abo3co2l8b-l4a" PLAY "o2l4g.gl8g" PLAY "o2l8a.l16b-o3l8cco2l4b-" PLAY "o2l4a.al8a" PLAY "o2l8a.l16b-o3l8cl4do2l8g" PLAY "o2l8ffel4fl8d" PLAY "o2l8g.l16abo3co2l8b-l4a" PLAY "o2l4g.g" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 900 PRINT "The whish" PLAY "t120 mn " PLAY "o3l8d" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8do2l4al8g " PLAY "o2l4go3l8gl4gl8g" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ed.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4go2l8gb.l16al8g" PLAY "o2l4a.o3e." PLAY "o3l8do2l4bal8g" PLAY "o2l4g.go3l8d" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8do2l4al8g " PLAY "o2l4go3l8gl4gl8g" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ed.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4go2l8gb.l16al8g" PLAY "o2l4a.o3e." PLAY "o3l8do2l4bal8g" PLAY "o2l4g.g" PLAY "o3l8d" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8do2l4al8g " PLAY "o2l4go3l8gl4gl8g" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ed.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4go2l8gb.l16al8g" PLAY "o2l4a.o3e." PLAY "o3l8do2l4bal8g" PLAY "o2l4g.go3l8d" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8do2l4al8g " PLAY "o2l4go3l8gl4gl8g" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ed.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4go2l8gb.l16al8g" PLAY "o2l4a.o3e." PLAY "o3l8do2l4bal8g" PLAY "o2l4g.g." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1000 PRINT "Stingo, Or the Oyle of Barly" PLAY "t180mn" PLAY "o2l4gl8go3l4do2l8b-" PLAY "o3l8co2l4afl8f" PLAY "o2l4gl8go3l4do2l8b-" PLAY "o2l4g.b-." PLAY "o2l4gl8go3l4do2l8b-" PLAY "o3l8co2l4afl8f" PLAY "o2l4gl8go3l4do2l8b-" PLAY "o2l4g.b-." PLAY "o2l4b-l8b-.l4b-l16ab-" PLAY "o3l4cl8cl4cl8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4gl8d" PLAY "o3l4d.f." PLAY "o2l4b-l8b-l4b-l16ab-" PLAY "o3l4cl8cc.l16dl8e-" PLAY "o3l8dc.o2l16b-o3l8co2l4a" PLAY "o2g.b-." PLAY "o2l4b-l8b-.l4b-l16ab-" PLAY "o3l4cl8cl4cl8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4gl8d" PLAY "o3l4d.f." PLAY "o2l4b-l8b-l4b-l16ab-" PLAY "o3l4cl8cc.l16dl8e-" PLAY "o3l8dc.o2l16b-o3l8co2l4a" PLAY "o2g.b-." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1100 PRINT "The Wherligig" PLAY "t160mn" PLAY "o2l4al8ao3l4dl8e" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ae.l16fl8g" PLAY "o3l8fl4ao2l8a.l16bo3l8c" PLAY "o3l8dl4fe." PLAY "o2l4al8ao3l4dl8e" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ae.l16fl8g" PLAY "o3l8fl4ao2l8a.l16bo3l8c" PLAY "o3l8dl4fe." PLAY "o3l8el4bl8bag" PLAY "o3l8e.l16fl8gc.l16fl8e" PLAY "o3l8d.l16co2l8ba.o3l16al8g" PLAY "o3l4f.e.l16al8g" PLAY "o3l8el4gl8cl4e" PLAY "o3l8d.l16co2l8ba.o3l16fl8e" PLAY "o3l8f.l16gl8ab.l16al8g" PLAY "o3l8al4ed." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1200 PRINT "picking of sticks" PLAY " t120mn" PLAY "o2l8g" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8dd.l16cl8d" PLAY "o3l4co2l8al4al8a" PLAY "o2l8a.l16bo3l8cc.l16dl8c" PLAY "o2l4bl8gl4gl8g" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8dd.l16cl8d" PLAY "o3l4co2l8al4al8a" PLAY "o2l8a.l16bo3l8cc.l16dl8c" PLAY "o2l4bl8gl4g" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1300 PRINT "the old mole" PLAY " t120mn" PLAY "o2l4gl8ge.l16f+l8g" PLAY "o2l4al8f+l4dl8d" PLAY "o2l4gl8ge.l16f+l8g" PLAY "o2l4a.o3d." PLAY "o2l4bl8ge.l16f+l8g" PLAY "o2l4al8f+l4dl8d" PLAY "o2l8e.l16f+l8g f+.l16el8f+" PLAY "o2l4g.g." