Date | Lecture Topic | Reading | Assignments |
T 1/15 | 1. Introduction (Overview) | ||
R 1/16 | 2.Imaging Basics | GWE Chapters 1,2 | |
Image Representation | |||
T 1/22 | 3. Local Wavelet basis (multiscale) | GWE Chapter 7 | |
R 1/24 | 4. Global Fourier basis(Frequency) | GWE Chapter 4 | HW 1 out |
T 1/29 | 5. Adaptive basis (PCA and ICA) | GWE Chapter 11.5 | |
R 1/31 | 6. Adaptive basis(discriminants) | Duida and Hart | |
Image Processing | |||
T 2/5 | 7. Linear: Smoothing and enhancement | GWE chapter 3 | |
R 2/7 | 8. Linear: Blind source separation | ICA Paper | HW 1 due . HW 2 out |
T 2/12 | 9. Feature extraction 1: edges and contrast | GWE 3.4 -3.5,10.1 | |
R 2/14 | 10. Feature extraction 2: Corners and SIFTS | Lowes Paper | |
T 2/19 | 11.Feature Extraction 3:regions | GWE 9,10 | |
Object Recognition | R 2/21 | 12. Object Modeling | GWE 12 | HW 2 due. HW 3 out | T 2/26 | 13. Bayesian Classification | GWE 12 | R 2/28 | 14. Feature Selection and Boosting | Viola and Jones | T 3/4 | 15. Scene and Object Discrimination | Papers |
R 3/6 | 16. Mid Term Exam | HW 3 due, HW 4 out | |
M 3/10 | Midterm Grade due | ||
T 3/11 | Spring Break | ||
R 3/13 | Spring Break | ||
Perceptual Analysis | |||
T 3/18 | 17.Lightness and color | paper Adelson | HW 4 out |
R 3/20 | 18.Contour completion and extraction | GWE 10.1 10.2 | Project Proposal Due (5 points) |
T 3/25 | 19.Surface and texture | ||
R 3/27 | 20.Segmentation and figure-ground | GWE 10.3-10.5 | |
T 4/1 | 21.Optical flow and motion |
Horn,Weiss and Adelson | HW 4 due, HW 5 out |
R 4/3 | 22.Reflectance and Photometric Stereo | Horn | |
T 4/8 | 23.Shape from Shading | Horn | |
R 4/10 | 24.Binocular Stereo | Horn | HW 5 due |
Dynamic Vision | |||
T 4/15 | 25.Attention and context | Torrelba | Project Midterm (5 Points) |
R 4/17 | No Class Spring Carnival | ||
T 4/22 | 26.Tracking(particle filtering) | Isard and Blake | |
R 4/24 | 27.Hierarchial feedback Computation | Lee, Zhu,Mumford | FCE |
T 4/29 | 28.Review and Catching up | . | FCE |
R 5/1 | 29.Midterm 2 | . | . |
M 5/5 | Project Due | ||
M 5/12 | Final Examination(Conference) |
Class location and time: | Wean 5403. Tuesday, Thursday 3:00 p.m - 4:20 p.m. | |
Recitation: | (optional) Matlab tutorials: place and time TBA. | |
Website: course info: | | |
Course directory: homework submission: | /afs/ | |
Blackboard: Lecture notes/Handouts/Solutions/Homework Submission | | |
Recommended textbook: | Ganzalez, Woods and Eddins (2004) Digital Image Processing with Matlab | |
Other reference textbooks (on reserve): | Forsyth, D. & Ponce, J. Computer Vision:
a modern approach, Prentic Hall, 2002 (F)
Palmer, S.E. Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA. 1999 (P) Horn, B. Robot Vision, McGraw Hill, 1986 (H) Duda, R., Hart, P.E., & Stork, D.G. Pattern Classification , 2001. (D) Gonzalez, R. and Woods, R. Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley,1993. |
Assignments | % of Grade | Tentative Topic |
HW 1 | 10 | Wavelet and Fourier transform |
HW 2 | 10 | Blind source separation |
HW 3 | 10 | Image processing techniques |
HW 4 | 10 | Scene recognition |
HW 5 | 10 | Perceptual organization |
Term Project | 25 | Proposal/Paper/Presentation |
Examinations | 10/15 | Test 1/Test 2 |