The Society for Creative is a non-profit educational corporation, researching and recreating the Middle Ages, primarily in Western Europe.
The Carnegie Mellon chapter is called the Thistle Campus of the College of Cour d'Or, which consists of all the colleges and universities in the greater Pittsburgh area. Cour d'Or is part of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands (Greater Pittsburgh), which is in turn part of the Kingdom of AEthelmearc (western NY, western PA, and West VA).

College of Cour d'Or meetings are usually held on the second Sunday of each month (except August), in Porter Hall of CMU or the William Pitt Union at Pitt. Contact the current seneschal for details.

The Baronial meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.

The following is the weekly schedule of classes and gatherings for the SCA in the Greater Pittsburgh area (most of which take place either on CMU campus, or in Squirrel Hill):