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1400 PRINT "grimstock" PLAY "t120mn" PLAY "o3l4gl8fl4gl8d.e.l8fgl4fd" 1410 PLAY "t70l8ggabgabgabga" PLAY "GGabgabgal4gp1" GOTO 1410 END 1500 PRINT "wooddicock" 1600 PRINT "greenwood" PLAY "t120mn" PLAY "o3l4fl8fl4fl8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8co2l4a." PLAY "o2l8b-.o3l16cl8dd.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4gl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4fl8fl4fl8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8co2l4ao3l8f" PLAY "o3l4el8dc.o2l16b-l8a" PLAY "o2l4b-.g." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1700 PRINT "The Saraband" PLAY "t120mn" PLAY "o3l8af+ageg" PLAY "o3l8f+df+l4eo2l8a" PLAY "o3l8cdef+ga" PLAY "o3l8gaf+l4gl8f+" PLAY "o3l8afagdg" PLAY "o3l8f+df+l4eo2l8a" PLAY "o3l8cdef+ga" PLAY "o3l8gaf+l4gl8f+" PLAY "o3l8cccc.o2l16bl8a" PLAY "o3l8agf+l4eo2l8a" PLAY "o3l8cdef+ga" PLAY "o3l8gaf+l4el8d" PLAY "o3l8cccc.o2l16bl8a" PLAY "o3l8agf+l4eo2l8a" PLAY "o3l8cdef+ga" PLAY "o3l8gaf+l4el8d" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1800 PRINT "Hit and misse" PLAY "o3l4cl8deco2a" PLAY "o2l8g.l16abo3cl8do2bg" PLAY "o3l4el8fgec" PLAY "o3l8fdo2bo3co2ge" PLAY "o3l4cl8deco2a" PLAY "o2l8g.l16abo3cl8do2bg" PLAY "o3l4el8fgec" PLAY "o3l8fdo2bo3co2ge" PLAY "o3l8ccccl16del8f" PLAY "o3l4e.l8e.l16dl8c" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8dd.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4g.el8c" PLAY "o3l8ccccl16del8f" PLAY "o3l4e.l8e.l16dl8c" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16cl8dd.l16el8f" PLAY "o3l4g.el8c" PLAY "o3l8eel4do2l4bl8g" PLAY "o3l8gl4fel8c" PLAY "o3l4el8dl4fl8e" PLAY "o3l4g.el8c" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 1900 PRINT "Confesse" 2000 PRINT "Mage on a cree" 2100 PRINT " A health to Betty" 2200 PRINT "Millisons Jegge" PLAY "t120mn" PLAY "o3l8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4c.d" PLAY "o3l8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8d" PLAY "o3l4c.d" PLAY "o2l8a" PLAY "o2l8ao3co2aao3co2a" PLAY "o2l8ao3co2ao3l4cl8c" PLAY "o3l8dfddfd" PLAY "o3l8dfdl4fl8f" PLAY "o3l8egeege" PLAY "o3l8egel4gl8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8c" PLAY "o3l4c+.d" PLAY "o2l8a" PLAY "o2l8ao3co2aao3co2a" PLAY "o2l8ao3co2ao3l4cl8c" PLAY "o3l8dfddfd" PLAY "o3l8dfdl4fl8f" PLAY "o3l8egeege" PLAY "o3l8egel4gl8a" PLAY "o3l8a.l16gl8fl4el8c" PLAY "o3l4c+.d" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 2300 PRINT "The Spanish Jeepsie" 2400 PRINT "Lady Spellor" PLAY "t200mn" PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4d. o2b." PLAY "o3l4co2l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4e.c." PLAY "o2l4al8al4al8b" PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8co2l4bl8a" PLAY "o2l4b.g." PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4d. o2b." PLAY "o3l4co2l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4e.c." PLAY "o2l4al8al4al8b" PLAY "o3l4cl8dl4el8c" PLAY "o3l4dl8co2l4bl8a" PLAY "o2l4b.g." PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4d. o2b." PLAY "o3l4co2l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4e.c." PLAY "o2l4al8al4al8b" PLAY "o3l4co3l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4el8cl4dl8c" PLAY "o2l4b.g." PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4d. o2b." PLAY "o3l4co2l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4e.c." PLAY "o2l4al8al4al8b" PLAY "o3l4co3l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4el8cl4dl8c" PLAY "o2l4b.g." PLAY "o3l4dl8dl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4d. o2b." PLAY "o3l4co2l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4e.c." PLAY "o2l4al8al4al8b" PLAY "o3l4co3l8bo3l4cl8d" PLAY "o3l4el8cl4dl8c" PLAY "o2l4b.g." FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 2500 PRINT "Kemps Jegg" 2600 PRINT "The Cherping of the Larke" 2700 PRINT "If all the World were Paper" PLAY "t160mn" PLAY "o2l8g" PLAY "o2l4al8gl4al8b" PLAY "o3l4c.o2c." PLAY "o2l4el8dl4el8f" PLAY "o2l4mlg.gmnl8e" PLAY "o2l4fl8el4fl8g" PLAY "o2l4al8fl4do3l8c" PLAY "o3l4do2l8gl4al8b" PLAY "o3mll4c.cmn" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 2800 PRINT "Adsons Saraband" PLAY "t120mn" 2900 PRINT "Nonesuch" PLAY "t255mn" PLAY "o3l4a" PLAY "o3l4afga" PLAY "o3l4fl8efl4da" PLAY "o3l4afga" PLAY "o3l2fl4fa" PLAY "o3l4afga" PLAY "o3l4fl8efl4da" PLAY "o3l4afga" PLAY "o3l2fl4de" PLAY "o3l4ecde" PLAY "o3l4fl8efl4de" PLAY "o3l4ecde" PLAY "o3l2fl4de" PLAY "o3l4ecde" PLAY "o3l4fl8efl4de" PLAY "o3l4ecde" PLAY "o3l2fl4d" FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 NEXT x 3000 PRINT "Daphne" PLAY "t120mn" 3100 PRINT "The merry merry Milke Maids" PLAY "t120mn" 3200 PRINT "Mill-field" PLAY "t120mn" 3300 PRINT "The fine Companion" PLAY "t120mn" 3400 PRINT "Skellemesago" PLAY "t130 mn " PLAY "o2l8bo3cdl4dl8d" PLAY "o2l8bo3cdl4dl8d" PLAY "o3l8efgl4go2l8g" PLAY "o2l8b.o3l16co2l8bl4al8b" PLAY "o3l8c.l16dl8co2b.o3l16cl8d" PLAY "o2a.l16bl8gl4el8g" PLAY "o2l8ddggbg" PLAY "o2l8gbgl4g." REM FOR x = 1 TO 1000 STEP .1 REM NEXT x 3500 PRINT "Cast a Bell" PLAY "t200mn" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3fl8ed" PLAY "o3l4gl8edl4eo2e" PLAY "o2l8fel4ao3fl8ed" PLAY "o3l8do2gfel4fd" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3fl8ed" PLAY "o3l4gl8edl4eo2e" PLAY "o2l8fel4ao3fl8ed" PLAY "o3l8do2gfel4fd" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3l4fl8ed" PLAY "o3l4fl8edl4eo2e" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3l4fl8ed" PLAY "o3l8do2gfel4fd" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3l4fl8ed" PLAY "o3l4fl8edl4eo2e" PLAY "o2l8fgl4ao3l4fl8ed" PLAY "o3l8do2gfel4fd" 3600 PRINT "" PLAY "t120mn" 3700 PRINT "" PLAY "t120mn" 3800 PRINT "" PLAY "t120mn" 3900 PRINT "" PLAY "t120mn" 4000 PRINT "" PLAY "t120mn" 4400 PRINT "Lord of Carnarvans Jegg" PLAY "t240mn" PLAY "o2l4bgl8bo3cl4d" PLAY "o3l4co2al8abo3cd" PLAY "o2l4bgo3dl8ef" PLAY "o3l2gd" PLAY "o2l4bgl8bo3cl4d" PLAY "o3l4co2al8abo3cd" PLAY "o2l4bgo3dl8ef" PLAY "o3l2gl4dl8ef" PLAY "o3l8gfedl4g.o2l8b" PLAY "o2l4aao3cl8dc" PLAY "o2l4bgo3l4b.l8a" PLAY "o3l2gd" PLAY "o3l8gfedl4g.o2l8b" PLAY "o2l4aao3cl8dc" PLAY "o2l4bgo3l4b.l8a" PLAY "o3l2gd" GOTO 4400 7100 PRINT "Dargason" PLAY "t200mn" PLAY "o3l4bl8gl4gl8gl4bl8o4cd.co3b" PLAY "o4l4cl8al4al8al4cl8ce.do3c" PLAY "o3l4bl8gl4gl8gl4bl8o4cd.co3b" 9900 PRINT "Scotch Cap" PLAY "t160mn" PLAY "o3l4dl8do4l4dl8d" PLAY "l4el8dl4co3l8a" PLAY "l4bo4l8do3l4bl8a" PLAY "l4b.o4d." PLAY "o3l4dl8do4l4dl8d" PLAY "l4el8dl4co3l8a" PLAY "l4bo4l8do3l4bl8a" PLAY "l4b.o4dl16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4al8f" PLAY "l4a.o4d." PLAY "o3l4bl8bl4al8f" PLAY "l4gl8go4l4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4bl8bal4f" PLAY "l4e.d." PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4al8f" PLAY "l4a.o4d." PLAY "o3l4bl8bl4al8f" PLAY "l4gl8go4l4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4bl8bal4f" PLAY "l4e.d." PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4ao4l16de" PLAY "l4fo3l8al4al8f" PLAY "l4a.o4d." PLAY "o3l4bl8bl4al8f" PLAY "l4gl8go4l4dl8d" PLAY "o3l4bl8bal4f" PLAY "l4e.d."